Star Wars: Lost and Longing.

Chapter 80: CH-80:)

Harry also noticed the trandoshans were getting desperate. They had been unable to revive their comrades that he had been hitting with the stunning spells. Their numbers had steadily decreased as each group had been isolated from the ship they had emerged from, and then further cut off from reinforcing each other in a last stand.

He still had two Trandoshans firing canons at his protego in a last desperate hope to break through even now. He didn't have time to retaliate because he didn't have even a moment that he could drop the shield. He decided against expanding the shields to the sides, as they were covered by Jedi, and he didn't want to risk weakening it for even a second.

Mallie was breathing heavily, even raggedly, though she moved to deflect bolts that came in from the side she was guarding without pause. Harry thought she was clearly out of practice, though he was forced to remind himself he had no idea how long she had been holding back a concentrated assault. However long it was, it had clearly taken its toll.

Aayla was even busier on her side going full out with two lightsabers now to keep up with the focused fire of five individual blasters coming at her, though it was far more scattered and coming in waves.

A last ditch charge erupted from the last half dozen Trandoshans in their area who were now attacking Aayla's position. They had forsaken their blasters, and now charged blindly with electrical pikes that had grown in popularity during this war. None were as proficient with them as Aayla was with her lightsaber, and all were quickly dismembered.

Over the din of the firefight, Harry heard a clanging sound, almost as if something were bouncing towards them. His head turned to follow the noise, just as he heard a cry from Mallie, and a gasp from Aayla even as she was parrying a new round of blaster bolts.

He quickly saw exactly what had caught their attention: a thermal detonator beeping the final counts to explosion that had landed at Aayla's feet.

Time froze.

Harry could see the trandoshan that tossed it had been pressing close in from Mallie's position. He could see the look of fear and resignation that was on Aayla's face in that instant. She was still parrying bolts and bodies around her were hindering her movements. She had no options, she knew she was as good as dead.

On instinct, Harry used a wandless summoning charm to pull the detonator away from her while simultaneously casting a second shield trying to wrap the detonator up. The detonator shot away from her and towards him and the shield was in the process of going up but that was all the time it had as the detonator exploded and Harry's world was engulfed in an abrupt concussive bang of fire and plasma.

Aayla flinched for a moment and then found herself surprised that the explosion was limited to sound only. A thermal detonator that close to them should have taken out all three of them. Instead the explosion seemed contained around Harry.

Aayla only saw the result out of the corner of her eye as she was still in place, her hands moving rapidly so that her lightsabers could continue to keep up with the few blaster bolts directed upon their position.

When the smoke cleared, she gasped. Harry was on his knees, though the side of his body closest to her and the explosion was a wreck. She could see where his left arm was just gone below the shoulder. The entire left side of his face and body was black and looked charred though she could see the bone of his cheek and jaw were visible. Despite this his right hand still held his stick and he was somehow holding the shield up as the canons still churned.

"Harry!" Aayla called out futilely. She could tell from experience that survival would almost certainly require a bacta dip immediately, and he'd be using an android arm for the rest of his life. But she couldn't just abandon her side where Trandoshans still made forays forward.

The next minute or two seemed to drag on for eternity, though she managed to keep her focus long enough to deflect several bolts aimed directly at Harry. The slavers were not stupid and though they may not understand the cause of the shield, they clearly realized that it was being generated by Harry. So, the assaults from the side focused on him.

Aayla had never been as relieved in her life as she was to see the number of wookiee reinforcements that seemed to pour into the area en masse, overwhelming the Trandoshans. She also saw more ships appear overhead, including the distinctive (obnoxious) red and gold colors of the Gryffindor, which told her that Ahsoka was back.

The trandoshans stopped firing on the two Jedi in short order, but before the Jedi could retaliate the groups were overwhelmed by wookiees. She knew it was unlikely that any trandoshans would escape Wookiee justice on this day. Also aware by the way they were storming the ships that those would be in wookiee possession sooner rather than later.

All of that was secondary as Aayla rushed to Harry with an expression of shock, wondering how it was possible he was still conscious, much less still channeling the Force into a physical shield.

Harry wasn't aware of any of this. He had four thoughts running through his head. One: keep the protego up until it wasn't needed. Two: He shouldn't have screwed around so long, especially with a mediocre wand. Three: A thermal detonator exploding at close range was really loud. Four: It also was quite painful.

Once he felt the impacts on the protego stop for more than a few seconds he let his right arm, now his only arm, drop to his side, wand still in his hand, though the wand was barely a stump that was blackened and charred. He toppled to the side, only for Aayla to be there to grab his shoulder and pull him a little in the other direction so he didn't fall on his injured side. She pulled him to rest against her so she could support his head.

"Oh sithspit! Harry, I'm sorry!" Mallie was saying as she moved over to him too.

"Hang on Harry, we'll get you a medic!" Aayla said her eyes glaring momentarily at Mallie before turning back to Harry. Her voice was bleak as she looked around. Wookiees were moving among the area moving rubble and attending to injured wookiees, including many young ones.

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