Chapter 267: Chapter 267: Birthday Boy (3)— Wait What!?
[Third Person's PoV]
Most of the adults just stared at the scene in disbelief, struggling to comprehend what had just happened. After all, it wasn't every day that a flaming man came flying down from the sky.
Seeing all the stares, Peter inwardly groaned. 'Here we go…'
"Uh… everyone, meet Johnny," he introduced awkwardly.
Johnny, ever the charmer, greeted everyone with a bright smile. When he got to Aunt May and Uncle Ben, he shook Aunt May's hand and said, "Aunt? No way! I thought you were Peter's older sister or something."
Peter's eye twitched as he shot Johnny a glare.
"Oh, stop it, you," Aunt May said with a grin, clearly enjoying the moment. "You don't have to tease this old lady."
"Old lady? No chance—you're far too young to be—"
Before Johnny could continue, Peter placed a firm hand on his shoulder and squeezed, his smile anything but friendly.
"Johnny… stop."
Johnny immediately winced in pain, feeling Peter's grip tighten. It felt like his arm was about to be ripped off. "Alright, alright! I'll stop! I'm sorry!" he squeaked out.
Aunt May, completely unfazed, beamed. "What a nice friend you have, Peter. You should invite him over more often."
"No," Peter replied flatly, without hesitation.
"Ouch…" Johnny muttered, looking wounded.
Lydia, watching the exchange with amusement, shook her head. "Peter, the amount of connections you have is honestly astonishing. It just keeps growing."
Even though the Fantastic Four had only been publicly known for about three days, they had already gained traction, becoming the hottest topic of the week. Everyone was curious about the group of superheroes who had gone public with their identities, embracing the era of superheroes in full force.
Peter simply shrugged. "It's not that amazing. I'm doing an internship with them," he explained, giving Johnny a pointed look.
Unfortunately, Johnny wasn't exactly great at picking up subtle hints. "Yup! Peter's incredible—he even impressed Reed! And Reed isn't one to be easily impressed, especially when it comes to intellect."
Peter barely held back a groan, resisting the urge to facepalm. 'Johnny, you're killing me, man. Please, for the love of all that is holy, don't say anything incriminating in front of Norman. Anyone but him!'
Unfortunately, Norman Osborn had already entered the conversation.
"Peter really is a bright kid," Norman said, his tone pleasant but calculating. "I only wish Harry could pick up a thing or two from him."
Peter felt a growing sense of awkwardness as Norman patted him on the shoulder.
"It's a shame you didn't take an internship at Oscorp," Norman continued smoothly. "I would've welcomed you with open arms."
Peter chuckled lightly, keeping his tone playful. "I hope there aren't any hard feelings, but I didn't want to use special connections or be treated differently. If I had gone to Oscorp, I know I would've gotten special treatment. I wanted to rely on my own skills and expand my experiences. It wasn't anything personal."
Norman let out a hearty laugh, patting Peter again. "I understand, I understand. Don't worry. You're a forthright young man, Peter. Don't lose that—it's a rare trait these days."
A few feet away, Lizzy leaned in and whispered to the others, "Is it just me, or does Mr. Osborn really like Peter?"
"It's not just you…" Harry sighed, shaking his head. "Peter's basically his ideal son."
"Huh?" Lizzy frowned. "But you're not bad at all. Why would he be the ideal son?"
Harry let out a short laugh. "I wasn't always this smart. My grades used to be terrible until I met Peter. My dad thinks the only reason I improved is because of his influence."
"I mean… he's not entirely wrong," Gwen admitted awkwardly. "If it weren't for Peter, you wouldn't be half as smart as you are now."
Harry rolled his eyes, exasperated, but before he could respond, he caught movement from the corner of his eye.
He nudged Gwen and subtly gestured with his head.
She and the others turned to see three figures emerging from the side of the house—the rest of the Fantastic Four, whom Johnny had left behind.
Even Ben Grimm was there, which was a surprise. He wore a large trench coat and hat, trying (and failing) to blend in.
Peter sighed but quickly shifted into host mode, repeating the same process he'd been doing all evening. He accepted hugs, congratulations, and made introductions.
At first, the only thing everyone had in common was their connection to Peter. But as the conversations continued, people gradually started warming up to each other.
Johnny was quickly dragged away by both George and Uncle Ben to help with the grill, using his fire abilities to turn up the heat. Loving any chance to show off, Johnny eagerly obliged, his hands glowing bright red before sending a controlled wave of fire onto the coals.
With everyone present, the celebration officially kicked off. The scent of sizzling meat wafted through the air, adding to the lively atmosphere—a true gathering of family, friends, and new acquaintances.
Reed and Norman were deep in discussion about business opportunities, their conversation filled with mutual interest. Aunt May, Lydia, and Madeline had formed their own small group, chatting amongst themselves.
Aunt May, though chewing her food with little appetite, smiled as she watched Peter struggling to fend off Felicia, who was determined to put a birthday hat on his head. Just as he was about to escape, Gwen and MJ cornered him, successfully securing the hat in place. The three girls high-fived in triumph while Peter sat there, looking utterly defeated.
Meanwhile, Ben Grimm sat with Harry, Lizzy, and Susan, who helped him open a drink—his large hands making the task nearly impossible.
As the day wore on, time flew by. Laughter and conversations filled the air as everyone enjoyed themselves.
Lydia glanced at her watch and sighed. "Oh shoot, look at the time. I'm sorry, but I have to get going."
Aunt May pouted. "What a shame! Why don't you stay just a little longer? We're about to light the candles and cut the cake…"
Lydia hesitated, then glanced at Felicia, who was taking selfies with Peter—much to his dismay. The sight made her smile.
"…Alright, but just for a little longer," she relented.
Uncle Ben and George quickly stepped in, blocking the view as Aunt May and the other ladies set up the candles.
"Here, let me~" Johnny grinned, lifting a single finger. A small flame flickered to life, and with a quick motion, he lit the candles.
George and Uncle Ben then lifted the cake and began marching toward Peter.
Peter, having sensed their plan a mile away, faked his surprise. Inwardly, however, he was burning with embarrassment as the inevitable song began.
🎶🎵 Happy Birthday to you… 🎶🎵
The crowd clapped and sang with wide smiles, while Peter's face grew redder by the second.
'Ahhh! Kill me. This is so embarrassing!'
🎶🎵 Happy Birthday, dear Peter… 🎶🎵
🎶🎵 Happy Birthday to you! 🎶🎵
As the song ended, Harry, never one to miss an opportunity to tease, called out, "Go on! Blow out the candles and make a wish!"
Peter sighed, took a deep breath, and blew out the candles. Cheers erupted from the crowd.
"So, what'd you wish for, kid?" Ben's gruff voice teased.
"For the ground to swallow me whole," Peter deadpanned.
Laughter rippled through the group.
Those who truly knew Peter understood that, despite his outward confidence, he absolutely hated being the center of attention in serious moments.
Before he could react, Gwen, MJ, and Felicia smeared frosting on his face—Gwen getting his nose while the other two went for his cheeks. They giggled mischievously as Peter sighed.
"The cake is meant for eating, not wearing…" He wiped at his face. "So, let's cut this—" Peter glanced at the adults. "…this beautiful piece of cake."
"That was not what you were going to say," Lydia scoffed.
"I plead the fifth, Your Honor," Peter said, smirking as the cake was set down for cutting.
Lydia had her piece of cake covered over with two plates as she was planning on taking hers on the go. "I'm really sorry but I have—"
Lydia's words were cut short by Aunt May, who as soon as she took a bite of her slice of cake stood up and ran away holding her stomach and mouth…
Confusion spread across the group.
Peter and Uncle Ben exchanged worried glances before immediately following after her.
Inside, they found Aunt May hunched over the sink, throwing up.
"May? What's wrong?" Uncle Ben asked, hurrying to her side.
Peter placed a hand on her back, concern etched into his face. "Was there something wrong with the cake?"
Aunt May shook her head as she rinsed her mouth. Taking a deep breath, she turned toward them with an embarrassed expression.
"I… I don't know how to say this, but… it's been a few weeks since I've had my period."
Peter and Ben's eyes widened in horror before they both erupted in unison:
Their voices were so loud that everyone outside froze and turned toward the house in shock.
Harry, MJ, and Gwen, who saw Aunt May as family, shoved past everyone in a panic, nearly knocking each other over as they burst into the kitchen.
"WHAT?! WHO'S PREGNANT?!" they shouted in unison.
Outside, Johnny whispered to Ben and Susan, "Talk about a plot twist~."
George sat frozen, spoon halfway to his mouth, staring at the house in astonishment.
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