The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

“But can you win tomorrow’s battle by this means?”

Finding out the map to compare with, Lim raised questions.

“Yes.” Cao Shurui replied affirmatively.

“The Knights of Navarre are very strong. However, not everyone is as strong as Roland.”

“That’s it. Find a way to separate Roland from the Knights, and then defeat them one by one.” Allen nodded affirmatively.

“Roland seems to be at war with us while collecting information from people he can trust. If he can be told that Tygler’s actions are helpless, it may open the way for negotiations.”

As Allen said, soon the sky began to rain.

The silver meteor army began to march. The cold continues to consume their physical strength, and the darkness and rain continue to torture their spirits. With each step they took, the uncomfortable feeling of soaked clothes and muddy shoes increased by one point.

“Use the firewood twice. Warm up your body. I allow you a small amount of wine.”

Once the sun rises, there must be a battle with the Knights of Navarre. So it is necessary to restore the soldiers’ spirits.

Although deserters inevitably appeared, most of the soldiers were still infected by Cao Shurui’s bravery and decided to stay. After all, in their opinion, Cao Shurui is a person who can fight against Roland.

In the middle of the night, Ellen and the others finally reached their destination.

After that, everyone immediately began to act.

Cao Shurui and Viscount Ogiye sent a total of about 1,000 wounded and non-combatants to the other end of the river whose water level was rising.

As for Roland’s reaction, Cao Shurui and the others don’t know.

Carrying more pressure called the “task” than others, Cao Shurui returned to the camp for the upcoming second battle and recharged.

“If the king is directly against the king, my effect is minimal except for skills. I can’t match Roland in strength and attack speed. My current gold coins, after setting aside the money for the red medicine, can only buy a small piece. If you attack Quickly rely on equipment, so if I can’t get two more levels, I won’t be able to compete with Roland in strength.”

Thinking silently in his heart, Cao Shurui finally decided to spend 420 gold coins to buy a wind dagger (+13% attack speed).

After that, everything is left to tomorrow.

Chapter 29—The Second War

Early the next morning, the two armies began to confront each other again.

While keeping a distance from the Silver Meteor Army, the Knights of Navarra divided their troops into three groups. The first unit has 2,000 people, and the second and third units each have 1,500 people.

Then, the first unit marched and confronted the silver meteor army coming from the south. At this time, the second and third troops made a large-scale roundabout on the battlefield.

Standing in front of the first unit was Roland’s adjutant Olivier. He held his spear high, although he was not as good as Roland, but he was also majestic, showing his leadership as a leader of thousands of knights.

“Three days and moon!”

With this shout, the knights raised their guns and roared loudly. The huge roar of horseshoes on the ground shocked both the earth and the sky.

——Decades ago, a certain knight group leader in Brunei came up with a tactic called “Three Suns and Moons”.

First, divide the troops into three. During the confrontation between the first unit and the enemy, the second and third units made extensive roundabouts on the battlefield.

Then, the first unit began to charge the enemy, cutting off the enemy’s avant-garde. Then, instead of rushing into the enemy’s formation, he drew an arc from the left or right to withdraw.

Immediately afterwards, the second force assaulted the enemy from the side. In addition, the horses moved forward in full accordance with the trajectory that the first unit ran, and they also decapitated part of the enemy before retreating. But this time the second unit must run to a position where the enemy is willing to pursue it.

After these two greetings, the second unit will face the enemy and be close at hand. In this state, the enemy will inevitably attack.

However, the enemy who attacked the second unit would be outflanked by the third unit that came around. The enemy who wants to attack from behind but is attacked from behind will become panicked. At the same time, the fleeing second unit will regroup and turn around to counterattack the enemy.

After the third and second units flanked the enemy back and forth, the returning first unit also joined the attack. Enemies slashed fiercely by three parties will fall apart fragilely. This is the “Three Suns and Moons”.

When these coordinated actions are successful, a series of actions, including offenses, feint attacks and one’s own assistance, will exert amazing destructive power.

The Brunei Knights have used this tactical formation to achieve a lot of victories.

And in the Knights of Navarra, there is also a powerful existence named Roland. There is no overwhelming reason.

On the other hand, the Silver Meteor Army allocated 4,300 troops. Three thousand in the center, five hundred on each side, and three hundred troops in the rear. This is the standard formation. The Brunei soldiers were concentrated in the center, except for the Gista special forces.

Alan and Sophie stood there to guard against Roland.

And Cao Shurui was looking for an opportunity to level up before confronting Roland. If Cao Shurui couldn’t level up, it would be difficult for him to play a role in the battle with Roland.

——Cao Shurui, who was an ordinary person a few months ago, was far behind these soldiers in terms of basics. Those forces accumulated over time, Cao Shurui can only contend with upgrades.

Therefore, Lim is in charge of the whole army. Then Mashas followed her as Lim’s adjutant.

“That armed, that formation, really is the’Three Suns and the Moon’…” Mashaas recognized this often-victorious battle formation.

Blow the horns and beat the drums of war.

The Knights of Navarra pointed the tip of the gun at the Silver Meteor Army and began to rush towards them. The strange thing is that the guns of the knights galloping ahead of the Knights are not heavy guns for charging, but throwing guns.

The avant-garde of the Silver Meteor Army holds a long spear and a huge shield, and at the same time erects a horse-proof fence to defend against the charge. Their shields are made of iron plates with thick wooden boards on the front and back, and they are heavy and hard. The fences and guns are to contain the horses to resist the charge of the knights.

However, the confrontation did not happen. As soon as the Knights of Navarre approached the Tiger Army, it changed direction. They drew a gentle curve to turn to the left, and at the same time raised their guns horizontally and threw them towards the silver meteor army.

The countless shots thrown across the fence, some pierced the shield, and some directly penetrated the soldier’s body, causing a slight chaos in the corner of the silver meteor army. The Knights of Navarra did not stop, but left like this.

Facing the enemy who was exposing the side and the back, Lim strictly prohibited the pursuit.

The correctness of this order was immediately proved. In almost the same direction as the enemy that had just gone, the Knights of Navarra raided again. If chased, the Taigler army will be shattered by this unit when there is chaos in the formation.

This unit is also equipped with throwing guns just like the previous unit. After throwing guns at the Tagler army from the side, they turned to the right and evacuated. In other words, they were in the opposite direction of the withdrawal of the troops that initially attacked.

“——The whole army retreats.” Watching the enemy’s back, Lim ordered.

The enemy has exposed his back to us, it should take a lot of time for them to regroup and turn around. Why not chase down an enemy with such flaws, but retreat instead?

However, the soldiers’ trust in Lim far surpassed these dissatisfaction and doubts. The special soldiers of Gista obeyed the order and began to retreat in an orderly manner. Mashas next to Lim kept recalling the battle records of the “Three Suns and Moons” tactics he knew.

“After that, it should be the third force…”

In the face of the retreating enemy, “Three Suns and Moons” will change the way of fighting.

The third unit rushed to the right side of the enemy. At the same time, the first unit attacked the enemy frontally, and finally the second unit went around to the enemy’s left side, forming an encirclement situation.

The Silver Meteor Army seemed to have no plan to fight at all, and kept retreating back. Inadvertently they came to the edge of the river, with nowhere to go.

Olivier, who led the Knights of Navarra, was of course very puzzled by the enemy’s actions.

“They retreat like this, what strategy might they have. Should they interrupt the’Three Suns and the Moon’…”

However, after careful consideration, Olivier decided to continue the “three-day-moon” tactic.

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