The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 510: The guest list

"So up till now, we have a Palace Wedding. Decoration and lightings would be under Songyan's jurisdiction. Let's talk guests now.", Ningtao said, scribbling down her notepad, "Xinghe, you go first."

"Well...", Rong Xinghe sighed, "I wanted a simple ceremony, you know, with the NGO kids."

"Sorry, Honey.", Ruo Cy said, "That won't be possible."

"Why?", Xi Yuan frowned.

"Because the kids have prepared a performance bit for you and Xinghe, for the big day.", Feng Mian explained, "We visited the NGO just recently, and the children told us about how they've been practicing a musical kind-of thing for their 'Power Couple'. We, too, figured that their idea was much better than yours. This way, instead of just being witnesses, they'll be a part of the wedding, you know."

Ching Tong smiled, "Yeah, Xinghe. Let them express themselves in their own special style, alright?"

Surprised by the unexpected piece of news, Xinguan looked at each other, incomprehensible emotions swirling in their minds. They'd been preparing for them? Those little ones? How soul-stirring and thoughtful. "Of course, they can perform.", the woman said softly, her voice mellow. Xi Yuan simply nodded, placing his hand over the girl's shoulder comfortingly.

"We still don't have a guest list, Babies.", Cheng Tai clapped her hands twice, hauling the couple's attention back to the matter at hand. 

"Right. The list.", Xi Yuan mumbled.

"So... Country X's Prime Minister, President, and the Vice-President; they're a given.", Ruo Cy read from her iPad, "Anything else, Xinghe?"

"All the three Chiefs of Air Force, Naval Force, and the Army.", the girl pointed out, "Youth Team members too."

"Got it.", Songyan jotted the names down into her notes, "What about you, Mr. Groom?", she asked then, lifting her head up to look at Xi Yuan.

"Fang has the list.", the man smiled, "None from the Xi Corporations. It will just be a few of my college friends, and business acquaintances."

"For example?", Ningtao raised her brows curiously.

"Top ten wealthiest tycoons in this year's Forbes index.", the man answered, "Founder of Digicoin, Samantha Hills. America's mightiest Corporate Law Firm, Array; it's Senior Partner Mike Muller. Also, there's the--"

"You are associated with all of them?!", Songyan was shocked. So were the other ladies, including Rong Xinghe.

"Yes.", the man chuckled, "In fact, Bro Lu and Bro Zhi Xi were the ones to introduce me to about a half of them, while they were training me in business management."

"They know these people?!!", Ningtao was dumbstruck now. 

"And I thought he did something boring.", Songyan muttered under her breath.



City A, 17:30;

While the couple was all set for their Wedding prep, the man stared at the picture the girl had posted from Xi Yuan's account a week ago. Roaming around inside the old dusty mansion located at the edge of the nation's capital, the man couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked in the photo. Mustard Yellow really suited her, didn't it? She'd been wearing the same color the first time they'd met. It was a shame she didn't remember him. He did, though. He remembered every second of their first meet. She was too beautiful to be forgotten, after all. 

It was a fine, breezy evening in Iraq. He was standing on his hotel balcony, speaking on the phone, gazing at the gradually setting sun as he did so. That was when he'd seen her for the first time. Her hair tied up in a ponytail, her eyes blazing like that of a ferocious beast, her slim body enveloped in a maxi flare dress. There was a man pointing his gun at her, his figure strapping and sturdy. She looked so weak, so delicate up against him. There's no way she can survive this, he'd thought then. 

Picking his revolver up from the coffee table subconsciously, he'd then aimed it at the attacker's head. But before he could've pulled the trigger, the woman had spun around and kicked the huge guy over his torso, catapulting him at a distance of about fifteen meters from herself. Next, she'd seized her enemy's gun from the ground, pointing its mouth at the man after checking for the bullets. And for the first time in his life, Diablos had felt thrilled by someone.

The way she held the gun; was just so natural, and smooth. As if the firearm was the one thing missing from her body. 


Three professional shots at the man's heart, and the woman had then tossed the gun away. Turning around next, she'd smiled for the first time that evening, the expression in her gaze switching from that of rage to contentment. It was pure satisfaction across her lips. Goodness! She was as pretty as a painting, Diablos had realized then. And strangely familiar too. But he had seen that face for the first time. Of that, he was sure. And yet, her facial features seemed the exact replica of someone he'd known years ago. Who, he could not place in his mind.

The man was still immersed in his thoughts when the girl's eyes had landed on him as she reached closer to the hotel building. Blinking at the revolver in his hands then, she'd smirked at him. And within seconds, she was gone, leaving behind a dead man in the pool of his own blood. 

That was their first interaction. No words. No touches. Just that.

"Had I known you were Rong Anguo's daughter that day, I would've never let you leave, Xiao Xinghe.", Diablos laughed wryly. 


Xi Corporations Headquarters, 19:30;

Two days later, and a week from the Wedding day, Zhi Al and Su Rogguang showed up at the man's office along with Xi Wei and Xi Fang, snatching the file he'd been reading from his hands. "Party time, you brat!', Zhi Al grinned, retrieving the car keys from his table drawer. 

"What's going on?", the man smiled awkwardly, staring at the silent Xi Fang in the corner. 

"Bachelor Party, they like to call it, Brother!", Xi Wei replied instead, revealing a party popper from his behind. 

"We decided to not have a Bachelor Party.", Xi Yuan said after a while. 

"And we decided to ignore such a ridiculous idea.", Su Rogguang shrugged, smacking his lips, "Who does that!? Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties are, like the soul of Weddings. We weren't going to let you and Kiddo miss out on that, obviously.

"Now come on. Let's get you drunk, boy!"

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