Chapter 90: CH-90:)
Ahsoka recognized the signs of one of Harry's drift-offs, where he seemed to forget his surroundings. She snapped her fingers in front of his face which focused his eyes immediately.
Ahsoka and Aayla exchanged looks at this. It was Aayla's first true time seeing the drift-off Ahsoka had described previously. Aayla's glance immediately let Ahsoka know that they would be discussing it more later on in private. Aayla wasn't entirely sure what to think about the habit, any more than she had been when Ahsoka had described it to her previously. She wasn't sure what to make of it.
On one hand it worried her because he seemed to just go someplace else mentally in the middle of a conversation. On the other it struck her sort of like some older people she had dealt with in the past. People who have to actually stop what they're doing to truly remember back some great distance or time previous. In fact it was much like Yoda would sometimes do when speaking of a historical event he had lived through that he was sharing with a youngling.
Harry though, seemed completely oblivious to the byplay between the Jedi as he began talking immediately. "Anyway! First we have to get there. Normally I'd take you the scenic route, but that would take hours. You've both experienced apparition. We're going to try another form of magical travel. It's useful, just a bit uncomfortable to get used to, kind of like apparition."
Harry summoned a spare bit of wire from the docking bay and then tapped his finger to it. Both Aayla and Ahsoka felt the surge of Force and stared at the wire as it glowed blue.
To them, the wire now felt like it had been made unstable somehow in the Force, as if it would somehow explode from the energies contained in it at any moment. Harry held it out for them, "Go ahead and touch it."
The two women exchanged a look and then hesitantly reached out to touch the wire, "Aayla, since I've given you such a rough time lately, I want you to set this off. Keep your hand on the wire, and then say the word I'm about to write."
Harry held a hand up in the air, and letters of fire formed from a finger. The word was easily recognizable, and Aayla only hesitated a fraction of a moment at seeing yet another ability she would never have comprehended before she said the word that had been spelled out in the free-floating flames, "Home."
The two Jedi gasped as they were immediately surrounded by Force energies that gripped them somewhere around the area right behind their belly buttons and pulled. Suddenly, they found themselves jostled side-to-side in a vortex of swirling winds and the Force as they were yanked along with wherever the wire was now dragging them.
The two Jedi screamed almost in unison for just a moment before they landed on the ground with a heavy "Thump".
"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. You both are welcome here," they heard Harry say with curious formality as he stood next to where the girls lay on the ground.
The two girls staggered to their hands and knees breathing heavily, trying to keep their stomachs from rebelling looking around wildly and quickly scrambling away from the now docile piece of wire on the ground.
"And that," Harry said from a few meters away, and there was no mistaking the humor in his voice, "Is what my people call a portkey."
"You have no idea how many years it took me so that I didn't face plant every time I travelled by one. My friends all thought it was quite funny, that I just couldn't seem to get the knack for them." Harry smiled ruefully.
Both Aayla and Ahsoka shuddered a bit, "That was…. horrible" Aayla said.
"Yes, it is for beginners." Harry nodded agreeably, though his expression reflected more than a little weariness "But do you have any idea at all how far you just travelled?"
Both of the women exchanged a look and shook their heads.
"A third of the way around the planet," Harry said wryly, giving them a smile, albeit one that showed clear fatigue on his face. Aayla looked more surprised than Ahsoka did. Ahsoka already had experience with long range apparition.
Ahsoka was the first to regain her voice, "How long did that take?"
"A few seconds. Though part of that was starting and landing, but the trip itself wasn't quite instantaneous like apparition is. It's also better for groups of people. Some wizards have problems apparating more than just themselves," Harry replied. "One extra person is fine for a few. But it's rare for people to manage more than one without messing it up."
"But how did it work?" asked Aayla, finally regaining her voice.
"Short answer is simply 'magic,'" Harry replied and then offered a somewhat drained chuckle, "If you want the longer answer that involves a lot more theory, and there's some debate between two popular theories, One says that technically you left this dimension, and crossed over into another dimension briefly. While the other says that you were just rendered incorporeal while you were pulled from point A to point B."
That comment, and the blasé way in which Harry stated it silenced both of them, and left them both staring with wide eyes at him
"We left our own dimension?" Aayla breathed out more than said.
Harry quirked his head, and shrugged, "I don't honestly know."
"Did… that thing just send us into hyperspace and back? Because honestly with all the lights blurring past, that's what it reminded me of," Ahsoka asked with narrowed eyes.
"You know… I hadn't considered that before," Harry replied. His tiredness seemed to fade while he pondered a moment before he shook his head slowly, seeming to work it out as he thought about it, "I'm pretty sure it's not hyperspace. The planet's gravity well would skew things too much, if not outright prevent things from happening. And no portkey I've ever tested has been affected by gravity. I mean I could portkey you from here to space, or here to nearly anywhere I picture and don't think it will be affected by gravity."
Harry's face took on a mischievous grin, "Of course I'd be happy to let you test your hypothesis first hand. I could always strap you down to a chair and give you a renewable portkey that fires over and over again for a few hours straight. You can tell us all about your observations afterward."
Harry chuckled tiredly and shook his head at the two who were still trying to wrap their heads around what just happened, "I tried it once, and all I figured out was that it was indeed possible to be portkeyed while puking up one's guts."
When his comments were met with silence Harry shrugged and walked forward and away from the girls. Their gasps a few moments later let him know they had just taken stock of their wider surroundings.
In front of them was a large oddly shaped structure. Unlike most dwellings on this planet it wasn't formed from the trees or roots, and it certainly wasn't a mud hut.
The abode seemed to be shaped from the rock and ground itself, rising out of the same ground seamlessly. There were no adornments, or fence around the property. There were no fancy windows, or landscaping. There was just a paved rock path that circled the edge of a small lake, lined by glowing blue flames that cut through the moss covered surface.