Star Wars:can’t I live a life of enjoyment no? we shall see!!!

Chapter 24: chapter 23: so I’ve been gone for over two months?

(POV third)

[ding congratulations for gaining: x1 vulture droid production line,(16 per squadron) 2 squadrons of vulture droids….]

[ding congratulations for gaining: 3 Corsair patrol ships, 1 million supply crates, hyper space route (to havoc outpost)…]

[ding congratulations for gaining: hyena bomber production line x1, material crates x 50,000, mega structure repair kit x1]

[ding congratulations...]



A series of beeps entered Williams ears,jolting him awake.

Confused he looked around,he got up from from his position of almost falling off the chair his hand coming down.

( I'm imagining)

William slowly got up as bones popped and cracked,he leaned back into the chair ,collecting his thoughts..

After a few minutes he began to look around seeing the devastated state of the room,he looked in front of him to find a single console not broken.

Curious he slowly got up,looking everywhere for any signs of something that might pop out,after cautiously looking over the room and searching he found only a few skeletons of some strange creatures and a dozen dead droids..

After coming back to the console he looked at it and began to operate it,after a few clicks a menu appeared.

[star forge operations station 09021, station damaged requiring emergency repair ,commence repair?….]

After searching the menu he basically found that he could control the star forge, after pressing the button to commence repairs he suddenly turned his attention to the inventory…

After looking he found a [mega structure repair kit] and clicked the repair kit.

[ do you want to use mega structure repair kit?]

Without hesitation he pressed yes and then looked back at the console.

[damage 97.88, commencing repair…]

[ 0.001 percent repaired]

He watched as the numbers increased rapidly.

[ 1% repaired ]

[ 3% repaired ]

[ 15% repaired]

He watched the console intensely not noticing the changes in the control room, the once broken terminals that were beyond repair started to vanish as if a force was at play, then as if nothing happened a brand new terminal appeared, some of the less broken consoles were slowly repaired as the insides of the console floated back into place..

The skeletons and body's of droids were turned into material,all around the massive superstructure parts that were originally Laden with blaster holes were being repaired..

William watched the console stop at [56% repaired ] , and he began to feel connected to the massive structure it was faint but he felt like the star forge was a part of him..

After a while he found that he could start producing war materials, but unlike the original star forge this one requires a very small fraction of the materials to produce the ships,weapons,droids etc..

William nodded and operated the star forge to repair itself.

After doing this he began to explore the massive structure like a kid in a candy store, through the vast doonium and durasteel hallways,after entering a observation deck he saw a vast battle field that was slowly being turned into materials by the star forge , he saw with just a glance a hundred thousand ships of all kinds..

William admired the vast durasteel jungle for a few minutes before heading to a empty production facility he saw that the space was big so he spawned the production lines of the vulture and hyena droids and saw the 40+ meter in all directions black boxes and after telling the star forge how to use the production lines he then headed to the hangar bay.

He saw the massive hangar bay and had a thought, 'Could I fit a Star destroyer in here?' But shook his head as this hangar bay was only 1.2 kilometers wide, he proceeded to spawn the vulture droids and told them to patrol, watching the droids departing he had a nostalgic feeling…

Turning around he began to explore the other areas…

(POV William)

'So the entire star forge is mine' i thought while I smilingly walked through its halls.

'Judging by the amount of notifications from the automatic sign in I have been gone over two months, in total i only got barely 2 or 3 weeks before Sara might hunt me down' a shiver went through my body as i thought about how long I have been gone.

As I walked to a production area i began to operate the terminal to produce myself some armor ,after looking through the terminal I found that it had only old republic era armor and weapons.

After some time of looking through the various types of armor I found one set of old republic armor that seemed cool, ahem I mean that seemed like it provided some decent protection..

After I pressed to produce the armor the production line in the far in started to run, within seconds a box was sent out of the machine, then the machine went silent, watching the box slowly come my way I was impatient and went to grab the box.

Lifting the box I felt it was a hefty weight,after placing it down i slapped my forehead, putting it in the inventory i pulled out the medieval blade that i originally thought was a light saber and put it in my inventory as well.

After doing this I got changed and put on the armor via inventory…

(POV third)

William's armor materialized on his body it's unique design and red and white colors made it look like William was a soldier of the past,he felt his body getting used to the armor..

( armor)

After some time familiarizing himself with the armor and its functions he walked towards the hangar bay..

William's imposing figure marched forward unto dawn( 🙂‍↕️), as he entered his ship a new day came and he then instructed the star forge to go to a place called havoc outpost , a rebel outpost during the early future rebellion, after it repairs.

William then proceeded to fly out of the hangar bay.

"Sara, so I have a slight problem" William's nervous voice said to Sara as he held a hologram communicator.

Sara's figure can be seen wearing a revealing white dress, her eyes glowed slightly inside the hologram.

" tell me, and maybe I'll help you" Sara said crossing her arms over her chest making them stick out, revealing a better view.

" Well, the preparations aren't going well, the shipyard needs to be moved out of its location and my small fleet doesn't have enough crew, so give me a couple more weeks and I'll get it sorted out" William said, surgar coating the fact that he made zero progress.

"So" Sara's eyebrows raised and she continued, "you're saying you have spent over 3 months and you haven't even moved the shipyards location?" Sara spoke her every word poking holes into William's statement.

" if you're not here within two weeks I'll make sure you don't disobey your wife again" Sara said and promptly turned around cutting off the communication.

"But I still had barely three weeks" William said in a tone that dared not go against his wife.

"Ahh man, I an emperor reduced to a husband" William said jokingly, he didn't dare go against Sara as he knows she will literally strangle him by the balls, so he silently pushed the engines to the max.

Though William himself hadn't noticed but he has changed as a person since meeting Sara, his original "screw the consequences" self was changed into something more, it's unknown if this change will be good or bad in the years to come ….


"KRIFF, scrap, bantha shit!!!!" William cursed as he hurried the engines to the max, he only has 5 hours to reach coruscant before he will be strangled to death by Sara, and the time to reach coruscant and its various procedures will take 4 hours, depending upon the circumstances.


Exiting hyperspace William saw that two hours are left, he could no longer fly the ship as its engines burned out as he left hyperspace,so he booked it to a docking port,where he placed a tie outlander during a small stop at a space port a few days ago, he knew it would garner attention from the judicials, but thanks to senator Victor he could smoothly pass most procedures saving a lot of time, though that costed him 60 million credits as a gift to the senator and another 8 million in bribes to the various judicial ships and patrols…

Entering the tie he right away equipped the rebreather that sat in the seat putting it on and taking off….

"Come on!!!" William nervously yelled passing through the ship lanes…

Upon reaching senator victor's mansion,

William spotted Sara's figure on the landing platform.

Quickly he maneuvered the tie landing the ship, immediately he ran out running to Sara.

Embracing her in his arms and swinging her around.

"You are lucky" Sara said with a grin, William wiped the small amount of sweat he had and took off the mask.

"Yeah" William said and looked at the clock that said [ 0:02] he had two seconds to spare, two seconds later and his balls would be hanging from the Jedi temple.

"so what's that ship?" Sara said as she kissed William.

"That my dear, is... nothing you should concern yourself with for now" William said after hesitating.

Sara looked at him and smiled, she had a feeling she would get the answer in bed later..

"Mmm" Sara nodded.

After William said goodbye he went to park the ship, after storing the tie fighter in his inventory he looked at the gauntlet that had the star forges progress.

[ departing to havoc outpost, in 3…2…]

William nodded and headed to attend dinner with Sara….


The next day William woke up on Sara's bed, kissing Sara on the lips before he left, her pregnancy in the 2nd trimester prevented them from doing anything but William didn't care, and after holding her belly for a minute he left.…

After arriving at the family house there were no servants or droids, curious William looked around for a while before he saw his family gathered together..

"Good child you're here come put this on" alexia said as she handed William a cloak and mask…

William looked confused but took it and put it on,the rest of his family greeted him warmly.

Luna greeted him as well, she was also pregnant and put his hands on her belly, William was smiling and then he went silent,following his mother into a secret elevator…


William was in the elevator for a long while and it went lower and lower.

"Where are we going?" He finally couldn't take it anymore and asked.

Alexia smiled

"We are going to the test" she said and didn't explain anything more..

'Test?, great another test' sighed William hugged and chatted with his family, his little brother ash was certainly excited to see his big brother.

After another ten minutes the lift finally stopped, exiting the elevator he saw a pitch black massive area, it would be an understatement to say it was over a 7 kilometers in all directions, then lights started turning on in the distance..

After the lights turned on he saw a dense array of black colored ships, their designs were somewhat familiar to William but he couldn't put a finger on it, in the center lay a massive gate.

'Great another gate' William thought grimly, he had a small fear of gates ever since that dam eldrich horror appeared, anything grand and massive like the gate that isn't connected to anything just standing there made him think that there is something beyond the gate.

William walked down the staircase slowly approaching the gate.

Standing in front of the gate William looked behind him,he saw a massive group of people in masks and cloaks numbering in the hundreds..

"Open the gate, the trail shall commence"

A booming voice that sounded like it was from beyond the stars sounded out entering the ears of everyone present.

"MAY THE TRIAL COMMENCE!!!" Boomed the crowd in unison.

William looked at the gate that started to open and with a complicated expression and a small smile he rushed into the gate….

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