The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 494: "Why did she have to grow up so soon?"

Earlston, Scotland, 14:30;

The girl fell asleep in Xi Yuan's arms, soon after she'd downed the glass of sweet and warm hot chocolate. Although Xi Yuan wasn't a professional doctor, judging by the sprain in her ankle, he could tell that she would not be able to walk or exert pressure upon her legs for the next few days. At least, not without support. But that was alright. He would simply tie her to the bed if she'd rebel too much.

Until then though, she could sleep here on the couch, enveloped in his embrace, while the fire from the hearth heated up the room. "Is there any part of her body she wishes to keep intact?!", Su Rogguang pinched the space between his brows, enraged. 

"It's okay, Bro Su.", Xi Yuan chuckled, "I've already compressed it with an ice pack, and bandaged the affected area too. She is sleeping now. So you guys have nothing to worry about. I just wanted to update you on it."

The girl's brother let out a shaky sigh, clearing his throat, he said, "You did well. Just make her have as many liquids as possible. And in case the ankle pain doesn't subside in the next 6 to 7 days, take her to this highly skilled Orthopedic surgeon in Edinburgh- Dr. Noah Blair. Through our years of residency, he was my roommate, and a close friend, at that."

"Got it.", the man agreed, pulling the woman a little closer to him.

As the men got off the phone call, Su Rogguang turned to look at his wife, "What is it now, Tong?", he mithered. This was the fifth time she'd walked in into his cabin with those huge albums now. "I am still not sure about the Mexican Cuisine.", she said, "It's great, of course. But you see, Xinghe has always liked Italian better."

"Whatever you decide, I am down with it, Dr. Ching.", Su Rogguang shrugged, "It's not like the food even matters."

"This is your sister's wedding we are talking about, you robot!", the woman almost yelled out, "Could you show some excitement, for the love of the Almighty?"

"Woah...", the man stepped back a few inches, a tad stunned. But he wasn't alone in this. All the Six men were the victims of their wives' full-fledged preparations for the upcoming 'Xinguan' wedding. Ever since the couple had flown to Scotland, this had been their daily schedule. Discussing everything from the wedding venues to the variety of cuisines, and even the photographers. It didn't even seem like the girl was their sister anymore. Her Sisters-in-law appeared more enraptured for her wedding ceremony than the Six of them ever were. 

"Why would I be excited?", he mumbled uninterestedly, "That brat will be taking her away from us, in the end, anyway..."

Ching Tong didn't say anything for a while as he stared at the man in a daze. Amid all these D-day arrangements, the Six tigers had never really voiced their honest feelings, or opinions, for that matter. But now that she looked at him, she realized the pain he'd been keeping to himself all this time. And something told her that the other Five men were no different. For a group of siblings as close and connected as these Six men and the Rong twins, it must be killing them to even imagine her leaving them someday. 

"You took me away from my Mom and Dad, Rogguang.", she said then, softly, "But I still visit them, don't I? Yuan cannot take her away from you. No one ever can."

"Marriage changes a lot of things, Tong.", the man settled down in his chair, smiling wryly, "She'll have a new family, a new home. And don't get me wrong, I am genuinely thrilled for her. But, sometimes, it really scares me. Why did she have to grow up so soon?"

The woman's lips tipped up to one side as she grabbed a chair opposite the man, putting away the albums in her hands, "Hey, it's okay to be scared. But Xinghe is not leaving you guys. I might not have known her for years as you guys do, but she is not the one to turn her back on the people she loves. 

"Trust me, she'll come knocking at our door the day after her wedding, hauling you out for an Ice-Cream competition. And go to the Zhis for an awfully crazy night-out, followed by a movie marathon with her Bro Mo. And let's not rule out her 'sensual' dance with Sister Ningtao, to annoy her Bro Lu, too.", the woman giggled.

"You really think so?", Su Rogguang laughed, his heart at ease now.

"Yep.", Ching Tong nodded eagerly, "You guys are her Six pillars of unconditional love. In storms, and through wars, her eyes will always search for her brothers for comfort, and safety. Yuan can't be replaced in her life, it's the truth. But so can't be you Six."



Xi Yuan climbed down the stairs that lead to their bedroom, after tucking the girl in beneath the blanket, only to run into Huang Biu. "Did Miss Rong really do it?", she questioned him, putting on a pretense of someone deeply concerned as she showed him her tablet screen. Across the flat device was the familiar 'BlackHorse' post.

"I have other pressing matters to tend to right now, Miss Huang, rather than to respond to your absurd questions.", the man stated, retrieving his own phone from his pocket.

She hadn't expected him to reply straightforwardly either. They had never had a casual conversation in the past, to begin with. But, deep down, she hoped that the Soulagement Pharmas case could bring them somewhat closer. So bearing with the man's stern words, she offered, "Fair enough. But can I help you in any way? I have a lot of influence in the International market, as you know. Would it be helpful if I could speak to the Jeongs?"

Xi Yuan stopped scrolling through his e-mails, as he looked at the woman in front of him, displeased. As his grip around the phone tightened, he approached her domineeringly, his footsteps like that of a vicious predator, "Let's not pretend as if you had nothing to do with what happened last night, Miss Biu.", he said, his tone composed yet striking terror through her veins. 

"Wh-what?", the woman stammered, her eyes wide open as she stumbled back in fear.

"Attacking Xi Corporations was fine. But involving and hurting Xinghe wasn't.", he said then, "I cannot forgive you for that. But since my to-be wife is associated with your brother, I'll go easy this time."

"What d-- do you..."

"From what I know, you are a passionate Car enthusiast, aren't you? With two of the world's most expensive sports cars parked right in your garage, that is. The 8 Million USD worth Mercedes-Maybach Exelero, and the 12.5 M Dollar tagged Bugatti La Voiture Noire. Those are the models if memory serves me right.

"Ironic, isn't it?", the man's lips curled up in amusement, "Xi Corps had a loss of 20 Million USD last night. The sum total of these cars' values.

"So instead of worrying about Xi Corporations, why don't you make a call back home and check on those two babies? See if they aren't annihilated in a massive chemical VBIED explosion."

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