Syrilblia: I Reincarnated as a Doomed Noble Villainess Girl, so I Will Seduce my Mother to Survive!

Chapter 30: I Won’t be a Hipster!!!

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Chapter 30: I Won’t be a Hipster!!!

(Syrilblia’s POV)

The first morning of my Academy life was… Basically, it was the same as it has been for a while now. The maids took care of my every need, bathing me, before dressing me up in my uniform. As well as feeding me a delicious breakfast.

After I finished eating, Velta showed up. Like in most novels like this one, the Academy wasn’t limited to nobles only. Though the number of non-nobles attending was the low, discrimination was rare.

In this world, really anyone can learn magic. Reflecting back to how I died, America was basically similar to this world, just less dangerous. Here, anyone you insult could either be a skilled magic user or a random schmuck.

Even then, most are not willing to get into a fight with other people. After all, they don’t want to be blasted to death with magic, on the off chance that the person they insulted just so happened to know how to use magic.

That didn’t mean that fights, crimes, murders, etc. Didn’t happen. And frankly, this is just the small bit of information on this world that Marina and Carna fed to me on that long carriage ride that I had to endure…

When it came time to sign up for classes, I had a hard choice… Actually, not really… Velta informed me that, if I wanted to, I could sign up for other classes.

Before enrolling me in the Academy, Marina already signed me up for magic classes. As a person that enrolled already, I could go to my first class today.

No. I will not sign up for a weapons class, thank you very much. Why the hell would I? Huh!? I should go learn how to swing a chunk of metal around? Get real!

I could have easily done that in my original world. Why the ever-loving hell would I pass up the chance to learn magic, and magic solely? My mind is made up. I am just glad that Marina foresaw my desired class beforehand.

A Walk to Class Later.

The classroom was somewhat empty, and it wasn’t because I was early. Well… I was early, but just in a different way. Instead, I was one of the few that had their classes chosen before arriving at the Academy.

As magic was the most enrolled in class, there were many different teachers of it. The authors’ laziness sticks out here once more, as the elements were limited at all.

That is to say, the magic system in this world isn’t a hard one. Rather, it is a flimsy fairytale kind of system. Anyone can use any element. They just have to learn it.

Perhaps the low barrier of entry is why magic is so popular in this world? Regardless of the reason, this class is just one of the many magic classes held in the Academy.

Flare: “Alright, those that know how to use magic, raise your hand.” She said with a warm tone.

Flare Acardia was the teacher’s name. I know of her, as she was one of those that helped the MC in dealing with Syrilblia’s bullying bullshit. As her name would make you think, Flare had long red hair that went down to her waist.

Syrilblia: “…”

Annoyingly, she was wearing a normal dress. Though, it did look very expensive. What the flying fuck… Yeah, I know that the author never mentioned it… But why aren’t the witches dressed like witches, and why is a supposed grandmaster of magic, just dressed like a normal regal woman? Ah, my fantasy world is tainted with normality…

Flare: “No one? Good. If you did know how to use magic, I would have to reteach you from the beginning. For class today, we will focus on learning about Mana.” She said with a clap.

Oh, right… I wasn’t paying attention, but I guess that no one raised their hand. Which, I don’t know how to use magic, so I am not at fault for being lost in my silly thoughts.

Wait… didn’t Carna promise me that she would teach magic if I had sex with her? Not only did she implant her seed in me without my consent, but Carna also didn’t uphold her end of the agreement… That cheeky maid of a mother-in-law!!!

Flare: “Class, this lesson will be repeated tomorrow, as the rest of the students for this class will finally be in attendance. As such, do not worry if you can’t figure it out today.” She said with a motherly tone.

Hm… Yup, Flare was nice. I mean that about her personality and her body. This does make me sound like a pervert, but I do have to sex every female at the Academy. This, of course, includes flare in that lineup.

So her being hot, sexy, with a smooth, milfy voice, only adds to my okayness with seducing her into a harem of mine. Though, such a thing will have to wait. Like I have said, this won’t be easy.

Beatrice is a genius with magic. At least, that is how she is described in the novel. Flare was also a grandmaster of magic. Seducing them will be… difficult.

That is to say, I won’t be able to rape them into submission, I mean. Not that I would. Sure. I plan to make a harem, but I will not be committing rape to achieve that. If I did do that, I wouldn’t be any better than that sick, pedophilic pervert, Martin…

A Little While Later.

After snapping back to reality, I listened to Flare’s lecture about Mana. She was very good at teaching, and everyone was able to feel and use Mana after just a little bit of effort to do so. Even I did it.

Mana was… odd, to say the least. It felt like having a bunch of water in your body, but located in your heart, not your stomach. Flare said to try and keep Mana stocked up until at least tomorrow.

The first step of learning magic, according to Flare, is retaining Mana in your body. The Mana lesson was all that she was going to teach today, so her class ended early.

With nothing else to do, I decided to return back to my lovely, soon-to-be harem dorm. As convenient as a setting like this tends to be in fantasy isekai novels, this Academy was practically an entire town.

As such, there were many places that I could visit, and Marina gave me an almost endless budget of coin to use as I please. But I was kinda tired after doing that whole Mana thing… Heading back, near the regal brick fence of the dorm, I saw… a girl hiding?…

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