Static Flash

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Plastique I

Barry picked up the phone after an exasperated sigh regarding Iris' behavior.


{We piggybacked off General Eiling's own surveillance. According to what they're saying, the lovely Ms. Sans Souci was just spotted in Inglewood.} Cisco said over the phone stressing the word lovely.

{The same neighborhood as Dr. Harold Hadley's office, the military surgeon who performed several procedures on her. That's why she was looking for the folder.} Caitlin added.

{You gotta get to her before Eiling does} Cisco finished.

{Okay.} Barry replied.


(At the Center for Inflicted Wounds(the Doctor's office)

Bette was having a conversation with Dr. Hadley as she thought that he and Eiling were the ones who made her into a Meta-Human with her explosive powers.

Barry arrived, and myself a little later emerging from a nearby outlet and reforming into my body, I was wearing my old homemade suit and a mask I had made before I got my suit from Cisco.

[AN: Think 'Incredibles' mask]

As i arrived I immediately created a polarity wall in front of Bette and a bullet bounced off of it. I didn't arrive early enough to stop Eiling from killing Dr. Hadley. I had forgotten how little he cared for human lives despite all his posturing about doing things for the betterment of mankind, but I knew we had to get out of there before Eiling's soldiers entered.

'Damnit, the Dr. didn't die in the original timeline. I guess the butterfly effect is taking hold more and more' I thought frustratingly.

"What was that?!?" Barry asked.

"My best guess, considering the fact that Eiling is an Army General? It was most likely a tracking bullet." I answered.

"He's right, that's definitely Eiling's style" Bette agreed.

"We gotta get you to safety." Barry said.

Bette looked to be weighing her options.

"Look i can get you out of here. I can help you understand what happened to you." Barry explained.

"How?" Bette asked.

"Because it happened to us to." I answered in Barry's stead.

Bette nodded and Barry rushed her to S.T.A.R. Labs. I turned back into electricity and entered the same outlet and made my way to S.T.A.R. Labs as well.

Just after I left, Eiling's soldiers entered the office and saw that there was no one there. They looked around and saw the tracking round they had shot and saw that it was not only flattened as if it had struck a solid surface, it was also melted as if it was affected by something that was very hot. The only evidence it hit anything was the splattered bits of blood from Dr. Hadley that were flung from the bullet after it impacted my Polarity Wall.

{Sir, the asset is gone, the tracking round did not make contact.} The lead soldier said over comms.

{WHAT?!?} Eiling asked in anger.

'Damnit, we need to track her down again' Eiling thought to himself angrily before ordering his soldiers to look for signs of the asset's location and left.


(At S.T.A.R. Labs)

Wells was showing a presentation of the Particle Accelerator Explosion on a video screen and explaining it to Bette.

"As the detonation dispersed throughout Central City, a number of people were exposed to a wave of unquantifiable energy. One of those people, was you. You were in Central City 10 months ago." Wells explained as Caitlin handed Bette a pair of gloves.

"I had just returned from Afghanistan, I was there diffusing roadside bombs and shrapnel ripped through me. I was flown back stateside, spent months at the base recuperating. And next thing i know, i became the thing that almost killed me. And Eiling's favorite new Lab rat." Bette explained as she put the gloves on.

"The Dark Matter must have combined with the bomb particulate inside your body." Caitlin explained.

"I thought Eiling did this to me." Bette replied confused.

"Eiling, is not smart enough to create someone like you, clever enough to see your value." Wells interjected.

"Do you know of any others that were changed?" Bette asked.

"There have been a few." Caitlin replied.

"But no one that looks like you." Cisco added before he realized what he had said.

"I'm sorry, that was inappropriate. Please don't leave" Cisco continued whispering the last part.

"Not to mention cringey as hell." I jokingly added.

"I know how to perform a lobotomy." Caitlin veildly threatened Cisco to admonish for his blunder.


(A Few minutes later)

"Her cellular structure's unlike anything I've ever seen." Wells said as he was looking over the information regarding the tests they performed on Bette.

"Her Nitrogen levels are off the charts." Caitlin added before walking to check on Bette.

"Can we help her?" Barry asked as he saw how sad Bette looked.

"To understand that, we have to understand how she works, and to understand that, first we need to study her in action." Wells explained.

"You want her to blow stuff up? Yes! That's what I'm talking about!" Cisco said happily as I walked up and gave him a high five.

"This is going to be awesome dude." I said.

"Not in here, she's too unstable." Wells said.

"I know." Cisco replied.

"Yeah we know, but even if she wasn't, when dealing with someone with explosive abilities, it's best to do it both outside, and preferably away from anyone who could get hurt." I added


(Next Day, Farris Airfield)

Bette grabbed a Frisbee that was slowly covered in a purple aura as she threw it and it exploded in midair.

"427 KPAs, her Trauzl rating is around 45. That's the same as any Plastique, Ha- Plastique! First try." Cisco said joyfully partly due to being able to see things blow up, and partly due to coming up with the perfect name.

Bette started to walk off to think, Barry and I followed.

"Downrange, insurgents started booby traping cars. The rest of my tour I was terrified to touch another vehicle. Now I'm going to spend the rest of my life, terrified to touch another human being." Bette said sadly.

"That's not entirely true." I said which caused Bette to turn to me quentioningly.

"Not to discredit what you're going through, and I can't even imagine how you're feeling, but the gloves can help for the most part. And, technology is advancing everyday. Every day something new about science and technology is discovered, and I am sure that somewhere down the line, there will be something to help you as well." I explained obviously alluding to Meta-Cuffs which can disable her abilities and the Meta-Human cure that Cisco will eventually create.

Bette looked down and seemed to be pondering my words before she looked up at us.

"Have they tried to help either of you?" She asked.

"Yeah, they've helped me learn how to control my powers, not reverse them." Barry said and Bette frowned it didn't seem to be the reply she was hoping for.

"If they could reverse it, make it so you weren't a... Meta-Human. Would you?" Bette asked Barry.

"In mine and Barry's case, our powers aren't really a danger to others, well, not anymore than any ability is, so they've been focusing on control, but I'm sure if you ask, they'd switch gears and start looking for a way to, if not cure, then at least stop your ability from working. Not too mention, for me, i don't want, nor am i looking for a cure." I explained which seemed to make Bette happier as she had smiled slightly.

Barry also gave his two cents about it, talked about what Oliver had said about him being given his powers for a reason. Barry then got a call from Joe saying how not only was Iris still writing her blog, she had signed her name on it, it was no longer anonymous. And that mistake would cost her far more than she expected.

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