Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: So-Called General

Sitting in the office, Shen Huai was also quite emotional. It is said that before he came to Meixi Town, the administrative level was the official department, but in the domestic official environment, he was only twenty-four years old. Even in the township, it is usually impossible to serve as a party member , political leaders.

In just three months, being able to go from the deputy secretary of the town party committee to the official position and directly serve as the secretary of the party committee, at least in the Donghua officialdom, is a small promotion miracle.

“Dong dong dong”, there was a knock on the office door outside, Shen Huai looked up and saw that it was Du Jian who pushed open the door and walked in.

The Assets Office occupies the east side of the ground floor of the office building. Guo Quan shares an office with Chu Qiang, Hu Xuebin and others. Shen Huai’s office is inside, and the door between the two sides is usually open; there is also a reference room and a safe room. .

After Shen Huai moved the office from the corporate office to the asset office, Du Jian has never stepped into this door. Du Jian pushed open the door and came in. Guo Quan, Hu Xuebin, Chu Qiang and others were quite surprised and stood up to say hello, “Secretary Du.” Their eyes couldn’t hide their surprise.

“Secretary Du, is it time for the meeting?” Shen Huai walked out, took the watch Guo Quan put on the table and looked at the time, it was indeed the meeting time.

“Well, I asked you to go to a meeting with Lao Guo.” Du Jian smiled, standing at the door cordially like a family, waiting for Shen Huai and Guo Quan to take the record book and go out together.

Guo Quan suppressed the surprise in his heart. He had no idea which medicine Du Jian was taking the wrong medicine, but it was inconvenient to ask Shen Huai what happened in front of him, so he could only follow him upstairs in a muffled voice.

At the meeting on the second floor, He Qingshe happened to come downstairs from the third floor with the record book in between, He Qingshe smiled at Shen Huai: “I just received a call from Secretary Tao, congratulations to you; congratulations to Secretary Du for coming to the county. As a leader, Meixi Town still wants Secretary Du to continue to take care of him in the county…”

Only then did Guo Quan know that the personnel transfer in Meixi Town had been decided today, and he secretly felt: It’s so fast.

However, Guo Quan was also secretly happy for Shen Huai from the bottom of his heart. Although he did not know whether Shen Huai would continue to serve as the director of the Assets Office as the Secretary of the Party Committee, the status of the Assets Office in the town would undoubtedly be further elevated.

This is also a matter of rising tide for Guo Quan.

Guo Quan can understand Du Jian’s initiative to come downstairs.

Guo Quan didn’t know what kind of seats Du Jian would get when he arrived in the county, but he didn’t think there would be any good ones.

However, after the incident at Meixi Middle School yesterday, Du Jian may have wanted to leave Meixi Town in a hurry. Otherwise, don’t talk about a good seat or a bad seat, and if there is another evil incident, it’s hard to say whether Du Jian will be able to get another seat.

At the door of the conference room, Shen Huai smiled and let Du Jian and He Qingshe advance.

Shen Huai sometimes thinks about the situation before Meixi Town and the iron and steel plant, Du Jian has to take a considerable responsibility, he really wants to investigate, and believes that he can find out major problems from Du Jian, but he went to Meixi Town I came here because I wanted to do something, not to be upright and anti-**. Sometimes compromise is a necessary pragmatic attitude.

When you are an official in China, sometimes you have to be vague and have no edges and corners. This is called having the demeanor of a general.

The party and government meeting in Meixi Town is held every half month. In addition, in case of major events, the party secretary has the right to decide to convene a party and government meeting for collective discussion.

Except for a deputy mayor who was on a business trip, most of the party committee members including Li Feng and Huang Xinliang, as well as other station leaders who were able to attend the meeting as nonvoting delegates, had already taken their seats in the conference room.

Du Jian walked to the conference table and said, “Before the meeting, I want to give everyone a good news. The county is considering letting young and capable cadres play a greater role. At the morning county standing committee meeting, a decision was made: I will adjust the Going to work in the county, Secretary Shen will be the squad leader of Meixi Town who leads everyone to continue the revolutionary work. Let’s congratulate Secretary Shen together…”

Several people in the conference room had already known the news in advance, and most of them were shocked. The news was a bit too sudden for them, but it did not prevent them from applauding with Du Jian with all their enthusiasm.

Du Jian asked Shen Huai to sit at the conference table, and gave Shen Huai his usual seat.

Shen Huai relented: “Secretary Du is in Meixi Town for one day, and he is our squad leader for one day…” He still insisted on taking Du Jian’s right and left with He Qingshe, sat down, and said something about the development of Meixi Town over the years. After leaving Secretary Du, Secretary Du worked hard and made great achievements.”

Because of the unexpected incident at Meixi Middle School yesterday, the entire party and government meeting today was disrupted.

Li Fengxian, deputy secretary of the party committee, introduced the investigation of the case and the review of the Lu Xiaoshan issue by the investigation team of the county public security bureau. Once you decide to dig deeper, you won’t have to worry about not being able to dig something.

Especially since Li Feng has decided to step on Lu Xiaoshan as a backwater dog, so that he can clear his responsibility, naturally Lu Xiaoshan is not allowed to play tricks in this case, until the Municipal Public Security Bureau took over the case, Lu Xiaoshan did not It will allow the wife and brother involved in the case to have the opportunity to collude with the other six suspects.

After Yang Chengming and Kou Jing confirmed the injury, they immediately transferred it to the Criminal Investigation Detachment.

In order to reduce the punishment for meritorious service, one person confessed that Lu Xiaoshan’s wife and brother were running a beauty and leisure house on Taowu Road that night. When his wife, brother and accomplices saw a beautiful girl, they usually “played with friends” and seduced them. Take the bait, but then force these girls to go to the leisure house to sell, yín. And Lu Xiaoshan’s wife and brother’s protection umbrella for the **** and love place on Taowu Road is a deputy director who was transferred from the Meixi Town Police Station to the Taowu Road Police Station. Lu Xiaoshan knew about this…

The city bureau also raided the beauty and leisure house operated by Lu Xiaoshan’s wife and brother on Taowu Road overnight, and arrested two of his younger brothers and rescued seven girls, the youngest of whom were less than 14 years old.

After an emergency communication between the city bureau and the county, overnight measures were also taken against Lu Xiaoshan, the deputy director of the Taowu Road police station, and another citizen involved in the case, which suddenly became an important case for the public security system.

The seriousness of the whole case has far exceeded everyone’s imagination. Before, everyone thought that Lu Xiaoshan’s wife and brother would not be able to get it out this time; at this time, he couldn’t help thinking that Lu Xiaoshan’s wife and brother would be killed this time. Can’t get it back.

When Li Feng introduced the case, he also “bang bang” on the table to express his anger.

Shen Huai didn’t expect that the quality of the case would be so bad, he was silent throughout the meeting and didn’t say much.

If the tragedy happened to someone else’s family, the feeling might be weaker. Thinking of Lu Xiaoshan’s wife and brother, who had a clear goal to go to Xiaoli, Shen Huai couldn’t help but feel scared.

Zhou Xiaozhou, the principal of Meixi Middle School, also reviewed the fault at the meeting and resigned as director of the town education office. The post of director of the town education office is temporarily held by the town mayor He Qingshe.

Next, I discussed strengthening the public security management of the town’s primary and secondary schools and the township. In the end, it still requires money.

There are only ten days left for the Chinese New Year. The town has spent almost all the money that can be spent, and there is no money to be squeezed out to subsidize the school. Finally, it is decided that the police station and the joint defense team will set up a patrol post in Meixi Middle School. chūn During the festival, the inspection and management of entertainment venues such as billiard rooms, video halls, and game machine halls in the town will be strengthened.

The two established issues of raising funds to build houses and building bridges and roads were discussed hastily, but no conclusions were drawn.

Both Du Jian and He Qingshe wanted to leave these two matters to Shen Huai’s official post as party secretary, and then let him make decisions.


“Are you still short of money?”

After the meeting, He Qingshe went to the Assets Office to smoke. Although he had just served as the director of the Town Education Office, he still had a thorough understanding of the education issues in Meixi Town. After all, the Education Office was nominally in his charge before.

Shen Huai, Guo Quan, and He Qingshe, three old smoking guns smoked the office in the inner room, and the topic still revolved around Meixi Middle School.

“In the past, the town turned over the tax to the county, and the county transferred it back on a special basis. No one dared to touch the special fund, so we still allocated enough education funds to each school,” He Qingshe said. “In 1992, Meixi Town’s finances and taxes were contracted, and the education funds allocated by the county did not increase, so the salary of the teaching staff was fixed at the level before 1992, which was 280 yuan per month. In the past two years, prices have risen sharply, and teachers’ wages in other towns have risen by more than 300. Teachers in the school have very strong opinions on this, so they don’t have any thoughts on teaching. However, to make up for it, from the county If you can’t get money, the town can only make it up with non-tax income.”

He Qingshe was afraid that Shen Huai had just come to work in the township and did not understand the insides, so he explained the issue of the financial block to him in great detail, and then said,

“The town’s financial autonomy mainly depends on non-tax income. But by the end of the year, the town can flexibly control the money, and there are only 400,000 left. The people in the town are still stretching their necks to see the year-end bonus. Well, come here every once in a while, if it’s lower than last year’s number, I, the mayor, will definitely scold people behind their backs…”

“It’s not bad to say that Meixi Town was raised by the stepmother.” Guo Quan couldn’t help but jail time. UU reading www.

“What was the number last year?” Shen Huai asked.

“Eight, six, four, three, two.” He Qingshe said.

Shen Huai nodded, indicating that he knew.

The main department gets 8,000, the deputy department gets 6,000, the head of the stock-level station gets 4,000, the administrative establishment gets 3,000, and the career establishment gets 2,000. This is the year-end bonus for the staff of the zhèngfǔ organ in Meixi Town. Almost all the towns in the Donghua region are at this level.

Townships with good economic development and financial well-off, as well as township stations with operating projects, will be higher. This can be mastered by oneself. It should not be too high, and it should not be too unbalanced within the township.

This should have been the most headache for Du Jian and He Qingshe until the end of the year, but the county clearly wanted to complete the personnel adjustment of Meixi Town before the chūn festival, so He Qingshe naturally raised this issue with Shen Huai.

He Qingshe has control of the financial office, and he will not let go of the last 400,000 yuan, which is also to deal with the year-end bonus.

Shen Huai is not party secretary yet, so he refrained from expressing his position.

He Qingshe went back to the upstairs office. Shen Huai thought of introducing clients to Sun Yalin, so she dialed Sun Yalin’s mobile phone and asked her if she was interested in hosting a few potential clients at night.

“I went to Meixi Town twice before and after, and you didn’t say anything about picking up the wind and washing the dust. You’re trying to eat my food. Do you still want to show your face?” Sun Yalin’s voice was a little noisy on the phone, and she didn’t know where she was. .

“My monthly salary is 600 yuan, which translates to 20 yuan per day for living expenses. I’ll help you clean the dust? Well, let’s choose a place.” Shen Huai said bluntly.

“…” Sun Yalin was silent for a while, and seemed to turn aside to talk to others. After a while, she said, “There is no problem with asking you to extort a meal, except that Meixi Iron and Steel Plant should set up the main account in Yexin. , the customers you introduce should also be worth the money…”

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