Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Plastique II
Barry was very anxious about the news he just got and knew he would most likely have to have a talk with Iris again.
"What was that about?" Cisco asked concerningly.
"Iris posted about The Streak again, she signed her name to it." Barry said.
"Oh that's not good." Cisco said.
"No." Barry agreed.
"If one of these bad Meta-Humans we're dealing with figures she knows something..." Cisco started.
"Then they may target her I know." Barry finished.
'Meta-Humans aren't the only ones we have to worry about.' I thought regarding Eiling and how my changing the future could change things. I didn't know how right I was going to be.
(Later that Night CC Jitters)
Barry had come to talk to Iris as The Streak and what he found scared him to no end. The entire place was traced, the glass door was smashed in and there seemed to be an empty smoke grenade canister on the ground. As Barry rushed around the shop to look for Iris, he saw a note typed up on Iris' laptop which read.
[If you want to find her, have The Streak and The Electric Man come to the docks tomorrow.]
(S.T.A.R. Labs)
"HE TOOK HER!!" Barry said as he rushed inside the cortex.
"Took who?" Caitlin asked.
"Iris! I went to try and talk to her about her blog and I found Jitters completely trashed and a note that said to have Andrew and I come to the docks tomorrow if we wanted to get her back!" Barry exclaimed worryingly.
"Wait a second, slow down, who took her?" Cisco asked.
"Who do you think?" I chimed in to which the team started at me quentioningly.
"You know who took her?" Wells asked.
"Don't you think it's a remarkable coincidence that right after Eiling failed to capture Bette and even tried to employ a tracker, that he would try to find another way to get any sort of information? And low and behold, he sees a blog signed by Iris about us and I assume he hopes that we would have Bette with us. That, or he also wants to use us as Lab Rats." I explained quickly.
"If that's the case, he's gone too far this time!" Barry replied angrily.
Wells decided to interject because he could see that Barry was close to making a bad decision by acting on his anger and worry.
"Barry. You need to calm down." Wells said stressing the last words.
"How can I calm down when Iris has been kidnapped?!?!? Oh my God, I have to call Joe!" Barry said as he started to take his phone out of his pocket.
"Wait!" Wells shouted to get Barry's attention.
"Why?" Barry questioned.
"You need to think about this carefully. Eiling is dangerous, and he's not stupid. You call Joe and he gets the whole of Central City's police force looking for Iris, so soon after her capture, it will only confirm what Eiling already believes. That Iris actually knows who you and Andrew are. I am sorry to say this, but you need to wait until tomorrow." Wells stressed.
"How can you say that?!?!" Barry asked angrily as he was going for his phone again.
"Barry." I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder
"Wells is right. Eiling isn't stupid. He knows that by tomorrow the laptop would have been discovered and he would have the whole police force on him so I am sure he is going to find a way to contact us with another location. So, before you go running off half-cocked, you need to stop and think. Eiling won't hurt Iris, she is his bargaining chip as he doesn't know what we are actually capable of, if he hurts her, he loses his leverage. So I suggest you bring this information to Joe first thing in the morning and we can deal with it then. If you decide to ignore what Wells and I are telling you, you may end getting Iris hurt, or worse." I explained.
Barry took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.
"You're right. You both are. I'm just worried for her." Barry said.
"So are we. And I promise you we will do absolutely everything in out power to make sure Iris gets home safe." I said.
"He's right man, whatever you need, we're here for you." Cisco added to which Wells and Caitlin nodded in agreement.
"The best thing we can do for Iris now is to go home, get some rest, and come back bright and early with clear heads." Wells finished as he rode out of the cortex.
"I'll meet you here first thing tomorrow" I said as I walked out followed by Caitlin and Cisco who both put a reassuring hand on Barry's shoulder as they walked past him.
Barry was now alone in the Cortex and only he knew what he was truly thinking, but if I had to wager a guess, anger was still at the forefront of his mind. I will most likely have to stop him from killing Eiling tomorrow. And I dont even know if I'd want to stop him. He was always a relatively low threat in the overarching story, but this isn't just a show anymore, it's real life, so I will have to make that choice in the moment and I hope I won't regret it.