Chapter 91: CH-91:)
They had taken a few steps to follow Harry as he'd already begun to move towards his house, when suddenly Aayla and Ahsoka stopped. Both of their attention was focused clearly upon the pitch black waters of a lake whose edges were barely illuminated by the glow of the fires.
"We're on the surface of Kashyyyk," said Aayla, who received a nod of acknowledgement from Ahsoka when she said it.
"Come on you two, hurry up!" called Harry back to them, his patience running thin in his weary state.
They quickly raced to catch up, and reached him just as began to climb the front steps of his house. Harry moved past the wide front porch and pushed the doors open, with an ominous creaking sound.
He turned and smiled at the two women who had finally walked forward, albeit slowly. He gave them an impish grin and waved them inside the house.
The inside of the house was similar to the outside only in general coloring. Inside was also lit by blue fires, giving the entire area a slightly blue tinge and an eerie feel. The rest however seemed like it was designed by a madman.
Truthfully it didn't really seem like a house so much as it was a warehouse. There was one large area. Different sections contained different things. One area had small boxes piled and scattered everywhere. One area had tables with glass beakers and cauldrons, the cauldrons seemed to have some sort of barrier made of the force over them, and the liquid seemed to be stuck in time and unmoving. There was a large area with rows and rows of bookshelves that seemed to go on quite a bit.
It also struck both women as very low tech. Save for one area where there seemed to be piles of electronic gadgets and wires in piles, the rest of the warehouse seemed completely devoid of technology. In fact it seemed downright primitive.
Harry yawned a bit, and then looked around, "Dobby!"
Dobby popped up in front of Harry, he was still wearing his pirate outfit, "Arrr, Master Harry Potter, sir!"
"Dobby, I'm going to bed. Could you make up some beds for Blue and Ahsoka? And guide the two of them there when they ask for them?" Harry asked with a tired smile on his face. He had intended to do more to show off the home, but his weariness caught up with him all at once. It had been quite a while since he had slept.
Dobby nodded and disappeared with a small pop.
Harry turned back to his guests who were still staring around wide eyed. "Look I'm going to crash. It's been awhile since I got some shut eye. If you need anything, call for Dobby. He could get you some food. Feel free to look around, be careful of what you touch. You never know what might bite or explode. Good rule of thumb… if it's glowing, liquid or moving, touching is probably a bad idea."
Harry didn't even wait for a response, instead he walked over toward one corner of the giant warehouse space and after kicking off his boots he unceremoniously flopped down onto a large cot. He seemed to pay the two of them no attention and it seemed like he was instantly out.
Both girls were a bit surprised by the abruptness. It had bordered on rudeness but his tiredness had been on display pretty much since the portkey plopped them down outside of his house.
Ahsoka who was more used to his ways at this point shrugged, "Maybe healing up lost limbs makes him sleepy?"
Aayla snorted but she had no better idea or rejoinder for the Togrutan. She wondered if Harry's attitude toward her had changed, if he was willing to let her wander around his home, perhaps he was no longer thinking of her as a spy. That thought was cut short as she realized where they were.
They were on the surface of Kashyyyk, somewhere on the planet. If they wanted to leave it would be a dangerous venture back to the surface. And it wasn't like they could get Wookiee help this far down, especially if they couldn't communicate with them, much less tell any rescue party where they could be found.
Dobby popped back into existence right in front of them, though he was no longer wearing a pirate outfit, instead a standard black suit, "Beds are ready when Blue Lady and Miss Soaky are ready for them."
"Thank you Dobby, we're not quite ready to sleep. But I'll ask you to show us there in a little while." Ahsoka said politely to the little creature. It was true, though it had been a long few days, Ahsoka was still too keyed up to sleep. She could tell Aayla felt the same. Whether it was finally being in Harry's home, or the leftover adrenaline from the portkey, neither of them were ready to bed down.
Ahsoka allowed a puzzled expression to cross her face as she looked down at the diminutive figure, "What happened to the pirate's outfit?"
"Dobby had trouble making beds with his hook Miss Soaky!" Dobby replied before he nodded his head and disappeared.
Ahsoka exchanged a look with Aayla before she moved over toward the area that looked like a chemistry lab.
"What are you doing?" Aayla asked as she followed, looking about. Her voice was lowered in case she woke Harry. This was not what she expected Harry's house to look like. Then again Aayla couldn't say exactly what sort of abode she expected the very bizarre man to have.
Ahsoka shrugged in response to Aayla's question, "He said we could look around." She was examining the cauldron that was bubbling ominously with a pink viscous liquid. It was the only one of the things on the table that didn't seem frozen in place. She saw one cauldron had a liquid substance that was bubbling, or it was frozen in that state, one of the bubbles in stasis was in the middle of popping.
She looked around and couldn't identify a single ingredient or anything on the table. There were plants and pieces of objects that she didn't even try to identify. Ahsoka shook her head and moved away from the chemistry table, looking around the warehouse space. The furniture didn't interest her, nor did the piles of small boxes.
She was tempted by the piles of modern technology, but instead she decided that would always keep for later and headed toward the huge standing bookshelves. Aayla trailed behind her by a few steps, simply following as she tried to take in everything at once. It seemed clear that Ahsoka was taking in the strangeness a lot easier than Aayla was.
"All of this is so… bizarre," Ahsoka commented as she walked down one of the aisles at random, her movements slow as she looked at titles of many books she couldn't recognize the language of.
"What do you mean?" Aayla asked, also looking side to side at the books.