Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 150: Pickup failure

Aideen’s organization, it’s unlucky to speak of. A few people were invited to the Osborne Group. Among them, Norman Osborne remained skeptical and vigilant. Jordan said that he was a lively watcher, and Clint even more. It was the incarnation of Mission Impossible who was preparing to do things, and most of them didn't regard Aideen's invitation as the same thing.

At 7 o'clock in the evening of Halloween, Beekman Hotel in Lower Manhattan.

This is a very rare retro five-star hotel in New York City. It has a history of more than 120 years and was built in the same year as the Brooklyn Bridge.

It can be said that this hotel itself is a super rare antique building.

It was refurbished only a year ago. Once it opened for business, it quickly caused a sensation in New York. Parties, weddings, banquets, and fashion shows can only be held here regularly every year with a fixed number of places.

Aideen chose this place, this time of Halloween, to hold a semi-party banquet here, there is no doubt that it is very hard.

Halloween parties, masquerades, and retro banquet halls are in perfect harmony with the theme of the demon corpse of this banquet.

When I just learned about the theme of the banquet, Jordan originally planned to dress up as Batman and go to the banquet.

Fortunately, Norman Osborne is more loyal, and he did some training for Jordan in advance.

In the upper-class society, even for such a makeup masquerade, it is necessary to wear a formal dress, at most a small mask or something, just forget it.

Only in the less popular civilian parties and bar parties, there will be that kind of strangely costumed dance party.

I have to say that this news made Jordan a little disappointed. In essence, this so-called very innovative banquet is still a Vanity Fair, and it is not a fun place to make people lively.

Jordanian also wanted to see the scene of Halloween magic dancing. After understanding the rules, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Fortunately, during his training camp career, Jordan had more or less received some training in this area. In addition, after breaking up and reconciling with Natasha before, he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on shopping with Natasha. Jordan also got a good suit.

Taking into account the unclear nature of Aideen's organization, Jordan took his own suit and went to the Continental Hotel for a certain degree of modification.

When driving a Maserati sports car to the Beekman Hotel, guests have already begun to enter the venue.

Jordan did not prepare the so-called mask. When he entered the arena, he randomly selected a demon mask from the hands of the waiter, and he quickly came to the hall.

Regardless of the nature of the banquet, I have to say that the environment and food here opened up Jordan's eyes.

Unlike the vigilance of Norman Osborne and others, and the ulterior motives of Clint, after Jordan entered the hotel, he was eating and drinking while looking at the celebrities in New York.

Before the formal banquet, there was a dance party, but because more than half of them were scholars, politicians, and wealthy businessmen, they didn't make the music too intense.

Instead, the entire dance party is like a less rigorous salon or a large masked blind date.

At the very least, in less than twenty minutes after entering the venue, Jordan had seen no less than seven or eight wild ducks looking at each other, and hurried towards the room upstairs.

"Hi, this charming lady catwoman, are you interested in a dance?"

"Handsome guy, do you know what kind of man Catwoman likes?"

"Um, what about rich men, for example, my name is Thomas Williams."

"Wow, is it Little Tommus of Vanke US Real Estate? I think we can find a quieter place and have a good chat."

"With pleasure, in fact, I know there is a place..."

There was another pair of wild mandarin ducks, not more than three meters away from Jordan, and they had hooked up in a few words.

Jordanian swallowed the food in his mouth, took a cup of Martini from the waiter's tray and poured it into his belly. Looking at the direction of the pair of wild ducks, he fiercely complained about the scumbag.

At this moment, a blonde girl wearing a white spider mask and an off-white halter evening dress refused to strike up a conversation with several men. She took her to a thousand miles away and came to Jordan not far away. It’s next to the on-site chef’s desk.

The blond hair is supple, the figure is tall, and the curves are enchanting.

This is definitely a Natasha-level goblin, sexy, with a trace of holiness and heroism.


Jordan didn't care about complaining about the male and female dogs just now, cleared his throat, came to the side of this superb beauty, and said: "Hey, this charming lady spider, are you interested in dancing?"

The blonde spider beauty was obviously taken aback, and she grinned with two nice dimples, nodded slightly, and said, "I'm really sorry, I'm a little tired, and I want to take a break."

Jordan was a little dazed. The script was wrong. He observed at least eight or nine pairs of males and females. Most of the opening scenes were based on the rhetoric, not playing cards for the girl Mao.

After pondering for a while, Jordan felt that there must be something wrong with him, and then continued his efforts: "Beautiful and elegant Miss Spider, your refusal so directly makes me sad. I am John Osborne, you know. Norman Osborne is my brother..."

"Hey, Joe, I have been looking for you for a long time!"

Just when Jordan was about to pretend to be a wave of billionaires, Conrad listened to his big beer belly and squeezed it not far from Jordan.

Coming with Conrad, and Professor Connors, Conrad's good friend in the laboratory, said to Jordan Danny, "Mr. Jovovich, long time no see!"

Jordan froze suddenly, and the corners of the blond spider beauty's lips in front of Jordan made a nice arc.

Jordani shrugged stiffly, gesturing wildly to Conrad and Connors with one hand behind his back, and his expression calmly said: "I don't even know them both..."

Conrad has already come to and said: "Joe, what's wrong with your hand? Are you cramping? Wait a moment. I need to record the surrounding environment information. It is a major discovery on the path of human evolution..."

Send your sister.

The blonde spider beauty posed a very elegant pose and said, "So you are John? Joe? Or Mr. Jovovich? Or Mr. Osborne?"

The pick-up scheme to pretend to be billionaires completely failed.

Just as Jordan's face was cold, and he was about to turn his head to give Conrad a brutal meal, four or five big and strong men in suits came to the crowd with a handsome looking guy.

The muzzle of the black hole accidentally hit Jordan, Conrad and others.

"Keep quiet, otherwise the bullet in this gun won't grow eyes."

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