Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 59: The Shack

Everyone screamed as the speed kept increasing, Villin felt as if he was about to lose consciousness due to the pressure and Rein already had. After a bit, the direction started changing gradually as they were slowly turning back upward. As for what they saw, absolutely nothing.

They must've been in some sort of tube but they were moving too fast to be able to see around them, they had to close their eyes if they didn't want to risk losing their sight because of the wind.

As they started heading more upward everyone had already lost their voices. Everyone except for Rein that is, who had just woken up again. Their speed started declining a bit allowing them to open their eyes as they continued moving up. Villin noticed they were in an earthen tube moving forward at extremely fast speed. It was only now that he realized he had put his hand beneath his body but when he looked at it he saw no burn wounds at all.

They continued on for another five minutes and at this point, Villin felt somewhat bored. Even though they were still moving at approximately a hundred kilometers an hour, compared to earlier it really didn't feel like much. Amelia also started to care a bit less about the mode of transportation while Kayley and Rein were still gritting their teeth trying to keep themselves from yelling out at every tiny bend.

But just as Villin and Amelia started to relax, everyone saw a light in the distance they were going.

Kayley and Rein looked happy knowing they'd be out of this place in a bit, but as for Villin and Amelia, they suddenly started screaming again, trying to stop their momentum.

They were still moving upward at a very fast pace if they got shot out of the end of this speed they probably wouldn't be able to survive the landing. Villin didn't have a spell to soften the landing and Amelia didn't have enough magical energy to use hers. As for Kayley and Rein, they hadn't realized this fact yet.

When all four of them got shot out of the tube, into the sky, Rein finally seemed to understand.


He made a confused sound as he went up for another fifty meters, before he became completely pale when he started dropping down.

The others weren't much better off. At the very least they did notice they were above an ocean though but a drop of well over fifty meters wasn't something to laugh at. Villin tried his best to put himself in a diving pose but hit the water with his legs first.

He immediately felt intense pain in his feet and legs but affirmed he could still use them as he sunk a couple of meters deeper underwater before swimming upward.

Shortly after he got up, gasping for breath, Kayley and Amelia did as well. They waited for a few more moments but Rein didn't come up. As such, Villin and Amelia who were both decent swimmers swam down.

Villin now noticed he could swim a lot faster with his increased strength and so soon he found Rein. Rein was trashing his arms around and Villin saw bubbles coming out of his mouth as he panicked. He quickly went to grab him underneath before using his feet to swim up, when they got halfway Amelia helped them as well.

Rein coughed when he got above water, still supported by Villin and Amelia. As for Kayley even though she had some difficulty swimming she still managed to stay up without too much trouble.

The four of them looked around, behind them they saw a pretty big rock formation, that was the place they had been shout out from. As for in front of them, they saw a tiny island with a small house on it. It wasn't big and seemed to be made out of wood. But it would be big enough for the four of them to sleep in at the very least.

The four of them climbed onto shore before falling onto the sand. They all felt mentally and physically exhausted. So much so, that they fell asleep right then and there.


After seven full hours, Villin was the first to wake up. He looked up at the sun and saw it was starting to become evening.

He decided to let the others sleep for a bit more as he made his way into the one-story house. As soon as he entered, he cast the wandless version of Illuminatus, instantly brightening the whole place up. He walked out of his own spell before looking at it properly. The house seemed to have some basic things. There were some closets and shelves on the walls. There was also a fireplace and a couple of comfortable-looking chairs, it was a bit dirty but he only had to cast the cleaning spell a couple of times to fix that.

Just above the fireplace, Villin spotted a painting of a young man. Just then he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"That should be Lord Roland. The first-ever headmaster of the academy and inventor of magic as we know it. Villin turned around to see Amelia, she had woken up shortly after him and walked up while he was cleaning.

"Let's see if there's anything here we can use."

Amelia nodded and they both started looking around. The closets were completely empty but Villin did find a small pouch on one of the shelves. He grabbed it and reached into it before looking at Amelia with surprise. She then quickly walked u and asked what was wrong.

"Looks like you got yourself an interspacial pouch."

As Villin said that, he once more reached into the pouch, with his entire arm this time, before using his magic to pull up the items that were at the bottom. First of all he found a crystal holder. Furthermore, it held ten-thousand crystals, way more then what they needed. Just as he grabbed that Kayley and Rein also joined them.

The second thing he found was a wand, no, actually there were half a dozen wands in there. They were all the same, being able to hold two spells of eleven nodes. Amelia, himself, and Kayley already had a wand as good as these but Rein happily accepted one of them.

After this Villin took out book after book. First were a bunch of school books, but all of them seemed to be old versions from years long passed. The schoolbooks were for the first two grades. Finally came half a dozen of iron spell blueprints. Rein was the one who first shared his theory.

"I think this might be something the founder set up in case The Academy ever got destroyed. Some wands, funds, theoretical books, and some spell blueprints. Back then this was probably enough to try and make a new school."

The others nodded as it made sense. If the academy ever got destroyed but a teacher managed to escape to here, they might be able to reestablish the academy again. But now these things were simply taken by a couple of students, meant to increase their strength.

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