Chapter 108: CH-108:)
Harry rolled his eyes and stalked toward the house after giving the two women a wry expression. "Yeah, poisoned by a house elf. Haven't had that happen in a while."
That left the two Force users alone with each other outside with their new wands. They had watched Harry's abrupt departure with puzzled expressions.
"Have you ever felt anything like this when you hold it?" Ahsoka asked the older Jedi quietly, as she ran her fingers along the wand in her hand reverently.
"No," Aayla admittedly quietly, her eyes once more being drawn to the wand in her own hand. "I've never felt it before. It's… like I always should've had this. I mean, it chose me just then, but it's been waiting for me to come along my whole life."
Ahsoka watched Aayla holding her wand for a few moments, and then her eyes went to her own wand. She stared at her own wand as her eyes narrowed slowly. Her gaze flicked between the wand and the door to the house where Harry had just gone. Abruptly she turned on her heels and headed back into the house.
"Where are you going?" demanded Aayla as she realized her companion had suddenly marched off, and she found herself rushing to follow her.
"To get some answers," Ahsoka said determinedly.
"Answers about what?" Aayla asked, confused but following the younger woman into the house.
"This wand," she said as she held the wand up, not bothering to look back. "I'm going to go ask those portrait things if they can tell us more about the original owner of this wand and the war she fought in. That was more... intense than I've ever seen Harry before, and I'm curious as to why."
Aayla quick stepped to keep up with her friend. They entered the house and glanced towards to find one large trunk among the pile of trunks. The trunk was open and Harry nowhere in sight. However they could hear his voice.
"This trunk has been expanded forever... Why in Merlin's name is this here!?" It sounded like it was coming from the trunk.
"Master Harry instructed Dobby to collect everything he owned. Dobby packed everything." The little being responded.
"Dobby, what on Earth could I possibly do with a toilet that isn't connected to anything?" Harry demanded, incredulity in his voice.
"Master said to get everything and the kitchen sink," Dobby replied with a stubborn response.
There was a pause and a groan. "There's a kitchen sink in here somewhere, isn't there?"
Harry's voice faded out as the girls made their way back through the book shelves. Ahsoka had strode through the bookshelves focused on her goal Aayla still trailing her. They returned to the study area they were in the previous evening.
The two women in the portraits seemed to unfreeze as they walked closer.
"I was wondering if I could ask you some questions," Ahsoka started without preamble.
Daphne shook her head slightly, "I already said we weren't going to tell you more about Harry."
Ahsoka shook her head, "My questions aren't about Harry, not really."
"Harry just got us wands and I was curious about the people the wands belonged to originally." She said diplomatically.
That provoked raised eyebrows from both of the portraits.
Tonks had a puzzled frown. "He gave you wands that were used by others rather than make you ones on his own?"
Aayla nodded and spoke up. "Yeah, he said he didn't want to scour the galaxy trying to find magical creatures until he found ones that fit," She kept her tone polite, she had tried talking to the portraits for quite awhile the night before. She was well aware that they seemed to have personalities, and Daphne especially seemed not to like her.
Ahsoka nodded picking up the thread once more, "So we were naturally curious if you could tell us about their former owners."
Tonks nodded, while Daphne was more reserved though both were looking down at the two women with more than a little interest. Daphne spoke up as she tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Old pureblood families tended to keep wands. A lot of times they had children try wands of family members, in the hope that the wands would match. I had my maternal great grandmother's wand."
"Why would they do that?" Ahsoka asked, Harry hadn't mentioned that little nugget.
"Well for one, they always hoped a child might match up with the wand of a particularly powerful family member, signifying the possibility for great things." Daphne replied.
"Though it could also signify an affinity for certain things." Tonks added. "Telling a family that a child might be particularly suited for one thing or another, though Ollivander was just as effective for that. The problem with Ollivander the Wandmaker though, was that he wouldn't sell a wand to anyone under eleven years old. A family wand would let them know sooner."
"That's true. Though, it was always interesting to know the history of the person who had your wand. I remember trying to find out anything I could about my great grandmother," Daphne stated with a nod of agreement and then her eyes focused on Aayla. "So, whose wand did you get?"
Aayla glanced at Ahsoka who nodded slightly in encouragement and held up her wand, "Mine belonged to a woman named Victoire Weasley."
Tonks and Daphne both actually smiled at that. Though Tonks responded first, "Oh, now little Victoire was quite the little spitfire. She was born a year to the day from the end of the war with Voldemort."
"She was the daughter of a friend of both Harry and I," said Tonks. "Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour. I remember their wedding, though I was invited more for security than any close relationship with the family. That came later."
Daphne nodded. "She followed in her father, William's, footsteps for awhile, working as a curse breaker. But her real talent was in working with people. She was very good with people and claimed she could seduce anyone."
"Enjoyed doing it too," Tonks added as she shook her head, "Took a run at Daph and Harry if I recall."
"She was quite put out that the only person she couldn't seem to seduce was Harry," Daphne agreed while she chuckled a bit; a rare fond smile crossing her face, "Harry would always play at being completely oblivious to her advances."
"Oh yes, she was quite the flirt," Tonks laughed softly. "She would always be quite put out when Harry repeatedly seemed to misunderstand her intentions. She did everything short of stripping and hopping into his lap."
"His act completely stymied her. I asked him once about it, and he said he felt too much like her blood-uncle for him to be comfortable with it," Daphne explained as the portrait woman shook her head. "But she was the antithesis of shy and reserved. She was a constant social scandal for the Weasley Clan."