Syrilblia: I Reincarnated as a Doomed Noble Villainess Girl, so I Will Seduce my Mother to Survive!

Chapter 31: But… Why.


Chapter 31: But… Why.

(Syrilblia’s POV)

Enrollment into this Academy was open all year round, basically. Beatrice had started attended this Academy a year prior to when I started. Which, you know, was just yesterday.

In just a year, she had become the most prized, respected, and powerful student on campus by miles. That being said, why was she now snooping around my dorm like a silly little girl?…

Syrilblia: “May I ask what you’re doing?” I say, faking a cough.

Beatrice: “Huh!? Oh, it’s you.” She replied with a shocked tone before quickly regaining her calm.

Syrilblia: “That’s right, it’s me.” I reply with a smile.

Beatrice: “…”

Syrilblia: “So… why the snooping?” I repeat.

Beatrice: “This dorm hasn’t had tenants for a long time. No one, not even the royal family, would pay for their heirs to live out their Academy days in this dorm. But I learned that someone had started living here…” She explained.

Syrilblia: “…Go on.” I reply, gesturing for her to continue.

Beatrice: “No one would leak who paid for it, so I was hoping to run into them. You see, my dorm is quite crowded, and I would very much like a personal room to myself.” She continued.

Syrilblia: “You’ve run into her, indeed. My name is Syrilblia Sephiranie. I wasn’t aware of how prestigious this dorm was, as my mother was the one who set up everything for me.” I explain with a proud tone.

Beatrice: “…”

Was it too much of a shock to her? Yes. The Sephiranie is second to the royal family, but when it comes to money, we actually have far more. Our fief is even considered to be wealthier, and a better place to live, than the capital city of Chelva. As such, her reaction isn’t too surprising to me.

Beatrice: “I am Beatrice Amphi. I apologize for my rude actions yesterday.” She said with a curtsy.

Syrilblia: “It’s fine, Lady Beatrice. I am sure that you take your position on the committee very seriously.” I reply with a giggle.

Beatrice: “…Despite our past transgressions, would you be willing to let me live in this dorm? From what I know, apart from you, no one else is living there.” She pleaded.

Syrilblia: “Well, my maids have taken up residence in some of the dorm rooms, so it isn’t just me. Though, there are many empty rooms, and I would love to have you living in one. After all, the place is quite empty, as you can see.” I answer with a smile.

On top of that, I will have a far easier time of seducing her if she lives in the same dorm as me. I was honestly waiting on Velta’s information before trying to seduce Beatrice. If it wasn’t for her needing a new dorm to live in, I wouldn’t have a clue of where to find her.

Beatrice: “Ah, thank you so much, Lady Syrilblia! I will go grab my things.” She said with a smile and a bow.

Syrilblia: “No need for that yet, Lady Beatrice. For now, choose a room, and then my maids will assist you in moving into it.” I suggest.

Beatrice: “That would be great, thank you, Lady Syrilblia.” She said with another smile.

Leading her into the dorm area, I soon guided her inside the dorm. Unbeknownst to Beatrice, this place will soon be one where I will give her amazing pleasure…

Beatrice: “Lady Syrilblia, what dorm room are you staying in?” She asked with a curious tone.

Syrilblia: “Room 509.” I answer.

Beatrice: “May I take up one of the adjacent rooms to yours, Lady Syrilblia? This dorm is quite big, so I feel like it would be lonely to have far away rooms from each other.” She replied.

Syrilblia: “I do not mind, Lady Beatrice. Please do so.” I answer with a smile.

Beatrice: “Again, thank you so much, Lady Syrilblia.” She said with a bright smile.

This girl… she was a major hypocrite. Prior to just a few minutes ago, she most likely saw me as some unimportant slut. Now, with my family name known, and me granting her a room, Beatrice is acting differently.

Her treatment of me has changed, and this wasn’t her true self. Instead, the girl that confronted me yesterday was how she really is. This fake personality, one that seems to want to please me, is just that… fake.

The kind of fake that a shallow person would act around a rich person that they wanted money from. In this case, she was a lower noble trying to butter up to me, one of the highest nobles of the land.

I felt no ill will toward her right now, despite this drastic change in treatment. Instead, I was far more curious about how I could seduce her, and get Beatrice to show me her true self… Would her moans be ones befitting a noble woman, or a young virgin girl? The mind boggles at the possibilities…

A Few Hours Later.

Currently, I was out with Beatrice. As thanks for letting her move in, she wanted to treat me to a meal. Of course, due to my upbringing, I wasn’t one that would say no to free food.

Which meant that Beatrice didn’t need to do much convincing to get me to go out with her. Keep in mind, this isn’t a date. Though, from reading the novel, I knew that she secretly had feelings for the MC. Which would entail that Beatrice is a lesbian.

Luckily, or rather, it might be unlucky at the moment, but I couldn’t detect lust from her right now. It could be that she was good at hiding it, I don’t know for sure…

Beatrice: “This restaurant is famous in Chelva, Lady Syrilblia.” She added.

Syrilblia: “I can understand why. The food here is absolutely delicious, Lady Beatrice. I thank you for the recommendation, and for inviting me out to eat here.” I reply with a warm tone.

Beatrice: “I am far more grateful for the dorm room, Lady Syrilblia. Living with three other women… It wasn’t that bad, but it was hard to get my work done.” She said with a sigh.

Syrilblia: “I’d imagine as such, Lady Beatrice. From at least my experience of last night, our dorm is very peaceful and quiet. I am sure that you’ll be able to focus on your work there with ease.” I reply with a confident tone.

Beatrice: “I do hope so.” She replied.

The conversation carried on like that for a while, and we slowly dropped the honorifics for each other. It was all well and good, but… Beatrice had paired wine with her meal. The problem with that was… she didn’t have a high alcohol tolerance. And Beatrice was the clingy, truth revealy type of drunk woman…

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