The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 211 - Unbelievable

Chapter 211 Unbelievable
Zhang Yunyan was confused that she was just an ordinary woman and was small and unnoticeable in the crowds. How would she know the man from ancient times a thousand years ago and even make enemies with him?

It was more than a thousand years. The man claimed to have talked with her thousands of years ago.

The story was too strange so Yunyan couldn’t understand. It was unbelievable and unreal like the myths.

The two eras were thousands of years apart, and she was sure she had never known the man who left the message, and there was no hatred. Why was he determined to kill her?

Although she had been to the Tianyue Country thousands of years ago, and had made friends with the imperial master Xiao Tianlong and Samuume, she had never travelled to the era of the “millennial covenanter”, nor had she had the ability to go back to the ancient times. So, there would never be such a deep hatred.

Zhang Yunyan did not know which ancient era the man came from, nor had she been there. She even never dreamed of having been there. How could they know each other, and how could there be millennium covenant?

This was strange and would never happen. But it seemed to have happened, and she was in the middle of it.

As Zhang Yunyan thought about it, she was more frightened and at a loss. Was… Was Xiao Tianlong right that this was the illusion created by the magic of the monster? Was the monster that was chasing her the same monster? Was it pretending to be like this to deceive her?

It could only be explained like this, otherwise it was impossible to understand. Because no one could be powerful to predict that she would fall into the cave of Jiuyou Sage and then would enter the Cave of Fate a thousand years ago.

What Xiao Tianlong said couldn’t be wrong. No one had the ability to record the words for even a day, let alone a thousand years.

In the past, no one knew Zhang Yunyan’s whereabouts. Even she did not know what would happen, let alone a man from a thousand years ago.

The man was so hateful that he even pretended to be nice when he was actually a nasty person. He was cunning, sinister and despicable.

Shikong was surprised, confused, and frightened, and it was an even more mysterious mystery.

It seemed that there were many monsters and magic traps hidden in the cave, what was more, the cave itself was a cultivated elf who deliberately fabricated these absurd words to deceive them so that it could conceal its identity.

It was too terrible. Since these two people had been in the mouth of the huge elf, they could only be trampled upon by it.

Zhang Yunyan was surprised and puzzled. Guessing the mystery, she was deeply afraid. She looked at the evil stone in her hand which had no sign of change or attack, and she did not know if it would suddenly become furious and get mad.

The jade appeared with red light, which was very strange. As it could fly, feel the things around, and had powerful magic, it must be an elf which had finished cultivation.

At this time, the voice came again, “Yun Feiyan, I have predicted that a thousand years later, you would come here. Unfortunately, I cannot meet you in person, so I have to leave words to talk about our friendship. Young man, I extend my sincere welcome!”

Looking at the jade in her hand which still had no change or reaction, Zhang Yunyan only shook her head. It was difficult to solve the mystery.

The jade was a monster, and this was not wrong. The man who left the message might not be it, but someone else. If it had been this monster who had taken possession of her body, it would be easy to take her life. There was no need to make up such a weird lie to deceive her, and it was unnecessary to take so much trouble.

Yunyan heard the words which were the same as the previous two “millennium messages”. She felt that the messages of the three places were not only the same in content, but also similar in voice. They sounded like the same person who had been chasing her.

Zhang Yunyan remembered it clearly that in the two closed caves, the man who left “millennium covenant” had made it clear that they had met each other a thousand years ago and had a friendship of life and death. They were great friends.

If Yunyan had not been to the Tianyue Country, she would not have believed such nonsense.

She once suspected that the so-called “millennial covenanter” was Xiao Tianlong. But her guess had been repeatedly denied by the imperial master.

When she was with Xiao Tianlong, Zhang Yunyan had mentioned the strange thing a few times, and she also asked whether the imperial master knew the “millennial covenanter”.

The imperial master told her very seriously that such a thing could never have happened. He neither knew nor had anything to do with the man. He thought that it was the illusion of magic created by the monster. He told Yunyan to be alert and never be deluded by the illusion in case she got trapped.

Xiao Tianlong was her best friend and they had been through life and death, so Zhang Yunyan believed that the imperial master would not lie to her. If things were really done by Xiao Tianlong, there was no need to hide, and he would tell her completely to solve the mystery in her heart. He would not worry about the safety of Yunyan, and tell her to be on guard several times.

Yunyan was convinced that the so-called “millennial covenanter” was another ancient man.

However, she only went to the Tianyue Country where she only knew Xiao Tianlong and Samuume together with some demons and monsters. If the one was not one of them, he would not come from the Tianyue Country.

Yunyan had not been to other ancient times, and would not know the so-called “millennial covenanter”. It was impossible.

Zhang Yunyan did not know the man who left the millennium message, and she was not his friend. What was more, that guy regarded her as his enemy, set up magic trap, and even used the monster to torture his “friend who knew him for years”. How could there be bond of friendship?

If that “millennial covenanter” was real, he must be the ancient man from another era.

If so, there could be some treasures like Tongtian Precious Carriage in that ancient times, and the “millennial covenanter” might also come to her times and then took her to another ancient world.

Yunyan had no idea if it was true, and she could only make guess.

She was at a loss to the man who left the millennium message and the strange thing. Unable to determine whether the man was the monster or the reclusive master, she could only make wild guesses.

Zhang Yunyan thought that regardless of his identity, he came for her. And he was trying to torture her till her death by every means.

The man had put a lot of efforts and had spent so much time on an ordinary young woman who came from a thousand years later. It was not worth it.

Living in two separate eras, they had no quarrel with each other. Why would he be so cruel?

If the man who left the millennium message was real, then it was so strange, absurd, and unbelievable.

It was weird and bizarre. If what the “millennium covenant” was true, why would the man wait for Zhang Yunyan after he had gone for a thousand years?

The cave he made was extremely horrible. Besides, he tortured Zhang Yunyan, hoping to kill her. His goal was very clear, which was to take the life of Zhang Yunyan. How could they be good friends till death?

Zhang Yunyan and Shikong were suspicious, and they were still looking around nervously, but nothing was found.

This matter was weird and difficult to understand. Was it possible that the Cave of Fate really became an elf after cultivation, and then it told them these lies?

It seemed that these words were not made up by the evil man but the reclusive master who had lived here.

What the hell was going on here? If it was the reclusive master and he had gone for a thousand years, why would he wait for Zhang Yunyan? He designed the Cave of Fate as such a terrifying place, and tortured Zhang Yunyan, hoping to kill her. Was he trying to take her life?

Although that master had already left the cave, he did not quit killing her. He even preset traps to kill two people who were not involved in this affair. He was so despicable.

Zhang Yunyan and Shikong were very surprised and also afraid. As they kept looking around, they found no suspicious signs and no change.

At this moment, the voice came again, “Yun Feiyan, today, oh, I mean today in your times marks the day I left this place for a thousand years, which is also the time for the cave to be destroyed.”

Destruction again! This man had destroyed the cave where the demon monkey imprisoned her, and he also wanted to destroy the cave in the Qinglong Mountain. It was so terrible.

Zhang Yunyan was lucky to have avoided the devastating disaster, but the man still wouldn’t let go. He even chased her down to the Qinglong Mountain, and wanted to destroy the huge cave. He was so aggressive.

He hated Zhang Yunyan so much that he was determined to end her life regardless of anything. He was so cruel.

Yunyan felt very painful and desperate. This time, she might not be lucky. With no ability to escape from the Devil’s Cave, she could only be buried under the ruins of the cave.

Destruction? Hearing this, Shikong was shocked again. Was it true?

He did not believe in the man who left the millennium message, nor did he believe that such a complex and solid cave could be destroyed. It was all a pack of lies.

If the man and what he had done were real. The man was obstinate. In order to kill two people who were irrelevant, he would rather destroy the cave where he had lived for seclusion and cultivation. He was cruel.

Zhang Yunyan would not have believed such words if she had not experienced the disaster in the cave where the demon monkey imprisoned her. At this moment, she could not doubt it. Despite the complex structure and the solid rock of this huge cave, it would be destroyed in the end.

Yunyan hoped this was a lie, and it was a false alarm so that Shikong and she could have a chance.

However, this was not a lie but an impending disaster. In the earthshaking collapse, both of them would certainly die and those unfinished vows would also vanish into ashes.

Looking at the Cave of Fate which was empty, Shikong was surprised. The cave was huge and complex in structure. How could the solid cave be destroyed? He dared not to believe it, nor could he believe it. This was a lie.

Shikong was looking around vigilantly, hoping to find where the sound came from, but he found none. The jade was still in the hand of his benefactor, and the words on the cliff were glowing. Nothing had changed.

Nervous as he was, he did not believe that such disaster would happen. Instead, it was just a threat.

Zhang Yunyan had such experience, and she had no doubt. Perhaps the huge cave would soon be destroyed.

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