Star Wars: Lost and Longing.

Chapter 86: CH-86:)

After a few seconds under Ahsoka's amused gaze she blinked, as a thought occurred to her. She reached into one of the pouches on her belt and pulled out the reader she had used to take some of Harry's blood from herself.

Aayla turned to the computer and pulled up scanning program. She was relieved to find that this ship was like standard ships and had an acceptable biological analysis reader. Most ships did as much for safety and testing of chemicals and environs, and this ship was no exception.

Ahsoka looked over at her with interest, "What are you doing?"

Aayla held up the small device before she proceeded to connect it to the computer, "I took some of Harry's blood off of me, and want to get a midichlorian count."

Ahsoka shook her head slightly. She was well aware of the obsession with those readings some Jedi had. She knew enough to know that hers had always been rather high. She wasn't in the same class of strength as her old master or Yoda, but she wasn't too far below them either. She was one of the highest of any of the younglings in her group. She remembered that, but beyond that little fact she never had much purpose for the whole issue. Still she was well aware how competitive some Jedi could be around the entire concept.

And when it came to Harry she couldn't deny some of that old curiosity she thought she was past came back.

Aayla plugged the machine into the computer. She waited a moments until the results popped up on the screen. Curiosity got the best of Ahsoka as she tried to see the results without making it too obvious that she was peeking.

Aayla's curious and intent expression turned into a look of pure confusion, "What the…"

That was more than enough to get Ahsoka's attention and cause her to give up the veneer of apathy as she looked at Aayla, "What is it?"

"This… scanner must be broken," Aayla said with a resigned expression, as she punched a button to rescan the sample.

She growled in frustration when it beeped a minute later and displayed the same results. That was enough to break past Ahsoka's politeness. Forgoing all appearances, she leaned over to peer at the monitor eagerly.

She leaned forward to get a look at the readout, "Huh…"

Age error

Sex: Male

Species: error

Midichlorian Count: error

"It can't even tell what species he is?" Ahsoka asked, more than a little surprised. Unless the program was incredibly basic and full of errors, it should have been able to provide that sort of information off of a blood sample.

Aayla sighed and slumped back with a look of defeat and frustration as she cleared the results and disconnected her reader, "It must be a corrupted sample, and so it's useless."

"What's useless?" came a familiar and amused voice from behind them.

Both women spun around in their chairs in shock.

Harry was standing there. He had a curious look that was ruined by the small grin on his face

Aayla's jaw was nearly unhinged as she stared at him. Despite all of his injuries, injuries she had seen and verified for herself, he was standing there in dark pants and a black short sleeve shirt looking absolutely none the worse for the wear.

Ahsoka looked him up and down, before covering a blush with a grin of her own. She hadn't seen the injuries in person so the visceral impact was less severe to her. But she had also seen evidence of his healing ability, so she had been more confident in his ability to recover even if she wasn't sure he could use it on himself.

Aayla blinked several times and stood up slowly, taking several steps forward. She reached out hesitantly to poke his left arm, the same arm that was disintegrated by the explosion. Not injured, not damaged, the arm itself was gone completely. She poked up and down his arm several times, an action which seemed to amuse him more than anything. She also noted that he was once more completely blank to her in the Force, she couldn't sense his Force presence, and she couldn't sense a single emotion.

"I saw how bad you were injured… how… is this possible?" She asked, disbelief in her voice.

This was far more surreal than what she saw in the cargo hold. She had seen injuries and mortal wounds first-hand for years, and the idea that someone could recover from injuries of such severity, especially so quickly, blew all rational thought from her mind.

Harry tilted his head and an amused look crossed his face as he looked past Aayla to Ahsoka. Her grin matched his and they both spoke in unison, "Magic."

Aayla blinked and then rolled her eyes in exasperation, before her eyes flicked to his face, her eyes tracing the skin where she had been able to see jawbone, only now she saw unblemished skin. She continued to poke his arm in disbelief, still trying to verify for certain that he was there and seemingly whole.

Harry glanced down at her hand, "You should know. I consider turnabout fair play. You keep poking me, I'll return the favor and poke you. Only I prefer to do my poking naked, and preferably in a bed. An audience is kinda kinky though."

He made his comment with a deliberate look at Ahsoka who immediately started to snicker, "It's like SkyGuy's here, but with actual adult humor rather than his and Obi-Wan's potty humor," said Ahsoka as she laughed a bit more.

Aayla pulled back her hand as if scalded. She huffed slightly and refused to be drawn into their back and forth, "Your arm was gone! Completely! I saw it, err… it wasn't there!"

Harry looked down at his left arm and then an even more amused grin crossed his face, one that showed true amusement, "I've had worse."

Judging by her face, Aayla didn't know what to say to that, but Harry didn't seem to be paying attention, he just started to snicker, "I have always wanted to say that, especially to people who didn't expect it!"

Finally, Harry turned away from taunting Aayla, and spoke to Ahsoka, "So has Good triumphed over Evil? Did all the nerf's get properly barbecued and served with a side of coleslaw? Did the-" his rant was ended by Aayla punching his newly regrown arm. Ahsoka almost imagined that he was likely on some sort of sugar high from whatever he'd done to regrow his arm.

"Hey stop that, it's tender. You should kiss it and make it better now," Harry said as he affected a wounded expression as he cradled his arm.

"Arrrghhh," she yelled in frustration, before she stomped out of the cockpit.

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