Star Wars: Lost and Longing.

Chapter 109: CH-109:)

"Overall her mother was exasperated at every turn, she blamed her Aunt Gabi's influence. Though Fleur always seemed to forget she was nearly as stubborn and rebellious," Tonks added, with a grin on her face, "Molly, Victoire's paternal grandmother, was constantly horrified. There was even a blow up at home between she and her parents the summer between her sixth and seventh years."

"Oh yes. I had nearly forgotten about that," Daphne mused thoughtfully, "I believe her parents came back early from a trip and discovered her in bed with another student and lost their minds. I'm not sure which of her parents was more upset, and I'm not sure what horrified them more. The fact that they caught their daughter having sex with another student, the fact that it was happening in their home, or the fact that the student was female."

"I still say it was Fleur who was more upset. And it was probably because they were in a position that was far more adventurous than a closet-prude like Bill was ever willing to try," Tonks snorted and shook her head. "Anyway, she ended up staying with us for the rest of that particular summer."

"That upset some of the Weasleys," Daphne commented, "But Harry smoothed that over by pointing out that she was of age and weren't they happier that she was somewhere safe rather than just out on her own… or with their uncles, the Twins?"

"Yes, that was just one of many scandals that Bill swore was the reason he went grey ten years before his father did," Tonks continued, "Even when she settled down a little bit later in life she defied convention and settled with a female, and a muggle to boot. They, and the string of guys they entertained seemed happy, though none of them lingered long."

Daphne shrugged and met Aayla's eyes. "Victoire was someone who ignored social mores, and what she was told she had to be. She forged her own path and made no apologies for it."

Aayla frowned a little bit, "What happened to her?"

Daphne frowned and looked toward Tonks who shrugged. "I have no idea. Nothing before our paintings were imprinted."

Aayla chewed on her lip as she considered what she was told.

"You know…" Daphne ventured, as she tapped her chin thoughtfully. "You might ask Harry… he might have a portrait of Victoire somewhere. Knowing him it's probably in one of a hundred or so trunks. He has lots of portraits, we are just the only two he tends to keep out."

"What about my wand?" Ahsoka eagerly asked, holding it up for emphasis, she was glad the two women were more forthcoming when it came to topics other than Harry. It was also telling that neither Ahsoka nor Aayla had put their wands down, the connection still felt… too right.

"Whose is it?" Tonks asked glancing at the wand, but definitely aware that she was unlikely to recognize a wand from sight alone.

"It belonged to a woman named Lily," Ahsoka stated.

"What was the last name? I knew several women who were ultimately given that name, including one of my own children," Daphne asked, her eyes more focused on the wand now, though not showing any sign of recognition.

Ahsoka and Aayla both grimaced. The portraits had mentioned having children the previous evening, and neither of the women really knew what to do about that revelation. This was just a reminder. Even more concerning was that Harry hadn't hinted or spoken about it at all.

Ahsoka glanced at the wand and then at the woman, "Um… Harry said that the woman sacrificed her life to protect the life of her child from a Dark Lord who was hunting them and it protected the child from a curse that was supposedly unstoppable."

Daphne and Tonks both froze, eyes widening in shock. They stared at the wand and then at each other. Neither said anything, and were clearly hesitant to clarify anything further on that wand if their glances at each other were anything to go by.

Aayla jumped in before they could close off, especially since both women definitely recognized who it was. "He told us quite a bit about her. About how she was looked down on because of her birth."

"Pureblood morons," Tonks sneered.

Daphne held up her hand. "Purebloods and people with pureblood beliefs could be morons. But not all of us were. Don't paint all purebloods with the same brush."

Tonks rolled her eyes at the old argument and the easy, familiar response. Instead she looked to Aayla and Ahsoka before she nodded her head towards Daphne "Blondie here was a pureblood. Me mum was one as well, but she got kicked outta the family for marrying a muggleborn…."

"I just want to know more about her. Harry only told us those facts and that she was very smart, before he changed topics," Ahsoka interjected while she looked up at the paintings with a pleading expression. She had a feeling, a nudging from the Force, that she was missing something important.

"But it was far more information than he had given us on anyone else," Aayla added, "Or at least it seemed to mean more to him."

Daphne and Tonks exchanged a long look before Tonks seemed to shrug a little bit. "The Lily who first owned that wand you in your hands was born Lily Evans. She eventually went on to marry a schoolmate who, even in a career cut short by war, was almost legendary for being a brilliant Auror... James Charlus Potter"

Aayla and Ahsoka frowned but before they could put together the pieces, Tonks continued. "Lily was Harry's mother."

"Harry... knows a lot about people and families. They were always really important to him. He always kept abreast of what was going on in people's lives and within their families," Daphne's voice was soft but underneath it there was a coldness to it.

Tonks nodded, "He made a point to remember birthdays and major life events like anniversaries and such for people who were close to him. He loved learning more about people's histories and what made them tick. He even got several muggle degrees centered around the study of people, and the mind."

"One person he always wished he could learn more about was Lily Potter. But after a certain point, he couldn't," Daphne said, the anger in her voice clear.

Ahsoka and Aayla were both listening intently, wanting to know more. This was the first time they had gotten the pictures to talk about Harry's past. In the back of their minds, both were well aware about how the Jedi would view such attachments.

Ahsoka however couldn't help asking. "Why couldn't he?"

Daphne's voice was ice cold, "Two people did absolutely everything in their power to erase any record or remembrance of her. One out of petty jealousy that turned to hate, and the other for their own ends."

"Who?" Aayla asked.

"At this point, the who doesn't matter," said Tonks, cutting off whatever answer Daphne might have given to that question, "It is the why. Harry was the subject of a prophecy, and people tried guiding the completion of the prophecy to their own desire and benefit."

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