Star Wars: Lost and Longing.

Chapter 81: CH-81:)

The back of Harry's head was resting against Aayla's chest as she supported him. Aayla's eyes widened in surprise. The sense of Force power inside of him was still the same, as if he hadn't just done the impossible by shielding against all the blaster bolts. She was once more picking up emotions from him, only this time it... was amusement?

She wondered if he was delirious, or fading. Mallie for her part was attempting to bandage his side and flinched at how injured he was.

Harry coughed, and she could see blood in his mouth, of course she could also see his jawbone so blood wasn't exactly a surprise.

Harry was shaking slightly as he rasped out, "Dobby."

There was only a momentary pause and then Dobby appeared next to him. Dobby took one look at Harry and scowled, "Master Harry ruined another set of clothes. Dobby is not being repairing that!"

Aayla blinked, Dobby's tone was scolding Harry about his clothes while he lay there mortally wounded. Not for the first time Aayla wondered if the little creature wasn't able to grasp reality enough to know how serious this situation truly was. Mallie's expression showed the same expression.

Harry held up his good hand, one finger up, his voice slurred slightly as he spoke in a raspy tone, "Dobby, send me home in just a second… for my own health."

Dobby nodded instantly, "Yes, Master Harry!"

Aayla scowled, she knew the ship didn't have medical facilities, "Dobby, he is hurt, he needs to see doctors…" she trailed off wondering what doctors could do for him.

Aayla blinked and realized that maybe Dobby could get him to a bacta tank if there was an available one anywhere nearby. Before she could say something, Harry's cough caught her attention. He looked up at her with a grin, one that was marred by half of his face being burnt and bones protruding from his skin.

"Best… pillows… ever," He said before his head shifted to the side slightly to look at where his head had been resting against her chest.

Aayla's mouth dropped open, but before she could formulate a response Harry lowered his finger.

Dobby, easily recognizing his cue, snapped his fingers and Aayla found herself holding thin air. She immediately turned and demanded of the little being, "Dobby? Where did he go? Bring him back here! He needs a doctor!"

"Master Harry's be fine," Dobby said as he shook his head emphatically.

Mallie grimaced and spoke up, "Are you sure?"

Dobby nodded, showing surprising awareness, "Master Harry just be's making sure that Miss Blue Lady not want to hurt him mores for comments. And unhappy that his favorite jacket be ruined."

Aayla opened her mouth to protest, Mallie looked stunned as well. "Dobby, did you take him to a bacta dip?"

Dobby shook his head "Master Harry's be fine" he repeated before he disappeared with a pop. Aayla still wanted to protest but Mallie gestured, recognizing the futility of arguing with thin air, "We should see about helping with the injured, and making sure none of the trandoshans escape."

Aayla hesitated and then slumped slightly. She couldn't really argue and Dobby was gone. She also couldn't help but realize he had saved her life. She was genuinely worried about him. She wondered how many weeks of recovery he'd have even if Dobby had sent him to a bacta tank. She couldn't even recall their ship having a bacta tank. She couldn't do anything about it, and faced with the prospect of standing around and doing nothing, she moved to begin helping with the cleanup.

The wookiees were an odd combination of relieved and enraged. Once it became known that none of the ships had escaped there had been a brief celebration of howls from the wookiees in the area. However all the Trandoshans and other slavers still alive were being taken prisoner in none too gently of a manner. Some of the ships that were already grounded were searched and more slaves from off world were discovered inside. Those added to the number that Ahsoka had brought out of the Gryffindor to join them.

When Aayla related to Ahsoka what happened, she was somewhat relieved to find that the Togrutan was just as worried as she was.

Ahsoka did say one thing to ease her mind, "Aayla, his people have some very impressive stuff. I'm not sure I'd count Harry out just yet."

Ahsoka had headed back into the ship and checked to see if Harry was inside in a bacta tank somewhere, only to come back sometime later, having scoured the entire ship and report negatively. Despite her reassuring words the girl seemed worried too.

Aayla, shocked over her near death experience and how Harry had saved her life without a second thought, turned her already frazzled attention to the former Jedi next to her. The exiled Jedi who no one could account for during nearly the last two years. She couldn't help the first words blurted out to the woman were the sort of obvious statement that she would have rolled her eyes at others for, "So… you know Harry?"

Mallie's voice was even and neutral, not sounding offended, though also not sounding eager about having the conversation, "Yes, I know him. We sort of ran into each other and, after helping my husband and I; he suggested Kashyyyk as a refuge. He helped us hide on this world, so no one could sense us in the Force."

"You're hiding?" Aayla echoed with a perplexed countenance.

Mallie nodded, "Kento and I are in exile and were hunted until we settled here. There are lots of people out there who aren't a fan of Jedi and who won't hesitate to kill, or to use us for their own ends, hoping for their own pocket Jedi to aid them in committing crimes. Without the protection of the Order, whatever that's worth, we had to hide someplace."

"You chose to leave the Order," Aayla frowned, unable to keep the disapproval from her voice.

"The two of us chose to leave rather than be expelled, for following our hearts," Mallie responded firmly with a trace of resentment in her voice.

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