The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 506: "I make them pay"

City A, Country X, 19:30;

Five days later, Xinguan returned to their home, the Xi trio waiting for them at the airport already. 

"You have no idea how much I've missed you, Sister-in-law!", Xi Wei hugged Rong Xinghe tightly, Xi Ying joining him shortly later. "Oh, my sweet little Panda!", the girl giggled, patting his back lightly. 

"How have you been, Brother?", Xi Fang approached Xi Yuan instead. 

"Great.", the man smiled, enveloping his arms around his younger brother briefly, yet fondly.

Pulling apart from the man then, Xi Fang smiled back at him, "We'll have to take a private exit. Sister-in-law's fans and the media have enwreathed almost the entire airport, as they wish to get a shot of you two together." 

"Who revealed our flight schedule to the paparazzi?", Xi Yuan frowned.

"I believe someone recognized you guys in Scotland while you were leaving.", the man replied, "The person posted an Instagram story of you both boarding the jet."

"Alright. You've informed the MCST about her arrival, though?"

"I have."


Elite Diamond Penthouse, 20:30;

"Kiddo!", Zhi Al strode through the door just as the couple, along with the trio, had walked in, the other Five Tigers following behind him leisurely, "Come here.", the man said, pulling his precious sister in his arms.

"I missed you.", Rong Xinghe laughed softly, waving at the other men, "And I brought you guys presents!"

"So why do you think we are 'actually' here, Kid?", Su Rogguang scoffed, crossing his arms, "Give us the gifts and we'll be on our ways."


As the Superfamily siblings began chatting among themselves, Xi Yuan gestured to the Xi twins and Xi Wei to leave them be. It had been about a month since they'd met. They deserved a few minutes of privacy, to the least, he thought. Moreover, now that he was back, he had some excruciatingly pressing matters to take care of on his front, as well.

"Any activity on Diablos's part?", he questioned Xi Fang as they strolled at a distance from the penthouse.

"None.", the man shook his head.

"Yeah.", Xi Wei added, "I looked into it personally. From what I've collected up till now, he's been swamped with the business in Italy, recently. Something about the traditionally instituted Mafia families and their feud over political authority."

"What about the Jiang Pharmaceuticals?", Xi Yuan directed his next question towards his sister.

"Just as you'd speculated, they did try to accuse us of Plagiarism.", Xi Ying answered truthfully, "But we were a step ahead of them from the very beginning. So far, the lawsuit is pretty much in our favor. We have the plausible evidence at our disposal, after all."

"I'll take over the Xi Corporations first thing tomorrow morning.", the man sighed, looking up at the dark sky, "You three did well. Get some rest for the next few days."

"We are fine, Brother.", Xi Ying laughed, "We don't need a break."

"Do as you see fit.", Xi Yuan smiled, pinching the girl's cheek.

"What are you going to do next?", Xi Fang scratched the back of his neck, tired. 

"We'll begin by buying out the Soulagement Pharmas first.", the man answered as Xi Wei walked over to one of the soda vans roughly ten meters from them. 

"Why the Soulagement Pharmas? They didn't wrong us, did they?", Xi Ying asked curiously.

"They gave us their word, Ying.", Xi Yuan stated, stopping in his tracks, waiting for the youngest among them to come back, "And then they turned their back on us. In business, profit and loss are of utmost importance, sure. But the very foundation of any business is the reputation the company promises. Soulagement Pharmas proved themselves unethical the moment they chose the Jiang Pharmaceuticals over us. Unfortunately, for them, I do not show mercy to backstabbers. I make them pay."

The Xi twins exchanged apprehensive glances among themselves, uncertain. This was the primary difference between Xi Yuan and a majority of the businessmen out there. This man knew how to use his powers and position, so as to establish his eminence amid the commoners and draw certain boundaries, which were to never be crossed. By anyone. 

"Let's focus on the Wedding first.", Xi Wei returned with four beer cans, passing each to the three.

"Sure, Wei.", Xi Fang chuckled, "What's on your mind?"

"Well, I am taking responsibility for the Bachelor Party.", the man grinned, winking at Xi Yuan playfully, "I specialize in that area the most, anyway. Believe me."

"I really do.", Xi Yuan smiled sarcastically, turning to face the twins, "What about you two?"

"I'll take care of the Wedding Cake.", Xi Ying clasped her hands, excitement evident in her eyes.

"And I will just stay by your side.", Xi Fang shrugged helplessly, "Ensure your Wedding vows and the suits, are all up to the mark, you know?"

"Perfect.", the man said, sipping from his beer can. 



The Xi siblings stepped inside the house to find Rong Xinghe asleep on the couch, Lu Wei's Black suit jacket protecting her from the cold breeze. The Six men were still occupied in their conversation, their voices cautiously low but.

A minute later, Zhi Bo noticed Xi Yuan standing at a distance and smiled at him with acknowledgment, "She must be tired from the long flight.", he said, "Come in."

"You should get some sleep too, Yuan.", Zhi Xi said, "We'll talk business tomorrow, alright?"

"I am not tired.", Xi Yuan shook his head, smiling at the men as he approached the sleeping girl lying next to Mo Zixuan, "In fact, would you guys like to join me for a drink at Blush?"

"I am in.", Zhi Al shrugged nonchalantly, and the other men approved of the idea seconds after. 

"Let me just tuck her in.", the man said, leaning down a bit as he lifted Rong Xinghe in his arms gently, "It's freezing out here in the living room. She might catch a cold by the morning this way."

The Six Tigers silently watched as Xi Yuan carried their Kiddo to the dimly lit bedroom on the first floor of the house, not knowing how to react to the situation. This was probably the first time that the man hadn't even attempted to conceal his affection for the girl in front of them. Sigh... had they made a mistake, they wondered, by letting those two travel to Scotland alone?!

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