The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

The enemy has not recovered from yesterday’s defeat. Therefore, their fighting spirit is low.

Moreover, according to the actions of the first and second units, it can be seen that the ground has begun to dry out. Even if they have a strategy, we can break through as long as we make full use of our aggressiveness and mobility.

After all, “San Riyue” has never been defeated.

So Olivier ordered an attack.

The report of the Knights of Navarra assaulting from the right came. Lim and Mashas were still very calm after receiving the report.

“The number of enemies is about 1,500… They are charging here along the river. The black knight charging at the forefront.”

The messenger’s look was very nervous and fearful, and this fear spread to everyone who heard the report.

After yesterday’s battle, the horror of facing Roland was deeply imprinted in the hearts of every soldier.

“-come yet?”

However, someone dispelled most of the horror with just one sentence. She is the silver long-haired warrior with a long sword. Her awe-inspiring posture restored the looks of the soldiers around her.

“Master Eleonora. Master Sophia.”

Mashas greeted Alan and Sophie politely.

“I feel so guilty to entrust the most difficult task to you, please.”

“I will handle it.”

Cao Shurui frowned with some worry, but when he wanted to speak, he was blocked by Alan.

“Trust me. We are Zhan Ji, it’s not a showy that relying on weapons to be better than others.” Allen looked serious.

“…Protect yourself.” Cao Shurui said bitterly.

His heart is very painful. The person he likes faces the danger, but he is powerless and can only send blessings.

“I’m so awkward. I have to become stronger.”

In fact, Cao Shurui cannot be blamed for this.

The balance of the system is absolutely guaranteed. The 18th level of the upper limit is the strongest level that the current world summoner can reach, and it is also the strongest level of existence that a summoner can encounter in this world. Although there will be a gap in the strength of different equipment, the gap between levels, like the box court using the number of outside gates to measure strength, is difficult to overcome.

This is different from the ability to leapfrog and kill with good equipment in the game. It is difficult to achieve in reality.

And in the world that Cao Shurui is in now, the strongest is not separated from the human level, and the war girl with the help of dragons is only 15th or 6th level. After the dragon’s power is invalid, Zhan Ji can only reach the level of 11 or 2

And Roland, on his own, reached the level of 13th and 4th.

Of course, these are estimates. After all, the reality can be divided into levels is the limit. It is impossible to use the level in the game to measure the strength with complete accuracy.


Taking a deep breath, Cao Shurui suppressed all emotions. Cao Shurui, who kept absorbing the memories of Saber heroes, was already qualified as a warrior. Once in the state, there is no distraction.

The two armies began to meet each other. Cao Shurui did not ride a horse, but he exerted unimaginable mobility. He chose a position that would not interfere with the battle of Alan and others, and would not be too far away, and began to fight desperately.

Without any reservation, Cao Shurui, who took out the bronze sword, exploded violently, demonstrating his power beyond ordinary people as a hero.

The knights of the mighty Knights of Navarra are like chickens and dogs in front of Cao Shurui. No one can accept Cao Shurui’s attack.

Such Cao Shurui is so similar to yesterday’s Roland.

Cut the enemy’s company and armor together, affected by the magic, the eyes that turned into blue again did not fluctuate, and the blood around the body wrapped in the wind did not touch.

“No, impossible! Obviously just an infantry soldier! Why can’t I be as powerful as riding a horse!” The screams and wailings of the enemy soldiers echoed. Gista’s side was shocked and dumbfounded.

Cao Shurui turned the battlefield into a meat grinder on his own.

Blowing the blood from the bronze sword with the wind, I sighed for the excellent quality of the system’s equipment. Cao Shurui turned around and looked at his soldier.

The soldiers who had been watched by the azure pupils all felt as if they had entered an ice cave.

“This is the battlefield, don’t be silly. Charge with me.” Cao Shurui’s voice was cold and without fluctuations.

Although Cao Shurui immediately discovered this, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with the indifference under the influence of this magical power.

After giving the order, he immediately turned around to fight.

-There is no time to waste. Upgrade every second, Allen may be in danger.

Driven by a sense of urgency, Cao Shurui’s attacks became more rapid.


Among the third troops attacked from the right, Roland wielding Durandal took the lead, continuously hacking and smashing the Gista special forces while continuing to advance. The Gista special forces tried to resist, but it made no sense. They were chopped down like clay figures washed away by rain.

The Knights of Navarra broke through the right flank of the Argent Meteor Army.

However, when they first started fighting with the central forces, the knights’ movements unexpectedly became sluggish. The same phenomenon appeared in the first unit that attacked from the front.

The sturdy war horses roared loudly and stopped, their voices mixed with screams.

The knights finally noticed that the ground under their feet was seriously muddy.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of arrows flew from the left and right sides of the Knights. These arrows were shot by the Gistas who had torn a hole in the center. The man and the horse fell one by one and fell into the mud. Although they wanted to defend with a strong shield, they could neither advance nor retreat without getting off their horseback.

“What’s the matter? According to the scout’s report, it’s impossible for such a thing to happen.”

Olivier yelled at the knights while biting his lip. It cannot be because the number of scouts is not enough. And the stability of the ground has also been confirmed in the previous operation.

Why, only here will become muddy?

“—That’s why it can be called the rain of grace.”

On the other side, in the silver meteor army, Allen said softly.

In fact, muddy ground is not as difficult as imagined. Viscount Ogier merely blocked the river with sandbags. Just consider where to block the water flow.

Even so, water does not overflow under normal circumstances. And now it is the dry season of winter.

However, the rain yesterday made the river rise a lot. The full water from the river seeps into the surrounding land in a very short period of time, turning it into mud. It is forgivable that the Knights of Navarra could not find out, after all, this happened just before the start of the battle.

Contrary to yesterday, this time the Gista special forces unilaterally attacked the Knights of Navarra.

The blood gurgled down and mixed with the muddy water. The corpses of people and horses gradually piled up into a mountain, seeming to be gradually sinking into the mud.

The Navarre knights flee the mud while defending, while the lightly armed Gistas kept stabbing their spears. Because of yesterday’s defeat, the soldiers released their anger to their opponents heartily with a strong will to revenge.

The Knights of Navarre are constantly being squeezed, draining their combat power, and are about to lose. However, there was a flaw in the corner of the Gista’s formation that was oppressing the Knights from the left and right.

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