Chapter 122: V.2-C.23│Problems in Paradise V│
"My Lord!" A voice echoed as the group came to a stop realizing that there was another woman, no, an entirely new group of women that were coming towards them.
One in particular seemed especially enthusiastic for a lack of other terms or words. "My Lord! My Prince! You are here!"
This prompted the girls that Anakin had come along with to look at him funny as there is now another woman, or multiple more women that seem to have a close relationship with him.
"Hello." Anakin replied as the other group had gotten close. It was Rynalla who was once a professor from another educational institution who was a dark side enthusiast but has now become an Anakin enthusiast.
Next is Zannah, the ancient Sith who had been revived by Anakin and connected to him through a Dyad. Of course those who were connected knew of her but didn't know what she looked like or where exactly she came from. Her origins a mystery but now they know that she is at least a Sith, or at least someone who has a dark side alignment.
Anakin doesn't want to or even bothers to go into much deal of information concerning those in a Dyad bond to him. He wouldn't share private information, or at least perceived private information with others, even with his own loved ones.
It was not his information to share and if he happened to know or learn of such things, it would probably stay within his mind forever. Never to leave without the consent of the person or if the situation pertains and relies on such information being revealed.
"Wait, I know you..." Shaak looked at another of the girls within this group and she was aligned to the light side of the force among the other three of whom were
"Master Ti, I d-didn't know you would leave the O-Order..." Lorana Jinzler was a Jedi at one point but was pouched by Anakin and she was believed to be dead along with her master. But it was Anakin that had saved her and brought her in.
"Wait a minute, I know you as well..." Shaak looked over to the last girl, which was also another human.
It was Alysun, of whom had decided to join Anakin and his new Order because he didn't restrict what people wanted to learn or what side of the Force they wanted to lean towards. In the end it was their decision, as long as they didn't misuse or abuse such power and information it was fine by him.
Following the laws and trying to maintain moral stability is all that matters to Anakin within his empire.
"Master Ti, nice to see you again." Alysun had a mischievous smile upon her face as she said this because they had meet at least once before.
Rynalla didn't care about the talks and was just directly attached to him. Anakin didn't know how to feel when it came to Rynalla as she was in a similar situation to Padme but she is Force-sensitive and was not connected to him, which only meant she isn't compatible enough within the Force to be connected to him in that way.
Of course if he cared about what the Force wanted for him, he would've just destroyed the Jedi already and join Palpatine as a Sith.
It was too bad that Anakin didn't like the idea of being a puppet and having his fate, his destiny be predetermined by the Force or by anything and everything else.
"So... Ani, care to introduce everyone here?" Aayla was confused and slightly upset at the event that has just happened in front of her but that didn't mean she was just going to cause an outburst. She would at the very least hear an explanation from her Ani first before ripping into him if that is what he deserves.
She would do this before forgiving him because it was only meant to scare him and it probably wouldn't anyway because he knows her just as she knows him.
"Right. Aayla, Shaak, Barriss and Ahsoka meet the first members of the new Order that I haven't decided a name on yet." Anakin started. "The girl hugging me is Rynalla, she was an archaeologist and scholar, affiliated to the University of Sanbra."
Barriss is also similarly upset but seeing as Aayla was able to keep her cool, that meant she should also keep her cool.
"She is an adept at the dark side, well, she was but now she is just a dark side user now that has it under control." Anakin finished as Rynalla let go of him and inspected the four new girls, at least her and could say she doesn't all that care despite her tendencies.
She already knew everything there was to know about what was going and, and she would be lying if she didn't she she is jealous. 'How could they have a bond and not me?' Rynalla thought to herself.
Rynalla just did a quick look over the group and stated quite proudly. "Hello! I do not care what you are to my Lord, but I hope to get along well with all of you."
Everyone greeted her back while Anakin went on to introduce the other two people that weren't connected to him through a Dyad and probably wouldn't be joining in on the little circle of wives he is creating for himself.
"The last person here goes by the name Zannah." Anakin said as again, everyone introduced themselves to each other without Anakin's aid because they are proper adults, bar Ahsoka who was only fifteen at this point of time.
Not intentionally of course, or was it now that he can, that he subconsciously is? Either way, now he will have to spend alot of time with however many lovers and wives he has.
"Right, now that everyone has been introduced to each other, why dont we talk about what exactly is happening here with this academy." Anakin stated as they started to move away from the area everyone had come together at.
"What is its name going to be?" Ahsoka was asking the real questions.
"What is what's name going to be?" Anakin had an idea but still asked anyway to not be confused over whether or not Ahsoka was asking about something else.
"I do believe the little runt is talking about the academy." Zannah supplied here while looking down on Ahsoka because she was the brightest of the bunch Anakin had brought over. Her light within the Force being the brightest and most pure which only further increased her disdain of Ahsoka specifically.
Anakin gave Zannah a rather harsh look because Ahsoka was now technically his apprentice whether she was as a Jedi or not, now she is.
"If you have had enough of being a bitch, I suggest you keep quiet." Anakin was not shy around Ahsoka when using words that most adults wouldn't use around children, knowingly. Even those around the same age of Ahsoka.
"Whatever." Zannah said as she still wasn't exactly thrilled about the situation she is in, no matter if she knows about about how Anakin and herself is supposed to be together. Being revived and brought back from hell only to be unexpectedly bonded with a stranger she doesn't know at all.
It was certainly not up her alley.
"Ahsoka, I think we can name it whatever you like." Anakin said to Ahsoka giving the naming rights over to her, and she seemed happy at being able to do so.
As they continued to walk to their destination, Ahsoka finally had an idea of what this new Order, new organization and academy could be. 'Grey Jedi? No, that is not cool enough and it sounds like we are still very connected to the Jedi. We must represent something else, something different that isn't the Sith but neither the Jedi.'
Ahsoka was putting in alot of effort and thought into this thinking it is some big responsibility but Anakin didn't care too much because in the end, the publicity of the academy matters to bring people in. Not the name, but it could play a part in swaying people to his empire.
From what Ahsoka had seen of Anakin's empire was that the people were happy and seemed to be content with their lives. The female Jedi that had come from the Order with Anakin didn't just spend some time with Anakin here on Tatooine.
They all had their own little adventures every now and then and this included to exploration and communication with various locals.
Ahsoka, just like the original was a very passionate person, compassionate as well and would properly be disappointed if Anakin didn't have a somewhat good social environment. Not that she knew all that much about developing and maintaining a semi-peaceful empire anyway.
'No, it has to be something that represents the new Order, separate from the Jedi, separate from the Sith and exemplify what Anakin is and what he represents.' Ahsoka was so extremely deep within her thoughts that she was within a trance like state.
This of course alerted the others but Anakin just had them go on further ahead as he waited for her to finish.
Moments like this are defining and very important because the Force likes to mess with people, whether that be for its own reasons. Which is usually most of the time related to its selfishness but others cant relate the Living and Cosmic Force's as such except Anakin. He hadn't had the time to introduce this concept and make sure people knew that the Force was alot less mystical then it seemed.
Ahsoka started to sit down within her trance like state and meditated, levitating off of the ground and Anakin was starting to feel strange. He knew this feeling well by now and was extremely terrified that the Force would go so far as to do this now.
He thought of Ahsoka as too young for such a thing but it would seem the Force didn't care and started to link the two, interchangeably and forever more together.
He knew that Ahsoka would look good in the future but her current self is not something he is willing to get involved with. She is too young, even though she is fifteen.
His sensibilities from his previous life was still with him and despite his wanting and desiring of women, that didn't mean it extended to those so much younger to him. They should at least be within the right physical and mental head space to even think about such things.
One thing is for certain at this point, is that Anakin wouldn't be involving himself with Ahsoka. Not at least until he believes she is and himself as ready.
Which would be years yet before anything more would happen. For now, Anakin will just have to live with the fact she would become increasingly more loving towards him in a romantic sense, which would lead to him having to reject most of her advances.
'The name shall be...' Ahsoka thoughts were a little chaotic at this moment as she started to feel different. As if she was awakened to this new and delightful feeling she had been missing throughout her entire life and had only just found.
But she doesn't have time to explore these new emotions, thoughts and feelings as she had a task at hand to complete. 'A name, a title, something important, something Anakin...'
The others now far gone ahead and Anakin keeping the area on lockdown, Ahsoka can continue as she feels immense safety in the presence of Anakin just being around her. It was not like she didn't like him before the bond, but it would start to spiral out of control.
Just as any emotion would and this would be the start of her total and complete fall to Anakin. 'Ani... is strong. Incredibly so. He is fast. He is everything and because of this the academies name has to represent this.'
She started to go over the code he had taught to her, even before she has now become his real apprentice. The grey code, the code that spoke of a balance within the Force and how he had told her of the problems and absolute difficulty of such a task.
But she believed in him. In his status as the Chosen One, but it was more than that.
She saw past everything else and went deep inside herself to see truly just how much he has done for her and others, and because of this she could only come to one conclusion.
'The academies name shall be the 'Empyrean Order.' Keeping it simple, I like it.' Ahsoka thought within herself as everything came to an end, with which everything was over and the name she had decided on was chosen.
'Yes, it shall be called the 'Empyrean Order.'' A fitting name, Ahsoka thought to herself and as she opened her eyes she was greeted to the sight of Anakin watching over her. This fills her heart with warmth incomparable to how it was before.
She had this feeling blossom from within herself she had never ever felt, not like the way she was feeling it. It was what she originally had developed for Anakin, unknowingly, and it was increased one hundred fold.
It was an extremely uncomfortable but pleasing feeling at the same time because it ignited a desire she held within herself. A desire that was totally selfish and full of passion, desire like she had never felt before but she was quickly brought back to reality as Anakin walked up to her.
"Ahsoka, are you ok?" He asked her.
"O-Oh. Yeah, I-I'm all right... How about you?" Ahsoka asked him weirdly still distracted as she gazed into his eyes which were the result of both his genetic mutations through the Sky-Seed and the Force influencing its direction.
It glowed with ethereal light that was barely noticeable when there was alot of lighting, but Ahsoka could see those eyes clearly and would look into them all day long.
That is if Anakin allowed her to, of course. He had looked away and started to walk in the direction the others were heading to and Ahsoka quickly got up to follow after him. Anakin didn't want the girl to fall too deeply now, as he would feel uncomfortable just as he does now.
He decided to draw her attention away from the fact she had a deeper bond to him by asking the question. "So, what is the new name? Is it any good, or am I going to have to create one myself?"
She just gives him the stink eye as she exclaims. "No! You have given me the responsibility, so it belongs to me."
"Ok, ok. Calm down. What is it then?" Anakin asked her as they were nearing the end of their journey alone together.
"Well... I don't know if you will like it but..." Ahsoka hesitates thinking that while she had assistance from the Force, she had this feeling he may not like it. This was just her insecurities of course as Anakin didn't mind the Force helping her.
"Yes?" He edged her on.
"The name I have chosen is, 'Empyrean Order.'" Ahsoka says before they enter the room everyone else is contained within.
Anakin smiled at her, which mesmerized her. "I like it." Realizing his mistake however his smile goes away as she looks at him in a daze.