Star Wars: Lost and Longing.

Chapter 87: CH-87:)

He watched her go, deliberately staring at her ass while she left, then turned to Ahsoka, "Too much?"

She paused a moment to consider the question before she shook her head, though there was a smile on her face. She quite enjoyed seeing a Jedi Master get so riled up from someone who seemed to have no fear of doing so. However after a small giggle her expression turned serious, and spoke with concern filling her voice. "Are you… okay?"

Harry opened his mouth with a grin and then hesitated, seeing the genuine concern reflected on Ahsoka's face.

He smiled a small smile, without some of the humor he usually used and nodded a bit, "I won't attempt to lie and say it was the most pleasant of experiences, but I really have had worse. I'm okay. I promise."

Ahsoka nodded a little bit looking relieved and then grinned impishly, "That's good Master. At least that way when Master Secura finally snaps and slices off an arm you'll have had experience to handle it. Though… an arm might not be the appendage she aims for."

Harry smiled at the easy banter in the girl's voice. Then the humor slid off his face as he sighed a bit and seem to brace himself. He stepped into the cockpit fully and moved around to the pilot's chair though he didn't sit down, instead focusing on the owl who had been facing the view port. However once he came around the owl turned her back on him with a shuffle of her feathers.

"I'm sorry, Hedwig." Harry said softly, though the owl pointedly ignored his advances. He reached out to stroke her feathers and she nipped at his finger. His voice was soothing, "You know how things just happen sometimes."

Ahsoka was watching with interest. He seemed genuinely worried about the bird and her current mood toward him.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" Harry was talking softly to her, his voice gentle and coaxing, but the white bird seemed to be having none of it.

Finally she turned and glared at him with a baleful stare and barked at him several times in quick succession. Harry winced slightly and then with extreme reluctance sighed and nodded a little bit, "Deal."

The owl barked triumphantly and then hopped from her post to his shoulder to nuzzle her human gently. Harry turned to Ahsoka to see her looking at him curiously, "Do you really understand what she's saying?"

Harry blinked a bit and chuckled, "Of course, I told you, Hedwig is… she's the direct descendent of my very first friend, and just like her several times great grandmother, she's the smartest being I know."

Ahsoka opened her mouth to reply, but the sheer earnestness and caring in his expression held her tongue.

Harry focused his attention back on her, though his fingers continued to stroke the underside of Hedwig's chest. "I've actually known Hedwig for a long time. But her grandmum, who was her namesake, was not only my very first friend, but my first real birthday present all wrapped up in one."

Seeing Ahsoka's look Harry chuckled, "I didn't choose the name for her. It was a tradition for me for my owls to help choose their names. This girl was as stubborn and intelligent as the original Hedwig and refused to respond to anything else."

Harry's smile was a combination of fond and melancholy, "I like to think the spirit of my first friend lives on in this Hedwig." Hedwig ruffled her feathers and barked at him seeming to agree with his statement.

He turned his attention back on Ahsoka and chuckled, "I suppose we better go make sure Blue has calmed down and then see if we can help with the clean-up around here."

"I see you got the freed slaves out with the wookiees. Thanks for that. I assume we still have to get rid of the morons stuffed in the brig. Since I doubt Dobby would have unsealed the areas yet," Harry saw Ahsoka nod in confirmation before chuckling a little bit, "We'll turn them over to the government here. I'm gonna hazard a guess that the Wookiees won't be feeling too forgiving at the moment. Sucks for them, huh?"

Harry shook his head, "I'm going to go talk to the wookiees. They're probably busy with clean up. I need to find my contact down at Rwookrrorro so that he can find a means to slip these slavers in amongst the rest of the group they captured."

He turned to Ahsoka, "Was there any problems when our passengers walked off? I doubt they were super excited about going out."

"Nope, they were all eager to leave," said Ahsoka. "I found one of the Wookiees in charge, explained what had happened, and they arranged transport for them all."

"Well, I would've hoped to have turned over the slavers at the same time over to Salporin. He's my main contact. He could've likely sold the slaver's freighter that I'm going to turn over to them and had most of the proceeds diverted to living accommodations for them," Harry stated as he moved through the ship.

"I got the impression after our help that making sure they weren't destitute wasn't going to be an issue." Ahsoka said.

"Eh, it just makes it a bit harder to keep it all straight with them all spread around now. Then again, I figure it may save us some trouble in the long run. The wookiees are likely to be right grumpy with the slavers," Harry shook his head a little bit and then turned to leave the cockpit, "Anyway, I hope Blue gets over her conniption. I'm going to go give the Wookiees a hand then speak to one of my friends in charge around here. We'll go back to my place when I'm done."

Ahsoka glared and quickstepped to follow him out of the cockpit, "She wouldn't be in a conniption if you didn't provoke her so much," Ahsoka said without much heat.

Harry grinned a little bit, and was completely unrepentant, "Yeah, but people shouldn't be so serious all the time. I've sorta made it my unofficial duty to make sure that, unless it's a combat scenario or planning meeting that involves saving someone's life, life shouldn't be all that serious."

"Um, she was in a conniption because she thought you were going to be stuck using a droid arm for the rest of your life after she saw you save her life, nearly dying yourself. That's kinda just cause for being slightly serious," argued Ahsoka a little bit of her own frustration showing at Harry's blasé manner.

"Wouldn't that fall under 'attachments'? Being attached to one's limbs or someone else's limbs?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow before he grinned a little bit after the sarcastic remark.

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