Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 66

The next day, Ye Xu really refused to go out at home no matter what anyone shouted.

Several friends came over and asked if they would like to download the book, farm monsters, and do quests together. Ye Xu glanced at himself yesterday because he had beaten several bosses and was promoted more than two levels in a row, and firmly chose to refuse. He had already finished his work for today, so he can go down with peace of mind today.

You can salt fish, why fight? The next brush monster to do the task is very tiring.

In fact, the level of the little friends is already higher than him, because they download and farm monsters much more than him. The fastest Jiang Yuexuan even squeezed into the top ten of the ranking list, and she is almost 30 in front of her. It is estimated that she will be able to break through this afternoon. Ye Xu is only level 28, but he is not good at all. It is not a problem within level five, and he will work harder when he exceeds level five.

Speaking of which, when the Summoner is level 30, you can play an advanced item that drops slimes from monsters. After the advanced level, the slimes will have the same powerful attributes as Tangtang and various strange usages, such as mounts, sofa etc. In this way, it seems that his brother doesn’t need to use his Tangtang to clear the boss, just let the summoner in the guild come.

But I don’t know if the brothers have found the map. If he guessed correctly, the map should be level 30 of the mobs in it. It is not necessary to enter the map to spawn monsters at level 30. The level 30 mobs are not difficult for players above level 28. If the map location has been found, then the advanced materials will be released soon, and there is no need to wait until level 30 to act.

Ye Xu opened the chat system and privately poked the second brother to ask about the situation, and sure enough, he got a positive answer from the second brother. Coincidentally, it was the map they found after eating last night. Many players in the guild stayed up late to scan the map, and two materials were really revealed.

“The explosion rate is a bit low. Only two of the ten teams came out in one night.” There was no surprise in the second brother’s tone, and he should have guessed that the explosion rate of this material would not be high.

Ye Xu asked curiously, “What attribute is it?”

“Fire and Earth.” The second brother replied, “The third skill of the fire attribute is attack type, which is more suitable for summoners who are violent. The third skill of the earth attribute is defensive shield, which is not bad.”

The attributes of the five elements have their own biases, but because slimes exist as meat shields most of the time, some attributes will appear tasteless. When more materials are released in the future, such as fire attributes, you can sell them.

After Ye Xu asked, he was about to cut off the call.

Second brother, they don’t need to work hard if they have a suitable slime. As for the acceleration skills, it doesn’t matter if they don’t have them, they can go to the NPC’s scroll shop to buy a few. Although it is a bit more expensive, it is obviously not worth mentioning compared to the advertising opportunities in the system that the top five can get.

However, the second brother stopped him: “Don’t rush to cut off the call, I seem to have a clue of the scroll tutor here, do you want to go and see?”

“Ah?” Ye Xu was stunned, “Is it not sure yet?”

“Yes, that NPC is suspected to be a scroll instructor, but our people tried several methods and couldn’t let him let go of teaching scroll making skills.”

Ye Xu suddenly became interested and asked carefully about the NPC’s situation.

The target NPC is not in Liuquan Town, but hidden in a novice village. Because the second brother and the others asked about the mentor in the guild, a player only provided the situation of this NPC.

That NPC is quite famous in their novice village, and is famous for being weird. It likes to pull other NPCs to discuss various magical skills. Often, when players find an NPC to hand in a quest, they find that the NPC they are looking for is being pestered by that guy.

The NPCs in the village were quite respectful to him, calling him “Master Ye Wen”, but they were not willing to chat with him about skills. After all, the level of NPCs in Novice Village is quite poor, and they can’t talk about anything at all. He is always speechless and forced to listen to him unilaterally. Too many times, no one can stand it.

Players will suspect that he is the scroll making instructor because every time he discusses the skill, he will repeatedly mention how to operate the skill when it is drawn on the magic scroll to have a higher success rate.

If they were normal scroll merchants, they wouldn’t preach these things in public. After all, businessmen are more precious, and it is impossible to tell others about the technology of making money.

In contrast, mentors are different. Tutors would like to teach what they have learned to more students and carry it forward all over the world. Therefore, even if he is not a scroll making instructor, he is very hopeful to learn this life skill from him.

However, the players who were sent to contact him all came back in vain, and no matter what method they used, the other party refused to let go of the professor. He didn’t even give a request to accept apprentices, completely ignoring these players.

The second brother said, “If you’re fine, you can try it out. Xiaoxu is so cute, maybe she can impress that stubborn NPC.”

Ye Xuxin said that the second brother’s filter was too thick for him. He should still be in a state of balance with Xiao Yinge, and the luck value is not very useful. It is estimated that there is no way to take that NPC. But in the end, I still asked my brother to ask for the coordinates of the other party, ready to take a look.

He has been paralyzed for half the morning, and it is time to get up and move around. Put on Tiantian, bring on the roll, lead the two furry, and set off.

To go to the target novice village, you must first teleport to another town far away, because the novice village is under the jurisdiction of that town. The light teleportation cost him a dozen gold coins. Fortunately, he is not short of money now, otherwise who would be willing to run so far for a mentor who doesn’t know the truth.

After arriving at the destination, Ye Xu realized that this novice village was much wealthier than other villages at first glance. The ground is covered with beautiful white marble floor tiles, and the surrounding houses are also exquisite and small. They don’t look like a village, but like a small resort.

There are NPCs wearing mage robes everywhere in this village, and there are basically no plainly dressed villagers in ordinary villages. In addition to the mage, there are only a few NPCs of other occupations, which seem to be composed entirely of adventurers.

Ye Xu looked around curiously, but he did not expect such a novice village. He thought that all novice villages were the same as small villages, and he was ignorant.

Near the teleportation array, there is a stone tablet with many words engraved on it. Ye Xu guessed that this should be an inscription recording the history of the village, so he walked over to take a look. Sure enough, the origin of the village is described in detail above.

It turns out that this village is very easy to give birth to newborns with mage talents. Although most of the newborns have average talents, it is more than enough to become a junior mage. For a small village, the junior mage is also quite powerful.

A long time ago, there was a high-level mage in the village. After the Master returned to his hometown, he discovered this characteristic of the village, and decided to stay in his hometown to enlighten the children, introducing all gifted children into the cultivation path. As a result, the village slowly became a well-known mage village.

There are almost no ordinary people in the village, and the mages are relatively powerful, and they often go out to travel to earn commissions and bring them back to their hometowns. Over time, the entire village became prosperous and prosperous. Many adventurers come here, looking for powerful mages to learn from and give advice. Some people think that the feng shui here is good, and they come here to experience the magic elements. Some pregnant women even come here to give birth to children.

Ye Xu came here to find that NPC, and wanted to find the mage here to study magic skills together. However, powerful mages often leave the village to take risks, and those who stay in the village are all junior mages, so he often can’t find anyone who has a common language.

Because Master Ye Wen’s reputation was too loud, Ye Xu asked a random NPC after he came over, and he got a lot of clues about the other party. From the time this person entered the Mage Village, to what he did recently, he was told everything without fail.

Ye Xu felt dizzy and wondered if the NPCs here had been poisoned by Master Ye Wen for a long time, and they were all assimilated into the same words as him.

After finding out where he lived, he quickly said goodbye, got rid of the NPC who wanted to drag him and continued talking for half an hour, and ran away. After running out two streets, he breathed a sigh of relief, identified the direction, and spent a few minutes walking to Master Marven Ye’s residence.

In fact, he didn’t expect the other party to be at home at the moment, but he didn’t want to go out to find out where the person ran away now. If you can run, the monk can’t run away from the temple, and you can always wait until the other party comes home.

For a lazy cancer patient, running around looking for someone is really tiring. Ye Xu would rather spend several times more time waiting for the rabbit. Anyway, the salted fish at home is also salty, and the salted fish is also salty here, there is no difference.

Ye Xu summoned Tangtang, so that the jelly sofa was also available. With furry in one hand and snacks in the other, the novel screen is open in front of him, as if he is still in the small courtyard he rented leisurely.

When Master Marven Ye came back, he saw a big lump of jelly holding a person blocking his door. The jelly was really big, and it just happened to block his door so tightly that he couldn’t even get around the big jelly and enter the house.

Absolutely, this must be intentional.

Marven Ye began to think about when he had offended such a potential summoner, and the result of his thinking was no result. After all, there are so many people he has offended that he can’t really remember.

“That…” Marven Ye stood in front of Ye Xu, “Can you move your slime away a little? You blocked my door.”

He thought to himself, this Summoner is quite smart enough to completely block the door. In this way, he had to confront each other head-on, and it was impossible to avoid it.

In fact, Ye Xu only summoned Tangtang, and did nothing else. It was the big clever ghost Gun Gun directing Tang Tang to block the door, and I don’t know why there is no language barrier between the iron eater and the slime.

Hearing the voice, Ye Xu closed the novel interface, only to find that the NPC he was looking for had returned.

Although he had heard from the second brother that this suspected mentor, Master Ye Wen, was young and handsome, and he had a half-blooded Asian appearance, he was still surprised when he actually saw it.

No way, this summoner is really special. Not only is the appearance a handsome type that completely conforms to the aesthetics of Orientals, but even the whole person looks obviously different from other NPCs.

The NPCs Ye Xu had seen in the past were basically “craftsmanship”, which gave people the feeling of “this is a dummy”, which could be clearly distinguished from real players. But Marven Ye was different. At a glance, there was no way to tell whether the opponent was an NPC or a mixed-race player. He was as agile as a real person.

If it wasn’t for the official statement that they never asked staff to play any NPC, Ye Xu would have suspected that there was actually a living person under Ye Wen’s skin.

“Sorry.” Ye Xu got off Tangtang, “I didn’t expect to block your door and cause you trouble.”

“It’s okay, I forgive you.” Marven Ye showed a professional smirk, thinking that if you really apologize, you should put away your slime.

It’s impossible to put it away. If you don’t block the door, what if this guy sneaks in and locks him outside and refuses to communicate? So after Ye Xu faked his apology, he pretended to have forgotten about it, and pulled Ye Wen to start to get close.

At the beginning, it was natural to talk to each other in business. First, they praised the other party’s understanding of magic skills, and others couldn’t beat it. Then he praised Marven Ye’s dedication to scroll making, he could easily master even such a profound magic scroll. In the end, he highly praised his behavior of sharing scroll drawing experience without secret, saying that he will definitely become the best scroll making instructor.

“So can you teach me how to make a scroll?” Ye Xu asked sincerely, his white and tender face looked smaller and smaller, making people embarrassed to refuse any of his requests.

Master Marven Ye: “…” I confirmed that I had been tricked.

The summoner in front of him was obviously much more difficult than the people he had met before, and he even wore a high hat to him. As a result, if you don’t agree, will the other party run out and speak ill of him? After all, a master scroll maker who “doesn’t hide anything” actually refuses to formally teach others how to make scrolls. What’s the difference between making a scroll and making a name for himself?

“I only teach scroll makers above the intermediate level.” Marven Ye said with difficulty, “Don’t ask me for entry-level ones.”

But his method of honoring himself was obviously not very useful, Ye Xu suddenly looked pitifully lost: “It turns out that Master Ye Wen looked down on me as a scholar who didn’t get started.”

Marven Ye: “!!!” You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can’t talk nonsense!

He quickly grabbed Ye Xu who was pretending to leave: “I didn’t mean that, I meant that I was too advanced to teach simple things, don’t get me wrong.”

“Yes, I understand, I didn’t misunderstand.” Ye Xu showed a hurt look, but smiled firmly, “It’s okay, I know that the master is impatient to teach new people, and he doesn’t mean to dislike me. You just forgot the simple How to make scrolls, only remember the advanced scroll making methods.”

Marven Ye was so choked that he wanted to cry without tears. This man “looked down” every word, “impatient” every mouthful, and even said, “You sure don’t dislike me”, when he couldn’t hear it, it was sarcasm. ?

He also laughs at his poor brain, only remembering difficult things but forgetting simple things. No, it is also possible that he is insinuating that he will not find excuses, and no one can teach junior students but senior students.

This person is so young, how can he be so strange, who did he learn from? !

——Jiang Yuexuan, a drama master, Zaan, Onmyoji, researcher of white lotus and green tea quotations, leader of novels and routines, and Jiang Yuexuan hides his merits and fame.

Seeing that Ye Xu was about to leave in a “desperate” way, and he didn’t intend to take away the slime that blocked his door, Ye Wen was so angry that his brain hurt.

However, Ye Xu had a posture of “I’m going to fight you to the end”, sat ten yards away, hugged his knees, and started stunned miserably. He stared straight at the ground in front of the soles of his feet, not knowing what he was thinking, and looked extremely lost. (No, Ye Xu is actually reading a novel.)

Pedestrians who passed by couldn’t help but cast their eyes here, and their eyes were full of condemnation when they looked at Marven Ye. It was not enough to ask him to explain, or not to explain. It’s really… you’re ruthless!

When the fifth old acquaintance who passed by couldn’t help but came over to persuade him not to do this to a child, Marven Ye compromised.

Isn’t it just to teach a little newcomer to get started with scrolls, and he will run away after teaching this ticket. Anyway, if he doesn’t give the other party a chance to entangle him, can’t he hide if he can’t be provoked? If it weren’t for the fact that there were still quite a few of his precious scrolls at home that he didn’t bring with him, he would have run away long ago!

“Get up, I agree to teach you scroll making.” Marven Ye rubbed his brows and said wearily.

Ye Xu stood up immediately, unable to see the loss and sadness just now. Marven Ye knew for a long time that he was pretending to be pitiful, and he was not surprised at all, and took Ye Xu into his house numbly.

He stated in advance: “I’m only responsible for teaching you scroll making. As for those advanced magics, I won’t teach them. No matter what kind of magic you want to learn, it’s none of my business. You can go out and find a skill book or something else. People teach you.”

“Okay.” Ye Xu agreed without saying a word. He didn’t expect to learn any magic from anyone. At present, he doesn’t have any special magic skills that he wants to learn, and he has always wanted the most flickering. He also got it yesterday with the wish of his younger brother Yige. Now he just wants to learn scroll making.

Marven Ye seems to be often entangled in learning those advanced magics, so he is a little bit ptsd about it. This is the fundamental reason why he is not willing to teach scroll making. Those apprentices who learn scroll making all want to make a fortune by this craft, and without advanced skills, they can’t make money by this, so they will naturally focus on Marven Ye. A mentor with many skills.

“You can rest assured.” Ye Xu assured, “I have learned a lot of powerful skills myself, and I don’t need to ask you to learn them. If it wasn’t for this, I wouldn’t have to learn scrolling.”

Marven Ye looked at him for a while, determined that he wasn’t lying, then nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

“The scroll making technique is not difficult, as long as you learn one, you can do everything.” He took out a stack of magic scrolls, “Pay first, this stack is a primary scroll, a total of ten scrolls, and only 1 gold coin. If you practice using my stuff, you have to pay for the cost, right? Otherwise, if I teach you something, you will have to pay for the materials yourself, there is no reason for that.”

It was only 1 gold coin, and Ye Xu handed it over without saying a word. By the way, I also paid the study fee, a full 10 gold coins.

Scroll making is a very rare life skill at this stage, and the learning price is naturally very expensive. However, Ye Xu, who carries a few hundred gold with him, doesn’t take the 10 gold to heart, and the material alone is extremely expensive, and it is understandable that the study fee is a little expensive.

A piece of 10 silver coins is just a primary scroll paper, and I am afraid that the advanced ones will cost 10 gold coins? Who can afford this, in case the success rate of making it is very low, a scroll is made at the cost of 100 gold coins, and selling this not only can’t make a fortune, but also subsidizes it.

Ye Xu quietly sent a message to his brother and his friends, asking them to come and learn if they wanted to learn. After this village, there will be no shop. He looked at Marven Ye as if he was about to run away after teaching this ticket. If he didn’t learn now, he might not be able to find him.

Ye Wen, who had no idea what Ye Xu was doing behind his back, was not very happy when he received the money, after all, a scroll master like him was not short of this money. With a stinky face, he shoved a scroll of paper to Ye Xu, and started teaching while holding his wrist.

“What’s the easiest magic you know? Light blade?” he asked.

Ye Xu nodded, this is the basic attack magic of the Summoner.

“Now, you use a light blade on the scroll paper, and the scroll paper will absorb the magic energy you release. All you have to do is to control the output speed of the magic, and it should be stable and uniform. If the total amount of this magic is 100, then I don’t care if you input 10 or 1 per second, you must ensure that the output per second is consistent. If you can output 100 per second, you are considered good.”

In fact, Ye Xu didn’t have that mysterious feeling of “energy flowing out of your palm”, but when he held the scroll, there was an extra virtual button where his thumb was in contact with the scroll. The pressure he used to press was different, and the red number displayed on the scroll paper was different. This number should be the amount of energy input per second.

In addition to the red numbers, there is also a row of green numbers, which is currently “2/10”, and the preceding 2 will slowly grow over time. This estimate is a progress bar, and the input is over when it reaches 10.

At first, he just kept still with Marven Ye’s strength, inputting at an efficiency of 1 point per second. After 10 seconds, he succeeded in making a magic scroll. The second time Marven Ye didn’t do it, he let him try to make it himself.

He thought for a while, pressed the button with the greatest strength, and then the red number jumped to 100 instantly in the next second. Because the light blade only has 10 energies, the output was too much this time, and scorch marks appeared on the scroll paper, and the production failed.

It seems that if you can’t save trouble, you can press it with the greatest strength, and you must learn to control it yourself.

This is a bit difficult, after all, the button is not very high, but it is divided into 1 to 100 according to the strength. He has no way to form a visual judgment by how many millimeters the button has dropped. He can only rely on feeling, and strive to make the thumb have physical memory.

He thought, try slowly at this stage, and master the strength of the two speeds of 5 and 10.

Just now he switched between different skills – only switching skills without input will not damage the scroll – he found that the maximum energy value displayed by the green numbers is basically a multiple of 5. So if you want to make a scroll at the fastest speed, you must master the force of 5 points per second.

“Have you learned?” Marven Ye asked.

Ye Xu nodded: “Thank you, teacher. By the way, teacher, this doesn’t seem difficult, can I teach others myself?”

“You want to be beautiful.” Marven Ye glanced at him, “Only senior scroll masters have the ability to teach others.”

That is to say, even if other people hold the magic scroll, the digital display and the button will not appear, and they can only learn from NPC.

“Okay, now that you’ve learned it, leave quickly. Many shops sell scroll paper, don’t pester me.” Marven Ye interrupted his thinking, pushing him to drive him out.

Ye Xu immediately sat down on the ground, stunned and refused to go: “No, I have to try a few more times. I just learned. If something happens, only you can point me to the teacher.”


Marven Ye couldn’t do anything about him, he turned his head and packed his luggage in the room, leaving him alone. However, Ye Xu did not continue to make scrolls, but stared at him. If this guy was teleporting away with a magic item, he could interrupt him in time.

Fortunately, before Marven Ye finished packing up, the people Ye Xu called to take the class came one after another. As soon as he saw so many people, Marven Ye’s face turned blue. But his baby is still scattered in the house, he can’t leave the baby and run away by himself, he can only hold his nose and continue teaching.

In order not to get caught up in the endless teaching, Marven Ye and the people sent by his brothers agreed to three chapters of the law, and stipulated that only fifty people should be taught. There were not many of Ye Xu’s little friends, only Mo Bei, Jiang Yuexuan, who were not short on money, and Xiao Suguang, a full-line mage who wanted to earn more money to support their younger brother.

The guilty culprit, Ye Xu, hurried away after saying hello to everyone, so as not to be caught by Ye Wen and clean up.

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