The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 505: Her first stage

Earlston, Scotland, 15:00;

Rong Xinghe got behind the wheels as Xi Yuan grabbed the passenger seat for himself; and about half a minute later, they were on their way to Edinburgh, the ancient yet lively capital of Scotland. It was an hour-long drive to the city, but the girl had convalesced enough to handle it. Besides, she seemed surprisingly upbeat about this visit to the Scottish National Gallery today. He just didn't have the heart to turn any of her requests down.

"She is leaving tonight.", the girl apprised her darling, pressing down on the accelerator, "Huang Biu."

"Wow.", the man raised his brows, "No wonder Butler Tang couldn't stop grinning all day."

"Can I ask you something?", Rong Xinghe side-glanced at the man.


"Why did you never went out with her? Or anyone, for that matter. I mean, there must've been someone you'd liked, as a teenager."

Xi Yuan contemplated the right way to answer the girl's question for a few seconds before he smiled gently, "No one was their authentic selves in front of me, growing up, Xinghe. They wanted to befriend me for my status, and the women desired to date me for my background. To them, I was not a person, but an achievement. A trophy they could show off to the world; claiming that we were close and connected. 

"You were different, though. You never bent your principles or believes for me. You listened to me for who I really was. You looked beyond what the world believed me to be. And most importantly, the second I laid my eyes on you, I felt... complete. As if that was it. Helping you with the NGO and the Youth Team; felt right. Unknowingly, you helped me grow, Xinghe, as a person. No one ever did that for me. 

"I don't let people in, Love. Not easily. I restrain myself from giving others the authority to hurt me, or abandon me, as they find suitable. Maybe that's why I never entertained women like Huang Biu in the past."

The girl nodded understandingly, her gaze glued to the road ahead. It was unbelievable how mature he had been as a kid, she admired. But then again, for a child who'd grown up witnessing his elders fight over authority, it was bound to change him psychologically. It was a totally different story for her, however. Dealing with psychotic guardians like the Rongs was a whole other level of battle in itself. 

"I am flattered, Mr. Xi.", the girl laughed, "You chose meeee!"

"You are welcome.", the man said modestly, earning another round of giggle from her.

The woman then switched to her favorite FM channel, turning the volume up to its maximum. Xi Yuan's lips curled up in a charming smile as the girl swayed to Shawn Mendes's 'Something Big', singing flawlessly along with the Pop Prince. Pulling his phone out then, the man videoed the girl, like the faithful fan he truly was.


Scottish National Gallery,16:40;

"And this is 'Madonna and Child with Saints' painted by Lorenzo Lotto himself in the 1500s. Bro Bo told me that it is a Holy Conversation style form. It was definitively acknowledged in 1727 in France's Orleans Collection.", the girl toured her darling around the gallery, pointing to each picture, briefing him on them once in a while, "Isn't it just mesmerizing? I, for one, loved his choice of colors, back when brother gifted its replica to me."

"Fascinating.", Xi Yuan smiled, "Who's your favorite painter?"

"Bro Bo.", the girl stated as a matter-of-factly, "Not just because he is family, but. I've genuinely liked his art ever since I was a kid. His attention to detail, his craving for perfection, the intricacy in his work. Everything.

"But otherwise, definitely Leonardo Da Vinci. Now, I know he's been, one controversial artist. Always surrounded by rumors. He has a... reputation, one might say. But the fact that each one of his works had an interesting tale to tell is something I find naturally intriguing. Never in his life, he did anything normal, you see."


"Yours?", the girl asked then. 

"You.", the man shrugged, "I really liked the Portrait you gifted Dad on his birthday. Although I am not as well-informed on Art as you are; I still believe that I would've liked you better than any other painter out there."

"Keep going.", the woman beamed, "Compliment me more, you. I am all ears!"

"How indecorous!", Xi Yuan shook his head helplessly, walking away from the girl, "And shameless." Rong Xinghe followed behind him, suppressing her laughter, "Where are you going? The other paintings are to the right!", she said.


Carbaret Voltaire Club, 21:00;

Xi Yuan grabbed a Unicorn Cocktail for the girl at the bar, as she sank into one of the Club Booths, observing the group of performers preparing for their next piece.

For more than a decade now, this venue had been a foreground of Scotland's club culture. This place had a heart for Music, they said. It was a two-floored club, with local and international DJs slaying round the clock. The club had a goofiness to it, a cave-like interior. The girl loved it, still. 

"Here you go.", the man returned after a few minutes, placing the two glasswares in front of her on the table. 

"So... did you like the place?", Rong Xinghe peered at the man expectantly, "Bro Al suggested it to me."

"I've got to say this.", Xi Yuan said to the woman, leaning closer to her across the table, "I am not traveling without you anymore. You are like my private tour guide. And an excellent one at that." Rong Xinghe laughed out breezily. How she would like that, she thought. Unfortunately, her position in the Military made it impossible for her to do that. And deep down, they both were aware of it.

As the bunch of youngsters began singing, the couple turned to look at them. It was a town song, the language English. But the singers were all in sync, their voices fairly pleasant. The song was about a Christmas love story. Heart-warming, and magical. 

Couples reaching for the dance floor, spinning around at each beat, laughing; the atmosphere was absolutely serene that evening. About a minute or two later, Xi Yuan turned to ask the girl for a dance as well, only to find her lost in her own world.

Rong Xinghe's eyes were still fixed upon the performers, a distant memory floating in her mind. Voice of the World. Her first stage. One of the most draining competitions there ever was, and yet, so filled with zest. She'd never realized it until today, until this very moment, that she missed it. The innocent and driven part of her past self. She missed the twelve-year-old, spontaneous, and unstoppable, Xinghe. She missed the girl those monsters had so ruthlessly killed. 

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