Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 58: Treasure Room

When Villin asked the others he found out he was especially entranced by the 'Room of Horrors'. Kayley even put her hands in front of his eyes and tried to stop him from touching the mirror but was unable to due to his strength. The others only had to wait for another minute before Richard appeared in the mirror, he then took them all straight here where they had been waiting for Richard to find Villin for the last hour.

An hour was a long time and Villin could only hope the enemies didn't get 'through' the 'Room of Horrors'. Then again it was unlikely since either you would need to have an insane amount of mental strength or the assistance of one of the souls trapped in here.

Just before the four of them went for the silver door, Richard said one last thing.

"In order to reveal the secret path put the eyes back into the statue. Also, be careful, do not take anything protected by a magic array if you want to live."

They all nodded at him with serious expressions before watching him dissipate into thin air. Then Kayley walked on ahead and pushed open the silver door.

As soon as she did, the 'void' they were in became a room made out of silver. But nobody paid any attention to it as they were more focused on what was on the other side of the door.

When the four of them walked in they were stunned by the room before them. The room was made almost entirely out of gold with some rubies and emeralds to make it look a bit better. On both sides of the door was a massive statue, both of them were holding scythes.

About a hundred meters in front of them was another statue. Sitting on a throne made out of dirt was a cracked, stone statue that was missing his eyes.

But what really caught their attention weren't these statues, they were the pedestals. The room was massive and there were well over a thousand pedestals spread out, all of them holding treasures of massive value.

The four of them didn't recognize most of the treasures but there were a few exceptions. There were all sorts of spell blueprints, also some scrolls that could only be magic array blueprints.

Nearly all spell blueprints here were iron books, the names hidden behind a piece of cloth. There were also a number of wands, some of them looked extremely ordinary while others were inlaid with gems.

Other then these there were, what Villin assumed to be interspacial bags like the ones they had gotten, there were swords and spears, something that seemed rather odd, and even what seemed to be extremely normal enchanted objects.

But when Villin looked around he noticed that all of these objects were protected by some sort of insanely complicated magic arrays. There was no way they would let their greed overwhelm them and ignore Richard's warning.

But just then the entire area shook. They got thrown to the side, Villin almost touched one of the protected items but just barely managed to pull back his hand.

The shaking continued and they were unable to get back to their feet. Villin noticed the magic arrays were also flickering and small bits of the ceiling started falling down. He immediately realized the room was going to collapse, they had to get out of here.

All four of them had the same thought as they crawled toward cracked the statue that sat down on the dirt throne with difficulty, being thrown around a couple of times while they were at it, but they didn't know where the eyes were.

The shaking lessened a bit allowing them to stand but they didn't ease up in the least, the ceiling was still crumbling. After looking through the room without seeing any eyes Villin was about to share his grim thought that perhaps they had to sacrifice their own eyes when Rein pointed toward where they had come from.

"The other statues, we can take theirs."

The others didn't respond to this as they all started running toward it, even if it might be wrong, it was a possibility, and none of them wanted to be buried alive so they grabbed onto it.

Even though the shaking lessened further the crumbling intensified. Villin saw a rock land onto a magic array protecting an interspacial bag about twenty meters to their left. When it landed a blinding shock came out, the rock and interspacial bag had both disintegrated. When this room collapsed all of the treasures would be gone as well.

Villin felt another one of these shocks to his right, and it came to about two centimeters of his side. He knew that if it touched him he would be dead no matter what.

The quartet arrived at the two statues and without hesitation, they tried to grab the eyes. Surprisingly they came loose with just a slight pull, giving each of them an eye.

But just as they were about to return to the statue on the dirt chair. The ones they had taken the eyes off became alive, slashing at the four of them horizontally with their scythes.

Villin and Kayley both jumped over the blades, similar to how they jumped over the string of fire in Pompei's class. Rein fell to the ground, letting the scythes just barely pass over his body. And Amelia cast a spell, allowing her to fly for a bit.

Then the four of them dashed for the final statue. The ceiling was now collapsing heavily as explosions and flashes appeared all around them. The two other statues looked as if they were about to catch up but the flying Amelia cast a spell causing the statues to instantly move a lot slower.

The trio on the floor was only fifteen meters away from the final statue when they noticed something. Some of the magic arrays protecting the treasures had been disrupted, allowing a couple of items to be taken without triggering a magic array.

Villin had his eyes on one item to the left. One of the only wooden spell blueprints here and one item to the right, a regular looking wand. When he looked behind him, he saw the two statues were now slightly slower than them, he would only be able to get one of the items if he made a decision and sprinted for the wooden spell blueprint.

Kayley and Rein also noticed some treasures were now unguarded and they both ran toward one they had noticed.

As for Amelia, she was doing her absolute best to keep slowing the two statues, if the other three knew how much difficulty she had doing this they certainly wouldn't have taken the risk.

Nonetheless, she prevailed, allowing the others to survive.

Yet just as Villin turned around to head for the cracked statue he did notice something that caused him to feel fearful.

Above the wand he had considered grabbing a massive piece of the ceiling collapsed falling onto everything in the area. If he had gone for the wand he would probably be dead now.

The other three also began feeling fear as now, massive parts of the ceiling were starting to fall down. If they were at the wrong place at the wrong time, they would have absolutely no chance of dodging.

They no longer hesitated as they ran forward and put two eyes into the statue's eye sockets. Closely followed by the two other statues. But they were lucky as the third statue immediately stood up revealing a hole just beneath where he had been sitting. Villin, Kayley, and Rein jumped in, closely followed by Amelia who had run out of magic power.


All of them cursed as they felt as if they were on a slide going at absolutely insane speeds. Amelia tried casting a spell that would temporarily strengthen her organs but was unable to due to a lack of magic power. They all felt fearful, if their momentum would be suddenly stopped they would surely die.

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