Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 67

After Ye Xu left, he returned to his small courtyard, and then went out to the scroll shop to buy ten sets of scroll paper, intending to go back and practice scroll making.

However, Ye Xu soon realized that something was wrong. Although this scroll art seems to be simpler than those of pharmaceutical casting, it is actually quite expensive, especially when you want to make scrolls of rare skills.

Ye Xu fell into silence when he saw that he had created two groups of scrolls that had not yet succeeded.

The thing is, Ye Xu tried to switch between different skills to see which speed is better to practice, and finally chose two energy input speeds of 5 and 10. Then he thought, since he wants to practice, he might as well choose the difficult one. If he succeeds, he might sell one and return the failed scroll paper. It’s better than trying to find one that he can’t buy. The cabbage price reel is good.

So Ye Xu chose his current best-selling flashing skill book and started making it. In the case of Tangtang Summoning, because my older brother already has an advanced version of slime, and the outside world does not necessarily understand the benefits of advanced slimes, it is better to sell such an escape skill as flickering.

However, after he started making it, he realized that the numbers were not right.

Before that, because he was checking the numbers in front of Marven Ye, it was not good to keep cutting all the time, so he just picked a few to check, and the ones that happened to be drawn were all integers and multiples of 5. But this flicker is not, it expects a value of “37”.

It’s a **** prime number!

Ye Xu tried it at the beginning, if too much energy is input, the scroll paper will be useless. In order to find out if 100 is too much or if it exceeds the upper limit of 10, an accident will occur, Ye Xu tried several times, and finally got stuck at 11 and entered it once, but the result was still invalid.

That is to say, no matter how efficiently the player inputs energy, anyway, the last input must just reach the upper limit, and the input efficiency cannot be changed during this period. For example, 44 points of energy, you can input 11 points per second for 4 seconds or 4 points per second for 11 seconds.

This makes it difficult to handle prime numbers. Because there is no way to split the prime numbers, the player must be stuck at exactly the point of the prime number to input, for example, 37, they have to be stuck at 37 and input for one second, and don’t shake their hands during the whole process.

It’s fine when the numbers are small, because it doesn’t take much effort. After the number is large, the prime number will be difficult to handle. It takes a lot of strength to press it down, and it is easy to lose strength in the middle. Fortunately, it only needs to be maintained for one second, if it takes a few more seconds, it will be impossible.

Ye Xu began to check each skill in his skill list and check their energy online in turn. The results are not satisfactory, at least 40% of the skills are prime numbers, and these prime skills are basically rare skills.

At this time, he remembered to go to the official website to check the introduction of the sub-professional scroll technique.

According to the introduction, the scroll technique divides the energy of each skill according to different grades and rarities.

All non-rare common skills are full ten energy, white common skills are 10 points, green 20, blue 30, and so on. The rare skills are all non-integer, white rare skills are random between 11 and 19, green are random between 21 and 29, and so on.

The rarer the skill, the harder it is to split its energy numbers. Therefore, the skills whose energy is a prime number are actually the rarest type.

Looking at the prime numbers in the skill column, although the value of these skills has been officially recognized, Ye Xu is not happy at all.

He can understand that rare skills are more difficult to make, but he is really a handicap. Whether you can press the specified number depends entirely on luck, there is no operation at all, but luck has been borrowed recently…

Ye Xu sighed, take it slow.

In this way, Ye Xuzao finished all the remaining scrolls, and finally made 20 flashes with difficulty. Fortunately, the skills of the three grades of white, green and blue can be made with only primary scroll paper, so the raw materials for these ten groups are only one hundred gold coins.

– 100 gold coins! Ye Xu covered his chest, the cost was too high.

I don’t know if someone bought a flash for 5 gold? Seems a little too expensive? But the flicker is instant, and the shredding scroll is cast immediately. 5 gold is actually not that expensive, right?

Ye Xu finally discovered that scrolling was actually the most expensive sub-profession. Fortunately, he has a lot of pocket money, so he can be aggressive.

He silently opened the private chat between Mo Bei and Jiang Yuexuan and asked about their practice progress. Mo Bei said that his success rate is relatively low, about 3 out of 10.

Ye Xu, who succeeded 20 of a thousand cards: “???”

He realized with hindsight that his handicap level seemed to be too high, so high that even Mobei’s non-chief attribute could completely destroy him. Ye Xu didn’t want to believe this fact, he racked his brains to justify himself – it must be Mo Beixuan’s skills that are easy to make!

To confirm this, Ye Xu asked which skill he was doing. Sure enough, Mo Bei said that what he was doing was an ordinary big healing technique, which only required 30 energy.

“You try your proportional treatment.” Ye Xu urged, he didn’t believe that he was the only one with such a miserable success rate.

Over there, Mo Beiguo obediently went to the experiment, and after a while came to tell Ye Xu: “It’s actually a prime number. I tried it for a long time at first, and finally found the feel. I probably scrapped more than 30 scrolls, it has a feel. The success rate is not very high, probably only 1 out of 10.”

Ye Xu: “…”

As a hand cancer that found the hand feeling in 200 cards, and after removing the cost of finding the hand feeling abolished, Ye Xu did not want to speak. He silently cut off the call and decided not to talk to Mo Bei today, it was really annoying.

On the other hand, Jiang Yuexuan also returned to him, and this sister was even more powerful.

“Ordinary skills have a success rate of about 90%. As long as you find the feel of the hand, you will not fail, unless you accidentally shake your hands due to external interference.” She said, “The rare skills can be split and the success rate of the split. It’s also above 70%. If you can’t disassemble it, you need to find the feel, and after finding the feel, you can have a 50% success rate, but it takes a lot of materials to find the feel, and I have to waste ten sheets every time.”

Ye Xu: “…………”

Sister Xuan was keenly aware of Xiao Ye Bao Bao’s unhappiness, and she quickly asked: “What’s the matter? Is it because your success rate is very low? Don’t be sad, it’s normal for your children’s hands to not be stable enough, mine is the same as before. It’s made by practicing calligraphy.”

Ye Xu sent one: QAQ.

Jiang Yuexuan felt even more distressed, and quickly excused him: “It’s okay, haven’t you been unlucky recently? This kind of thing also depends on luck. When your luck comes back, the success rate will definitely go up easily. The source of the bad luck has been found, and you don’t need to share your luck with him in the future, you can keep it for yourself to make scrolls.”

“That’s not right, Yige will have to wait until next year’s birthday to stop making wishes, and then his luck will be normal.” Ye Xu said, “I still have to help him before next year. Sister Xuan, you made a mistake.”

He said this not to complain that he had to help Xiao Yige for so long, but to remind Jiang Yuexuan that the other party wanted to go wrong.

Ye Xu originally thought that his luck was almost all right, but he could make it up by manipulation anyway. Now that he finally realizes that there is no room for improvement in his operation, he is so lost, mainly because of the fact that he is a handicapped hand.

However, after being comforted by Sister Xuan, he also looked away. He doesn’t need to sell scrolls to make money, he just wants to experience the joy of earning a lot of pocket money by his own ability, but unfortunately, happiness is only for Mobei and has nothing to do with him.

Jiang Yuexuan couldn’t help this, at most she could help Ye Xu practice his kung fu. But Ye Xu looked like a salted fish and was lazy, obviously he didn’t want to exercise this.

In the end, Jiang Yuexuan said, “That’s good. In the future, I will take turns with you to borrow luck with songs, so that you can make scrolls and earn pocket money while you are lucky.”

“Don’t be so troublesome, I decided to help Yige myself, I don’t need you to give me the bottom line.” Ye Xu said disapprovingly.

“It’s okay, I want to help him too. Before Yige didn’t know you, I would help him every once in a while. Later, you looked like you were going to take over Yige for the rest of your life, so I didn’t **** it from you.” Jiang Yuexuan teased he.

Ye Xu snorted, but he didn’t expect this past. He was afraid that Jiang Yuexuan was making up a story to reassure him, so he quietly asked Xiao Yige, but he didn’t expect it to be true.

Not only Jiang Yuexuan, but also the elder brother Night Chaser, who is trying to pursue Sister Suguang, is also a member of the Luck Squad. If it weren’t for the fact that there was no way to borrow the luck of his family, it is estimated that Xiao Suguang would also be in the team.

“Then three of us will be in three shifts.” Ye Xu pulled the Night Chaser and Jiang Yuexuan into a team.

The other two have no opinion. If the three of them come in turn, then everyone will only have “unlucky” one day or two normal days, and it will not affect the daily game play very much. Although God’s Feather said that after more than 24 hours, there will be a slight effect until it slowly dissipates, but for people with good luck like them, this slight effect is actually not much different from no.

They decided to change shifts every morning at nine o’clock, because Xiao Yige’s work and rest are relatively regular, usually the upper limit of nine o’clock. Ye Xu went online a little earlier, but he basically didn’t go out to play, just salted fish in the yard. The other two are diligent, but it doesn’t matter if they come back at nine o’clock.

According to Xiao Suguang and Jiang Yuexuan’s guesses, brother Yige’s bad luck this year should not last long. After all, Xiao Suguang was very hopeful to be appraised as an associate professor, and this wish from Ge Xu wouldn’t affect him too much, maybe he would be fine in a month.

After solving this worry, Ye Xu went back to fight his scrolling technique. He didn’t believe it anymore. After practicing a few times, he couldn’t improve the success rate.

Since things are rare and expensive, and there are too many things, the price can’t be bought, so Ye Xu did not continue to make flickering. He still chooses the blue skill. This grade is the highest-level skill that can be made from primary scroll paper, so the price sold is the highest but the cost is the lowest. Even if the success rate does not go up, it will not lose too much money.

The flickering that I made before, when I went to the scroll shop to replenish materials, I hung up on the trading line by the way. It was split into 5 pieces for sale, two of which were tentatively priced at 5 gold coins, one was 25 gold, and the other two were priced at 4 gold coins.

I don’t know if it can be sold at such an expensive price, maybe you can meet local tyrants who are not bad money.

Anyway, even if it can’t be sold, the trading house will only charge a deposit price of 1 copper coin for one item. These 20 scrolls are only 20 copper coins, which are quite cheap, which means they want to collect some money. If the transaction is really done, the handling fee will be deducted proportionally, and no consignment fee will be charged.

Not long after Ye Xu was consigning the goods over there, he received a notice that the items had been sold. When Ye Xu bought the materials in the store, he returned to the trading house in a confused way, opened the transaction records to see who was so rich that bought his things, and saw a familiar name.

…Isn’t this the high-paid assistant Mo Bei snatched from his father?

Ye Xuzheng wanted to contact Mo Bei to ask why this guy secretly patronized his business, and if he wanted to support his good brother, it would be over if he didn’t buy him privately. As a result, Mo Bei sent a call request first, and as soon as the call was connected, he told Ye Xu excitedly that he was lucky enough to buy a rare scroll.

“The assistant actually found a flashing scroll in the trading house. I don’t know who the seller is, but the price is quite cheap, just four or five gold coins for one piece. Fortunately, no one bought it, so he quickly accepted all of them, a full 20 !”

After hearing this, Ye Xu didn’t know how to react. He never expected that the person he was expecting would come to the local tyrant with stupid money and speed, but it turned out to be his friend Mo Beijun, who was really stupid and speedy.

Sun (a celestial body).

Didn’t this flood the Dragon King Temple?

Ye Xu silently swallowed a mouthful of blood, and honestly told the two fools opposite: “I sold the scroll.”

Mo Bei: “??? What did you say?”

Ye Xu repeated calmly: “I just hung the scroll that your assistant bought. I was going to kill a wild and stupid local tyrant, but I didn’t expect you to get caught first.”

Mo Bei: “…”

“To be reasonable, can’t you use your brain? I just learned the flickering skill and scroll technique here, and the flashing skill scroll was hung up in the trading house over there. Is it difficult to think that I did it?” Ye Xu asked with his soul. .

“Uh, I thought it was just a coincidence.” Mo Bei said weakly, “and didn’t you say you wanted to make Tangtang’s summoning scroll? Besides, you don’t lack money, why do you want to sell it?”

Ye Xu rubbed his temples: “How can there be so many coincidences, I plan to do Tangtang Summoning Technique later. Also, if I don’t sell it, why am I making Tangtang scrolls?”

“Yes!” Mo Bei suddenly realized.

Ye Xu didn’t want to talk to him anymore. Every time he spoke, he felt that his IQ would be pulled into the Mariana Trench, more than 10,000 meters below sea level.

But Mo Bei didn’t notice his dislike at all, and still said cheerfully: “Did I take care of your business? Forget it, anyway, I really like this scroll, you sell it and others sell it. No difference, you can sell me directly next time you do it.”

“It’s worthless, I’ll give it to you.” Ye Xu sighed, “This scroll is not worth 5 gold coins.”

Mo Bei waved his hand: “It doesn’t matter, I’m not bad for money!”

Ye Xu: “…is your healing technique selling well?”

“Hey, how do you know?”

“How else can you be so generous? You had to live with me in the yard before, just to save the cost of renting a house.”

“That’s different. I want to live with you and live with a good brother, not because I can’t bear the money!” Mo Bei shouted dissatisfiedly, “Although my pocket money is indeed not as much as yours, I’m not so stingy.”

Ye Xu snorted, no emotional ups and downs: “It’s true that I’m not stingy, it’s just that the place where I can prostitute without spending money will resolutely default on the debt.”

Mo Bei: “…”

In the end, Mo Bei felt that Ye Xu hated him so much that he kept poking at his scars, and Ye Xu felt that Mo Bei, a handicapped non-chief with a low IQ, should stay away as much as possible. So the two naive boys decided to block each other for 18 hours, and they will be a pair of good friends when they go online tomorrow morning.

Ye Xu went back to the yard to continue making (waste) and (fee) scroll paper, and successfully tossed out hundreds of pieces of waste paper. Fortunately, the success rate this time has increased a lot, from once for 40 to once for 30. I believe that in the near future, he will be able to surpass Mo Bei.

Although the increase in the success rate has something to do with the slow return of his good luck, after all, it has been almost 24 hours since he held Yige’s little hand for the first time. But he refused to believe it, and believed that his own efforts had cured his hand cancer.

After tossing until half-afternoon, Ye Xu finally heard the system notification for the ten-person Ben 2A customs clearance. What followed was the first player to reach level 30, and the game opened up a new system of gameplay.

[System Announcement: Congratulations to [Ying Yin Team] for completing the Level 20 10-player dungeon [Evil Manor Simple] mode and clearing the second-class level of the entire server, and obtaining 200 achievement points! 】

[System Announcement: The first level 30 player appears in the entire server, and the [pet system] is open in real time! Players are welcome to go to the pet hall to learn pet domestication skills! 】

Ye Xu put away the finished and unfinished scrolls without a word, and instructed Tangtang to take him to the pet hall immediately. He remembered that the pet hall was next to the career hall, which used to be very close.

This pet system has been awaited for a long time, and now it is finally open.

Ye Xu vaguely remembers that he wrote about the pet system on the official website. It seems that there are a lot of pet columns, and they are divided into two types: battle pets and leisure pets. But it took him too long to remember the specific content. Fortunately, the [pet system] in the system announcement is a hyperlink text that can be clicked into, and it introduces all the information related to the system in detail.

While Tangtang was on her way, Ye Xu opened the link to check it out.

There was nothing different from what he remembered, and there were indeed two types of pets. Not to mention battle pets, there are 5 pet slots for leisure pets alone, and you can spend more to open more pet slots, but only leisure pets can open more.

Recreational pets cannot participate in combat, have no combat power, and require careful care. If casual pets are summoned in the battle area, they may be killed by the enemy. Pets are really dead when they die. Unless the player spends a huge amount of money, please ask the person in charge of the pet hall to activate the resurrection magic circle to resurrect them.

The death of the battle pet is not so troublesome, just buy the resurrection magic stone directly, the price is not particularly expensive, about 10 gold each. However, fighting pets is more troublesome to raise, and needs to eat experience to upgrade. After adoption, it is level 1. It has its own unique attribute point ratio, which has nothing to do with the owner’s data. It has to be upgraded to become stronger, and it will lose one level every time it dies.

Therefore, battle pets are actually far less useful than summoned objects, but for players of other professions, it is already very good to be able to summon pets, and they do not dare to have so many requirements. Otherwise, everyone is a summoner, so why do you need the profession of a summoner?

There are only three positions for battle pets, and only one is allowed to be summoned per battle. If the second one is summoned, the first one will disappear immediately, and it is not troublesome to switch. Unlike Summoners, after reaching the upper limit of the number of summons, one must be put away to summon the other, and it cannot be directly summoned to push the previous ones off the line.

There is no limit to the summoning of recreational pets, and they can all be summoned. After all, it was raised and played after a break. If you didn’t participate in the battle, there was no need to limit the number to such a dead end.

This setting satisfies the desire of many players to be “Sea King”, who doesn’t want to be surrounded by a bunch of furry. Anyway, Ye Xu thought about it and was looking forward to it.

He has already thought about it. Among the five leisure pets, there must be a cat, a dog and a little fox, and the remaining two will be seen later. If it’s not enough, then spend money to open a few more pet slots. Ten is not too much, twenty is better.

Leisure pets also fight for pets, but they don’t cause big trouble like battle pets. There is Tangtang, if the hairballs fight, then a Taishan will hold them all down, so that they can’t make trouble, anyway, Tangtang won’t hurt your friends.

The more Ye Xu thought about it, the happier he became. He wished he could learn how to train pets now and fill up the pet slots. However, when he arrived at the pet hall, he realized that he was too naive. He came fast, but the others came even faster. Now that the hall is already crowded with people, it is impossible to squeeze in.

This is not surprising, after all, the pet hall and the occupation hall are next to each other. Hundreds of players will be crowded with the professional halls of mages and warriors all the time. These players are much closer to the pet hall than Ye Xu, and it takes one minute to turn right when they go out. In addition, this place is close to the commercial street. The players who heard the news naturally blocked the hall.

Ye Xu sighed and had to wait in line. It’s too noisy here, there’s no way to practice scrolling, but it doesn’t affect his reading novels, anyway, Tangtang will automatically follow the team forward.

In the world of magic, queue jumping doesn’t exist at all, and you don’t even think about queuing indiscriminately. With a wave of the pet tutor, the bow-shaped area was separated, and everyone was forced to line up according to her rules. The team is well-organized, and the two teams are obviously close to each other, but they are insurmountable, which makes many players regret.

Ye Xu’s Tangtang is huge, so he is very conspicuous in the team. After a while, he received private messages from several friends saying that he had seen him.

It’s a pity they can see him, but he can’t see them. After all, the little friends are about the same size as other players, and it is impossible to find them in the crowd. Listening to what they said, everyone seemed to be quite far apart, and they couldn’t get together to chat, so they could only pull a team and chat nonsense inside.

However, not everyone came to join in the fun at the first time. A few friends heard that there were too many people here, so they rested their minds and decided to wait for no one to come back in the early morning or tomorrow morning.

There is not much difference between later and earlier, and there are not many people like Ye Xu who have a leisurely mood. If it hadn’t been for those in front who felt that it was too much of a loss for them to queue up and leave now, it is estimated that many people would choose to leave.

Most of the people who came one after another took advantage of the excitement and returned in disappointment, and there were occasional people in front of them who left the team. Although there is no way to scramble when queuing, but they can still use the teleportation scroll, they just go back to the city and go to the magic circle in Liuquan Town.

Ye Xu observed for a while and found that it was estimated that it would take another hour at the speed of the team’s shortening, so he could do his own thing with peace of mind.

Perhaps because of the excitement, the novel is a bit difficult to read. Ye Xu reluctantly read two chapters and then closed it. After thinking about it, he simply opened the forum to see if everyone had any good leisure pet recommendations.

Fighting pets will definitely not publish their domestication addresses on the forum, after all, it involves competition. But leisure pets are different. Casual players are also very happy to share their little cuties with each other. Maybe you can find out where there are the cutest hairballs.

Ye Xu locked the popular post on the homepage at a glance – “[PBC Leisure Pets] Plush Control Comes in for me! ! ! 》

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