The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 509: "What you been doing?"

Elite Saphhire Penthouse, 09:30;

The next morning, Xi Yuan and Rong Xinghe woke up in each other's arms, someone knocking violently on their bedroom door. Knitting his brows, Xi Yuan climbed down the bed as the woman pulled the blanket up to her shoulders, turning around to peek at the unexpected visitor so early in the day. 

"What you been doing?", Ningtao squinted her eyes at the woman, her lips stretching to form a delighted smile, the other Five Tigresses standing behind her. As their gazes traveled down to the ripped packet of condoms, the ladies turned to Xi Yuan, giving him an indescribably meaningful, proud look. 

"I am so thankful we showed up unannounced!", Ching Tong grinned, patting the man's shoulders lightly, "Good going, Sailor."

As Xi Yuan thought of his last conversation with the girl's Sisters-in-law before he'd left for Scotland, he couldn't help but feel a bit cornered by them, now. They were going to ask a lot of questions, weren't they?

"What are you all doing here?", Rong Xinghe laughed, heat rising up to her cheeks and ears.

"We're here to discuss the Wedding, Honey.", Songyan smiled, tilting her head to one side. 

"Right.", the girl said, "Just give me fifteen minutes. I'll be down after a shower."

"Oh, sure.", Cheng Tai nodded understandingly, "We needed to speak to Yuan in private anyway. So, if you'll excuse us...", the woman grabbed the man's wrist next, shutting the door behind him. 

"We want every little detail!", Feng Mian clapped her hands, dragging the man to the living room, "And by it, we mean everything. How did it happen? When, exactly? Was it romantic? Or was it awkward?"

As the other women followed the two, Xi Yuan just stared at them with disbelief smothered across his face. He was rendered speechless by how interested the Six Tigresses were in their Sister-in-law's sex life, at the moment, to be precise. Rong Xinghe had surely picked her flirting skills from this lot, the man realized then. 

"I refuse to entertain you all with something so personal. I am sorry, you guys.", the man managed to speak after a while, sitting over the couch, "And what are you, sick?! That's your husbands' Sister, for the love of God."

"Absolutely correct.", Ningtao pointed out, a smirk across her mouth, "She is their Sister. Not ours. We are fellow Xinguan fans. We ship you guys! 

"Not to mention, you owe us. You owe us, big time."

"I owe you?", Xi Yuan questioned confusedly. 

"Who do you think talked you up in front of the Six men every time they had doubts against you, huh?", Feng Mian shrugged, "Who do you think convinced them to give you a chance, even though they were so unsure after what happened with Zhou Che?

"So don't be a baby now, and tell us everything that happened in Scotland, alright?"

"Yeah.", Ruo Cy smiled, "And we're talking dirty stuff here, Yuan."


Well, if he owed them...



Astonished by how considerate and careful Xi Yuan had been during their first time, the Six Tigresses could feel their hearts melt gradually underneath their chests. While, for a majority of women, losing their virginity seemed to be more of a painful experience; it was the complete opposite for Rong Xinghe. Just how much he must've restrained himself, they wondered. And to think that the couple did it as it snowed outside, the blazing fire from the hearth of their bedroom warming up the entire place; the very setting was so intimate and amorous. 

Even though Xi Yuan had been hesitant while elaborating the situation back then, the women could still picture how everything must have eventuated for the two of them. One of the most romantic countries in the world, and two inseparably concupiscent bodies in one room; of course it was bound to be perfect. 

"We're so glad this happened for you both, Yuan.", Ruo Cy said a few seconds after, her voice filled with sincerity, "We really are."

"Thank you.", the man smiled. He knew the Superfamily ladies liked to give him a hard time. But be that as it may, they'd always had his and Rong Xinghe's best interests at heart. And that's what mattered the most at the end of the day, right?

It was now that the sound of footsteps approaching reached the living room and the man stood up, heading for the door. "I'll freshen up too, Baby.", he said to Rong Xinghe as the girl stepped inside the room, "Why don't you chat with them while the house-help brews you your morning coffee?"

"Okie-Dokie!", the girl smiled. Just when the man had faded from her line of sight, the girl turned to the Six Tigresses then, folding her hands pleadingly, "Please don't tell Brothers!", she requested them.

"We won't.", Cheng Tai replied assuringly, "You have nothing to worry about, Xinghe."

"Rogguang already knows, though.", Ching Tong remarked, picking up a pear from the fruit basket on the table, "And he took it surprisingly well."

"He did?", Songyan asked, taken aback.

"Yeah.", the woman said, "He came to me one evening, and out of nowhere, asked me 'You won't divorce me if I kill Yuan, in case he ends up impregnating my sister, will you?' I believe that was--"

"Acceptance? Yeah.", Ningtao laughed, "I think so too."



"Alright. So let's begin with the venues.", Ruo Cy said, glancing down at her tablet screen.

"Sure.", Xi Yuan smiled, stuffing a piece of brownie he'd brought along from the kitchen into Rong Xinghe's mouth.

"Country X, or abroad?"

"Country X.", Rong Xinghe muffled, glaring at the man beside her. 

"Beach, Mountain, Desert, Ocean, or Plains; geographically?", Songyan asked next. 

"Plains.", the girl mumbled, swallowing the huge piece of bread at once.

"Then... in the plains category, we have...", Ningtao smiled, averting her gaze from the adorable couple to the screen on her lap, "Vineyards, Palaces, Hotels, Halls, and Ranches."

"Palaces.", the man said, not contemplating his answer for even a second. Turning to the woman beside him then, he added with a resolute smile, "A Queen deserves to be wedded off in nothing lesser than a Palace." 

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