Chapter 123: V.2-C.24│Problems in Paradise VI│
What the now group of nine Force-sensitives discussed had to do with what was going to go on within the Order.
Anakin rather liked his role as a teacher within the Jedi and knew that he wouldn't have the same burden of being a parental figure within his own Order because the people who join can still be attached. They have no need to leave behind all of their worldly possessions.
They would still be able to inherit things, and wouldn't and shouldn't be disqualified from what their families have simply because they wanted to learn some space magic from space Jesus.
Zannah will continue to play a role in teaching people about the dark side of the Force because she is aligned to that side and Anakin didn't really have any desire to tell her to not be like that. It is not his intentions to impose his way of thinking onto others but to rather promote critical thinking as much as possible when it comes to the Force as a whole.
Aayla had actually wanted to become a teacher herself but only for smaller children that parents would allow into the Order. It would basically become just like an educational institution, just for magical powers.
Shaak had actually decided against becoming a teacher, despite her experience because she feels her talents are not that good when it comes to teaching. Examples of her failures aside, she wasn't the worst but Anakin could agree that her talents were best left to other areas.
Then there is Barriss who was unsure about whether or not she could teach some people, children or anyone really. She was and is still new to the concept and would probably be, for now uninvolved with the Order and be focusing on other things.
Other things like Anakin but that was besides the point here.
Ahsoka would now be living with him and her interest in the Order wasn't much as well, other than the fact she will be able to participate in the class like structure that Anakin had done before. She would be able to make friends with others her age, not that teenagers were all that great at social skills, but it was something.
Lorana and Alysun were the stark opposites of each other and would be paired together to take on some classes as well.
While Anakin had all of these Force-sensitive girls around him, he didn't have enough people to fill in all of the positions. So he would have to make use of the good old reliable.
More specifically the living droids that still have the capacity to use the Force at this point. They were dying and Anakin had to do something about it.
He could always just not care about them and move on with his life but that wasn't him. He had created them so he should see it through to the end, and he doesn't like endings. So he will just make sure they dont have an end.
A few living droids up to this point have dies, not because of external factors, but because of the fading non-organic midi-chlorians that was merged within them, to give them consciousness. Proper consciousness that isn't derived from the coding within their programming.
Rynalla, the last of the group, excluding what Anakin would be doing within this Order or his involvement regarding it, would be doing other things. She had been taken on as an apprentice by Zannah to better herself within the dark side of the Force, as Anakin even though good wasn't on Tatooine all of the time.
He couldn't give her face to face training as he was away and even if he controlled a droid to communicate with her, it wouldn't have been the same. Thankfully it would seem that Zannah had come at the right timing to help him, help her out.
After everything was settled with the new Order, everyone went their separate ways to do their own things.
For now though, it would seem that Aayla, Shaak, Barriss, and Ahsoka would be living within the palace. Zannah was staying within the temple, along with Rynalla and the other two girls who are the dual opposites of each other.
Back to the subject of the droids dying and being stored within the matrix, their consciousness and soul safe from any harm. Awaiting their chance to become a part of their Emperors, their God's armies once again and be useful.
Their time would come soon enough as Anakin had been fast approaching the topic of synthetic beings. The first batch was soon to be ready and prepared for the introduction of a soul or consciousness.
Anakin had his Progenoid Glands that was ready for harvesting and could be done so to further create his droids to be turned into synths, with which they would have the implants as well. He doesn't have the resources to make every single one of these soon to be made, created beings Nanosuits but he can still customize and craft hundreds, if not thousands of specialized power armor.
Some may be asking about how fast that was for his Progenoid Glands to manifest so fast, and that is because of a few factors. Primarily it has to do with his biological immortality, which is so strong it increases and accelerates the growth of the cells stored within these glands.
He wouldn't have to worry, ever again about not having enough as he will always have enough but that doesn't mean he wants to always do surgery on himself to produce more. No, that was not how the glands were supposed to work originally.
They were meant to be a means of which would keep his synth army alive and going with unlimited bodies to go into and out. It also serves as a way for him to increase their Force based abilities because they would all essentially have a small part of him within themselves.
This would increase their midi-chlorian count. Maybe it wont be huge or massive to the same extent as him because midi-chlorians work like that, but they would certainly be much more powerful then the version he had done to the droids before.
They would be living, truly biologically living and he knew that this would just make them more interested in him as a God. Putting him on a pedestal already was already starting to show some strange effects within the Empyrean and he didn't want it to go so much further.
He could take advantage of this fact and try and experiment, which he has been doing with the Force, his new and budding dimension within and their connection to him. For now however he had to wait until the the synth bodies have been grown on Kamino before he goes there himself to transfer the consciousness of the dead droids, along with those close to death as well.
Reminiscent to alot of things, he needed to introduce the chip he intends to implant into the bodies brains and slowly merge the soul and consciousness of the droid with the brain-dead synth bodies. It would be highly unethical for Anakin to just straight up destroy any soul or consciousness within those bodies because they were made with the sole purpose of being the bodies for his followers.
'Soon...' Anakin thought to himself as he was meditating within the Order's building.
Siri, the artificial intelligence he had created to be the administrator of the matrix was connected everywhere. At least, she is connected everywhere throughout the Empyrean and he wouldn't want any other way.
He was not big on surveillance of his citizens but there were some things he couldn't ignore but he didn't want to devolve into the absolute mess of a dictatorship. There were just too many problems with that and that is why he never just assumed total control over the Empyrean.
He did so behind the scenes. Assumed total control that is, as there was no need to paint a larger target on his back then he had already.
There were properly alot of people that would like him dead and now with him leaving the Jedi Order, it would be all the more prominent then it was before. The Hutt's within Hutt space may come after him more, despite the bounty on his head not being there he knew for sure it was.
Officially it wasn't, but it was there unofficially.
A good way to get around the Republic's watchful eye on them but Anakin didn't care all the much about this as he could protect himself. Those he is close to can also protect themselves but he would still prefer them not being targeted because of him.
He was starting to think about expansion however, now that he has Geonosis under his control and can increase the supply rate of droids, as it production increases because of Geonosis.
Cranan 12 was a star system under the control of the mining guild, so Anakin wouldn't be making any moves to capture and overtake this planetary system. Even though it was rich in various ores and minerals, it wasn't worth the trouble.
Then there is C-Foroon, which was once owned by the Hutt's, specifically Gardulla and then her daughter, then finally Jabba. Now it would be under his control for its valuable spice trading. He would have to deal with the rampant smuggling that was there but he would easily be able to eliminate those nuisances.
Vor Deo is a planet with a 3 way hyperspace lanes, meaning that it is perfect for trade and there was currently there owning or taking advantage of this fact. So, Anakin would be appropriating this star system for himself as it would become yet another trade center like Kemal, because there was nothing else on this system other than that. It had land, which was always good because his population is increasing at a rapid rate.
Why is the population growing? Because of the start of the Clone Wars, in combination with the Empyreans safety and advertisement to those within the Outer Rims. It also was a part of the massive movement for the abolishment of slavery, which slaves when they could took to get to Empyrean controlled systems.
He had purposely set up various medical stations and administrative things for slaves to be allowed entry to regain their freedom.
This just gave his empire explosive growth which would not slow down for the next few years as people try to escape the Republic and its war against the CIS. No doubt, people from the CIS would be slowly filtered into his empire.
The last star system he would take over is New Ator, which was an agricultural planet, meaning he would have yet another means to include and increase food production throughout the Empyrean. If one was to look at a star map, they would see he is trying to expand outwards from Tatooine.
Slowly taking over many, many star systems that were either abandoned, uncivilized or otherwise has no official government or leadership in place. If he tried to take over planets related to any organization, it would alert people more than it already does.
It would tell everyone that he, himself and the empire is a massive threat to their rule and he doesn't want that. So he would keep it as peaceful as possible until the empire grows to a level that he doesn't have to worry about stuff like that.
Anakin was slowly approaching many worlds that are actually owned by someone, or affiliated with other organizations. This would put a halt on his rapid expansion but he wouldn't just allow this.
He would sooner or later need some way to expand the reaches of the Empyrean, which means he would properly have to start some form of conflict.
The last system he would be taking over, well, it wasn't really a system but another asteroid belt. The Austan Asteroid Cluster is an asteroid belt located in the Arkanis sector. It was the site of mining operations and resorts, and this is where Anakin would take advantage of this area.
Since it is mainly used for mining operations and resorts, that means this asteroid belt would have to be built up in a different way. The mining operations properly wont stay, since within his empire there is nothing he has access too that would enable such an operation. The resorts however could be something good.
While he was rich, that didn't mean he wasn't at some point poor. He had to work himself up, way from the bottom of the food chain and the resorts are usually reserved for those with lots of wealth. He would deconstruct the resorts here, given they would be completely useless to him and he would chase away any businesses within the area.
He would be turning this place into another facility with which he could train more of his agents. While he had an intelligence agency on the Obana System asteroid belt, that didn't mean he would stop with there.
The Austan Asteroid Cluster was in-between one of his agricultural worlds and Pii III, which was a planet within the Pii Star System. It was a great system for logging and the industry would bloom there if he could take control of it over the company that would buy it.
It is an insane galaxy when you have the ability to, if your wealthy enough, to purchase entire star systems. In fact, he was thinking of just buying that system himself and then integrating it into the Empyrean but he would have to pay alot of money to the current holders.
While the logging industry would there would fulfill one of the things his empire lacks within its economic market, that didn't mean he wasn't able to import anything. It would be nice however to grab ahold of this opportunity before anyone else is able to find out about such a profitable business chain within the system.
Thinking it over a little more, Anakin believes that he would be overextending himself and the empire if he were to buy it up now because there was only so many places he could protect with the current amount of droids he has. Sure, he has Geonosis now, but that doesn't mean droid production is instantaneous.
No, he would have to wait and make due with the plans and resources he currently has.
Back to what would be done with the Austan Asteroid Cluster. He would just have to make this into another important extension of his growing governmental departments and the thing he needs to most right now of is somewhere he could create more jobs. Jobs for actual living people, instead of droids because he now knows of some peoples discontent with the situation they are in.
There may be alot of things available but it would seem some people dont have the necessary skills in other jobs and were unwilling to learn anything new. He needed to make something for them that was both productive and something they would do, no matter how reluctantly.
Out of everything he knows, he would probably set this asteroid belt to be... Now that he thinks about it, Anakin will just open this area up to the public just like he had done with other things. If he couldn't come up with a creative solution, it was best to just leave it to those looking to start up their own business to help him get rid of the joblessness.
'Great idea. Problems usually fix themselves... Right?' Jokes aside, Anakin knew that letting the people decide what this would be was better than him dictating everything for them.