Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 149: Eagle eye

Regarding the human body strengthening agent, it was a great surprise for Norman Osborn to completely cure his genetic disease, but for Jordan, it was very general.

Jordan's physical fitness is already ten times that of ordinary people, and he has embarked on an evolutionary road.

For ordinary people, the increased potential and resistance of human body strengthening agents are basically useless compared to Jordanian.

Ten times the physical fitness of ordinary people is already the limit of mortals.

If Jordan wants to go further, he needs to truly control the power of authority in his heart, guide his interests according to the situation, develop his own abilities, and open the blue bar.

In more fantasy terms, Jordan had reached a bottleneck and needed to refine Qi.

However, the control of this kind of authority requires a strong will on the one hand, and some tricks on the other.

This is also the reason why Gu Yi mage asked Qiao Danni to find the people of the Asa Protoss for guidance. Only the Asgard group of Asa Protoss was the most familiar with this evolutionary path.

Compared with the two news from Norman Osborne, it was the news of the banquet organized by Aideen, which made Jordan even more interested.

Aideen organization, Jordan actually knows a little bit about it.

Just like the Continental Hotel where Jordan is located, the Aideen organization can be regarded as the Continental Hotel in MI6, CIA, KGB and other intelligence organizations in a sense.

Semi-official and semi-private in nature.

In the Aideen organization, there are many hunted agents, defected spies, soldiers who can't get along, and academics who are incognito. It can be regarded as the default nursing home for members of the world's major intelligence organizations.

Just like those ambitious agents in the Continental Hotel, ready to stand on their own feet and get rid of the high table council.

Among the previous controllers of the Aideen organization, naturally there are also ambitious generations who have gradually built a nursing home for members of the former intelligence organization into an extremely powerful existence, and even intelligence organizations around the world are afraid of it.

As far as Jordanian knows, Saifu, the little girl, has close ties with the Aideen organization.

If it hadn't been for Jordanian's explosion of the Assassins Mutual Aid Association and the CIA's nowhere to lose Nobodi, Saifu would most likely not be able to compete with Nobodi and directly join the Aideen organization.

And it’s such a weird organization that, through the CIA, invited people who did not match the style of Jordan, Clint, Norman Osborne, Professor Conrad, and Professor Conners to join the banquet. .

Jordan is a killer, Clint is an agent, Norman is a billionaire, Conrad and Connors are academics.

No one can figure out what this so-called Aideen organization means.

There is no point in guessing alone. Fortunately, the banquet time is set for Halloween. Three days are enough for people to make full preparations.

After coming out of the research base, it happened to be Clint's turn to rest.

Jordan and Clint met in the club bar of the Central Park Building.

The Central Park Tower Club is on the third floor below Jordan's new home. Jordan is half the owner, and Clint is very kind to ask Jordan to treat him.

This is not a big deal, but Jordanian has an instinct that Clint must have something to tell himself.

Sure enough, after a few glasses of wine, Clint suddenly took out a document.

William Brand, a Tier 4 employee of the CIA.

The photo on the ID is exactly Clint's head, but the name and position are completely different.

Jordan was a little surprised, and then said with a weird face: "The agent is different. You can call it whatever you want, so which one is your true identity?"

Clint put away the CIA's documents and said, "S.H.I.E.L.D. is hidden behind people, but it needs an official identity to defend global security. Sometimes I use the CIA's identity to perform some tasks."

Jordani smiled and said, "I'm afraid it's more than that, Nick Fury is not a scary person."

After being exposed, Clint was not embarrassed, and said: "Well, I admit that being in the CIA is one of my tasks, occasionally collecting some information."

Jordan said nothing, took a sip of wine, smashing the meaning of Clint's words.

The existence of S.H.I.E.L.D. is like a lice on a bald head in the eyes of many high-level people, but in fact, in the eyes of most ordinary people, S.H.I.E.L.D. does not exist.

Especially the information of the internal agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., even an intelligence organization of the CIA level, is not qualified to consult it.

Nick Fury is indeed an old beep. He forged Clint's identity information and buried it inside the CIA. It became a Mission: Impossible. You can get a lot of confidential information about the CIA without moving your body.

Probably not only the CIA, there are definitely many S.H.I.E.L.D. missions in organizations such as the FBI and MI6.

Damn, the world of spies and agents is really complicated.

Just as Jordanian sighed, Clint opened the mouth and said: "This wine is just to say hello to you. At the Halloween banquet, I will use the William Brand identity. If you meet, don’t give it to me. Debunked."

Jordani nodded, curiously asked: "A task?"

Clint glanced at Jordanian, seemingly pondering, and said, "You don't know what the theme of this banquet is yet?"

Jordanian nodded silently.

Clint touched the cup with Jordani and said, "In fact, it has something to do with you. The theme of this banquet is to invite biological researchers from all over the world to study a demon's corpse."

A shadow flashed across Jordan's mind and said, "Is it Mephisto's demon clone?"

Clint frowned: "A few days ago, an organization called Syndicate appeared suddenly, attacked a research base of the U.S. government, took away the devil's body, and developed a devil's potion. It is very likely that this time During the banquet, the purpose is unknown, but it must be nothing Jordan was a little confused, and said: "Why is there another syndicate? "

Clint smiled bitterly: "I was in the CIA and recently joined an IMF team. An agent named Ethan Hunt found some clues. The syndicate organization is likely to be the two sides of the Aideen organization. "

"The Aideen organization is likely to be a nursing home on the surface, but in fact, it may be a terrorist organization in the dark."

Listening to Clint's words, Jordan had fallen into a deep contemplation.

It can be said to be contemplative, or it can be said to be confusing.

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