The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 493: He had a hint of Xi Yuan in him

Earlston, Scotland, 12:45;

"Get me an ice pack and some elastic bandage right now, Mr. Tang.", Xi Yuan commanded as he lowered the girl over one of the couch in the living room carefully. Huang Biu joined the two shortly after, as the house staff rushed past her in panic. 

"Is it paining too much, Madam?", one of the young maids enquired, her voice filled with genuine concern, "Should I go to call the doctor?"

"I am alright, Elsie.", the woman laughed sweetly at the young girl, "Trust me."

"Here, Young Master.", the old butler strode in, handing over the man a fresh ice pack. Xi Yuan inhaled a sharp breath as he pressed the cold pack against her left ankle. The girl shut her eyes close, holding onto her darling's shirt sleeve tightly, letting out a pain-filled cry. 

"Sorry.", the man looked up into the woman's eyes, his jaws clenched. "I didn't mean to--"

"Hush.", Rong Xinghe shook her head, placing her index finger on his lips, "No need to apologize, Mr. Xi. I can handle this. I was just a little startled."

"Liar.", the man rolled his eyes, pulling her hand away from his mouth, turning to the old man next to him, "Mr. Tang, could you make her some hot chocolate?"

"Definitely, Sir.", the Butler smiled as he exited the room again. 

"Yuan...", the injured kitten then poked at her darling's shoulder like a five-year-old repeatedly, her voice low yet adorable. 

"Hmm?", the man said, aiding to the swollen area on the woman's feet with undivided concentration. 

"Don't tell the brothers. Pretty please?"

"I am not at the liberty to keep them from anything that concerns you, Miss Rong.", Xi Yuan chuckled, "So do not put me in a difficult position. As soon as I am done compressing your leg with this bandage, I am making a call to them."

"Such a scaredy-cat!", the girl scoffed.

"Say that again.", the man raised his brows as he glared at her challengingly.




City A, Country X, 18:30;

Xi Corporations Headquarters,

Xi Fang stared outside the floor-to-ceiling window, as he listened to the company's shareholders discuss the situation at hand among themselves, their tones hushed. However, he had to admit that it sounded more of like an argument than a civilized conversation. As if the entire 'Soulagement Pharmas' case had cleaved the board into two fragments. The ones who believed in the rumors and then those who were intelligent enough to see through the evident loopholes.

The former section of the crowd had always been his father's right-hand-men, who wished for him to take the empire over from Xi Yuan someday; while the latter kind was a lot of smart and realistic business intellectuals fairly inclined towards his brother in this ridiculously unwanted battle amid the two siblings. 

"I believe that Miss Rong should step down from the position of Xi Corporations' Primary Advisor.", one of Xi Chonglin's men commented. 

"I agree with Mr. Wang.", another one nodded approvingly, "In fact, merely resignation won't be sufficient. We need to investigate the matter clearly. Otherwise, it would end up affecting the company's domineering reputation for the worse. We can't allow people to believe that we are a pushover, can we?"

"Are you implying that Miss Rong really did it?", someone at the far end of the table laughed, "If that's the case, wouldn't that be too humiliating for the President?"

"Show some respect, Mr. Chen!", one of Xi Yuan's supporters spoke up this time, slamming his hands against the hard wooden edge, "He isn't your childhood friend. He is the CEO of this company. Bear that in mind before you go on blabbering nonsense."

"Yeah.", Xi Chonglin interrupted this time, looking at everyone in the room, "There are etiquettes to how you behave and speak in Xi Corporations. We're here to discuss our decisions up next, not to play the blame game with each other."

Xi Chongkun glanced at his brother calmly, as he sat opposite him. It was probably the first time Xi Chonglin had covered for Xi Yuan in a board meeting, and oddly, the gesture was comforting in itself. Even though he knew that Xi Chonglin wasn't really concerned for Xi Yuan and that everything he did these days was to win over Xi Fang's acknowledgment, it was still warm to watch it happen. 

"What should we do now, Chairman Xi?", one of the shareholders sitting beside Xi Chongkun turned to him, anticipating the man's orders. Now that the CEO wasn't there to lead them, it would only be natural for his father to call the shots, given he was just as far-sighted as his son. 

But Xi Chongkun had some other intents. As silence spread across the entire conference hall and every shareowner glued his eyes upon him, the man in his fifties smiled kindly, "I believe in Xiao Xinghe, of course.", he said, "But I can't tell you what to do next."

The group of people exchanged glances among themselves, confused. What did he mean? Who was to direct them then? 

"Since President Xi isn't here...", the man resumed, "Vice-President Fang shall guide us. He has been in constant contact with the President for the past few days, after all." With that being said, the crowd turned to look at the quiet Xi Fang by the window, taken aback. With the kind of consuming battle they'd witnessed for years among Xi Chongkun and Xi Chonglin, the shareholders had never expected such a day to ever arrive. Strangely so, the situation was satisfying to them. Xi Fang deserved this, none of them there could deny that. 

About a minute later, the young man turned around, his expression solemn, a cup of espresso in his hands. "Mr. Wang and Mr. Chen.", he addressed the two shareholders, a coldness in his tone. "Y-yes, Vice-President.", the two men stood up at once, chills running down their spines. 

"She is the highest Military Authority of this country. A businesswoman, a social worker, and an unparalleled diplomat; aside from that.", he stated casually, placing the cup on the table, "It's highly insulting for people like you to even think about her, let alone point fingers at her. So the next time you repeat this mistake, I won't be merciful.

"This goes for everyone sitting over here as well. Are we clear?"

"Und-- understood, Sir", the men bowed down, terrified. This man. He had a hint of Xi Yuan in him, they realized. The ferocious gaze, the imposing presence. No wonder he was so dear to his brother. After all, their conduct and mannerisms were just straight-up indistinguishable!

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