Soul echo

Chapter 862 My Father

Chapter 862 My Father
【My father is called Zhong Ye, he is a god.

Before my mother was pregnant with me, he seemed to have saved the world, but for a powerful person like him, saving the world should be a trivial matter, right?

My father is a god, and my mother is an ordinary earthling, just a congenital. I heard them say that pregnancy is a particularly difficult thing, but it is also an interesting thing.

I can only express my incomprehension about this, anyway, something like 'pregnancy' can't be called 'interesting', right?

Because it is very difficult for my father to conceive my mother, our family has only two children. The other child is my older sister. It is said that my father adopted him in Dan World before Dan World became a battlefield.

My sister is three years older than me, and inherited my father's martial arts. She became the commander of a legion at the age of 28. She has been stationed in Dan World since she was 24. We don't see each other for a year.

But we don't feel unfamiliar because of this, even if we are not related by blood, the experiences and memories of growing up together still connect us.

My mother is a chief doctor. For our family, it sounds very ordinary. I know that more than one person has discussed why my father married my mother. There are many people who are better and more beautiful than my mother. .

Because of my doubts, I also asked my father this question.

But my father's answer shocked me greatly: "Because Jingshu has been caring about me during the time when I was judged dead, this caring has even become the belief that supports my survival, and has saved me more than once—— Although we didn't know it at the time. '

——Has an ordinary mother ever saved her father? 】

After writing this, Zhong Yanxin stopped writing, raised his head and looked at the porthole.

Outside the small porthole is the empty and dark space, and a little further away is the increasingly distant blue planet.

After staring at the 'tiny' planet for a while, Zhong Yanxin lowered his head again and continued writing:
[Although there are only four people in our household registration book, there are more than four people in our family.

My father had a direct student who was 20 years older than me, so when I was young, I didn't like calling her 'Senior Sister' because she was more like an aunt of mine than my sister.

Senior Sister Lilian has a younger sister who is also my father's disciple, but when I was 15 years old, in a battle with the abyss, in order to eliminate a big demon, I chose to sacrifice myself, although my father successfully saved her soul , but to this day, Senior Sister Danya's soul is still in a state of recovery, and has not fully recovered, and it is not known when she will fully wake up.

When I was three years old, my father who came back to celebrate my sister’s birthday had a holy spirit beside her. Her name was Lily Lieber. She used to be the princess of the Gaul Kingdom in the Westland of the Dan World, and was also a friend of my father in the past.

Her father could have resurrected her, but she refused, because if she became the Holy Spirit, she would be able to fight side by side with her father better.

In addition, I have a foster brother who can be regarded as my father's adopted son, because he lost his parents since he was a child, and has been living with us all the time.

It’s just that he left home when he was 15 years old in order to inherit his biological father’s career. In recent years, we have rarely seen him except during the New Year holidays.

But demon hunters are like this. They often walk on the edge of danger and darkness, and if they take a wrong step, they will die... Sometimes, their own death is not the end, and it will also affect their family members. 】

Zhong Yanxin put down his pen and stretched his body. When he looked up again, he found that the earth was only a vague outline in his eyes.

He is about to leave his hometown and wander around in the vast and boundless universe in a spaceship. Maybe he can find a livable planet and build a forward base there, or he may die in another country.

As a descendant of a god, a born demigod, Zhong Yanxin has a lifespan beyond ordinary people's imagination. Maybe tens of thousands of years later, the earth has developed a more advanced space navigation technology, and they can still find somewhere that they are still sailing fleet, and I was able to chat with him a few words.

After looking melancholy for a while, Zhong Yanxin looked away and continued writing.

No matter what kind of things or situations they will encounter in the future, at least for now, Zhong Yanxin wants to leave some information.

Even if one dies accidentally in the future, even if Dan-Earth civilization is completely destroyed, this information will be preserved until the day it is discovered by other civilizations.

As long as this information can be found, the destruction of their civilization is just 'death' rather than 'death'.

【My father has many friends. He knows all the gods, and he also knows the chief executive of the 'Dan-Huang' special zone. It is said that they have known each other for more than ten years, and several leaders of the demon hunters are also his friends.

Not only that, but he also has many anonymous students. Although the only direct disciple is sister Lilian, he once spread his martial arts to let the world learn.

Today, 70.00% of the fighters on the earth are his father's students. He not only has a lot of talent, but also has a few legends. He can be said to be "full of peaches and plums".

Although my father is a god, he did not form a church, because the power of faith comes from people's 'thoughts', and the power of faith cannot be obtained only by making believers believe in themselves.

He did not organize a church, but he owned a large corporation with millions of employees.

However, my father did not use this to make money. When I was young, I only knew that the family was well-off. I never knew that my family had a group with employees all over the world. I knew the chairman of that group since childhood. Aunt Delilah who always brings me toys when I come to visit.

As a god, his father can almost be regarded as standing on the pinnacle of the world. The worldly money is of no use to him. Apart from giving employees benefits, most of the group's income will be invested in the research and development of aerospace technology. For example, I am now flying 20.00% of the technology of this spaceship comes from the research institute of our group.

I once asked my father why he chose to do this, and his answer was, 'No matter how powerful the earth looks now, when we face the abyss, we are still weak and have no chance of defeating the abyss'. In my eyes, if human beings don't take a step forward, but put all their energy into the battle against the abyss, maybe they can survive ten years, one hundred years, or even one thousand years, but they will still be defeated in the end.

Only by going to the future, to the sea of ​​stars, can human beings truly break the situation and find a way to repel the abyss.

So, I boarded this spaceship bound for the stars. 】

Zhong Yanxin drew a full stop silently, then closed his notebook and stood up.

He walked to a floating board and drove the floating board towards the bridge.

When he came to the bridge, he saw a lot of people gathered here, because the porthole here was the largest, and through the transparent wall that was not glass, they could see the completed 'Gate to the Starry Sky'.

The earth's current aerospace technology is not enough to allow a spaceship to leave the solar system in a short time, so they chose to build the "Star Gate".

It is a portal, the starting point is Mars, and most of the building materials of the 'Star Gate' are directly taken from Mars.

The end of the 'Gate of the Starry Sky' is uncertain, because when they built the 'Gate of the Starry Sky', they did not consider the end point.

The 'Stargate' must be attracted by massive stars, so the end point must be next to a star or a black hole.

In order to ensure the safety of the spaceship, they also brought the "Sword of Resistance" with them. Even if they were captured by the gravity of the black hole, as long as they had the "Sword of Resistance", they would definitely be able to escape.

It was an adventure, but one that had to be done!
[This is the end of my father's legendary story, I will start to write my own story! 】

Zhong Yanxin turned around with the other crew members and saluted in the direction of the earth.

The brilliance on the 'Gate of the Starry Sky' fanned, setting up a bridge leading to the distance and the future.

On the earth, Zhong Ye and Qi Jingshu also raised their heads and looked in the direction of Mars.

Inexplicably, Zhong Ye remembered what he had said to the evil god of capital, 'Humanity is bound to move towards the future'.

At the same time, he also remembered the narration and questioning of the evil moon god.

Now, he was finally able to give an answer——

——Human beings are dying slowly, but as long as they keep searching and exploring, then there may be a hope of finding a glimmer of life.

Today, human beings are already taking steps towards the future, gradually towards hope!

(End of the book)

 Finish spreading flowers!
(End of this chapter)

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