Soul echo

Chapter 861 Chapter Family

Chapter 861
The moon is shattered, but the fragments captured by gravity do not disappear.

Since the power of the revolution has not yet disappeared, the moon fragments are scattered like raindrops on the various plates and continents of the Dan planet.

Zhong Ye also fell to the ground along with the moon fragments. The sword just now exhausted all his strength. Even now that he has regenerated a spine, he still doesn't have the strength to move even a single finger.

Tired... so tired!

Fighting against two super-standard evil gods one after another, although he got help from others, it didn't mean that Zhong Ye didn't contribute.

Mental exhaustion dragged his consciousness into the abyss of lethargy, and he would like to have a good sleep now if he could.

It's a pity that he can't close his eyes just yet.

[Zhong Ye, well done! 】

[Good job! 】

[To be honest, when the sun brought you here, we couldn't imagine that you could bring us such great help! 】

Hearing these compliments, Zhong Ye forced the corners of his lips to curl up, and asked, "You can talk about the compliments later. Is it really okay if the moon is broken like this?"

He didn't doubt the power of the gods at all, because there were not many fragments that really needed attention. Most of the fragments would gradually burn after entering the atmosphere, and would burn up before touching the ground.

The real trouble is the large fragments, which, after all, are fragments of a star.

[About this matter, you can rest assured. 】The God of Nature laughed.

At this time, the Mother of the Earth took advantage of the situation and said: [The father of the fruit has already retreated. He has always been very patient and will not be in a hurry. Even if he fails this time, it does not matter to him, because in the eyes of those abyss evil gods, as long as the war Keep going, sooner or later they will win, and everything they do is just to make this victory come earlier. 】

The soft voice echoed in Zhong Ye's mind, and it was very hypnotic. After listening to the words of Mother Earth, his eyelids could not help but start to fight.

【Don't worry, we are here, go to sleep, child, have a good sleep...】

Therefore, Zhong Ye closed his eyes, and his body fell to the ground together with the moon fragments.

The goddess of mercy rose from the earth, opened her arms, and gently hugged Zhong Ye into her arms, then looked at the moon fragments.

Under His gaze, the fragments of the moon, like a meteor shower, turned into flying sand one after another, and then condensed again, turning into floating islands one after another, quietly suspended in the atmosphere, moving slowly under the impetus of the storm.

The God of Nature also used divine power, making green grass and flowers grow on those empty islands, no longer dead and monotonous.

Although the world of Dan will become a battlefield for fighting the abyss in the future, and most of the population will be transferred to the earth, this does not mean that no one will stay here to continue living.

Human beings cannot survive in an extremely harsh environment, so even in order to fight against the abyss, the gods must maintain the ecological environment of the Dan world.

Where people can't see, the evil gods of the abyss reflected on the crystal wall of the world gradually disappear, one after another.

In the end, only the Lord of Pleasure remained. He invested too much in this war, far more than other evil gods, but he didn't gain much.

He couldn't accept this result. However, the other evil gods of the abyss had already left, and he alone could not break through the defenses set up by the gods.

So in the end, no matter how unwilling the Lord of Pleasure was, he could only complain and retreat.

The war is over...



The team from Earth came to the world of Dan through the portal.

Both Dongtu and Xilu met their brothers from another world who had never met but had heard of their names for a long time.

Both the European Union and China have sent their own delegations. Compared with the conflicting European Union and Westland, the contact between China and East Turk is much more friendly.

Dan's world is very similar to the earth. To some extent, it can be said to be a "different time and space homotope".

As a country that has been passed down for thousands of years, whether it is China or Huang, there is almost no cultural barrier. Although it is difficult for ordinary people to understand why Chinese people on the earth cut their hair short, this is for senior officials. , is not a big deal.

After contact, the two sides began to negotiate the 'relocation' matters.

This is something that has already been decided, but how to do it specifically needs to be discussed.

In addition to the Eastern Land and the Western Land, the elves will also relocate. Their population is still in the millions. They have the bloodlines that can use spells naturally, and their appearance is beautiful, which is enough for every country on the earth. precious.

Still, the elves apparently had ideas of their own.

The war between the elves and the blood tribes is still going on, but it is now coming to an end.

The reason why the bloody tribe was able to swallow nearly half of the land of the elves in a short period of time was entirely because the primitive gods did not have the time and energy to participate in this war. The army has joined the war, and it is only a matter of time before the Bloody Clan is destroyed.

In this war, the elves saw the performance of the United States, the European Union and China.

The military discipline of the European Union and the United States is not strict, and soldiers occasionally harass the local residents. If it is just like this, it is fine, but comparing with the Chinese army, it seems that their military culture is very inferior.

The Huaxia army has strict discipline. Not only does it not harass any of the residents, but it also teaches the local residents how to fight and arms them so that they can fight against the bloody tribe together.

When the residents need help, the Huaxia soldiers have always helped if they can.

Because of this, the elves generally have a good impression of the Chinese army.

Most of the elves chose Huaxia as their future settlement after knowing from the God of Nature that they would all leave the world of Dan and move to the earth.

At least as far as the soldiers they came into contact with, the Huaxia soldiers gave them the best impression.

Although the relocation hasn't started yet, the whole world of Dan is busy.

How to coordinate the conflicts and contradictions between the people of the Dan world and the people of the earth is what the country and the gods should do, and it has nothing to do with Zhong Ye.

He has fought in the elf kingdom for more than a month, and now he has finally returned to Bianliang.

He no longer needed to participate in the battle in the elf kingdom, so he could come back to this place.

The portal standing in the center of the city is still not closed, and players are still passing through the portal one after another, heading to the battlefield to fight the bloody tribe.

Zhong Ye glanced at it, then looked away.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
"Who is it?" The porter poked his head out, and then his eyes straightened.

"Zhong, Zhong, Zhong...Mr. Zhong?!"

Zhong Ye nodded to him, and said softly, "Open the door."

"Okay, okay!" The concierge retracted his head, and an excited voice came from the other side of the door, "I'll open it now!"

Soon, the porter opened the door and stepped aside.

"Mr. Zhong, please come in! Come in quickly!"

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, the concierge knew that Zhong Ye smashed the moon not long ago and saved the whole world.

No matter what he said, he could be regarded as one of Zhong Ye's employees, so he was naturally honored.

After greeting the porter, Zhong Ye walked quickly to the inside of the courtyard.

He met a lot of people along the way, and people were naturally very surprised by his return, but seeing that he seemed to have something urgent to do, they didn't bother him, they just said hello and watched Zhong Ye go away.

"Jing Shu, Qing Lai."

Pushing open the door and entering Qing Lai's office, Zhong Ye saw the two of them sitting by the window, talking quietly.

Qi Jingshu gently pushed the cradle, and when she heard Zhong Ye's voice, she suddenly turned to look at the door.

"Mr. Zhong." Seeing Zhong Ye, Qing Lai hurriedly stood up and saluted.

Zhong Ye nodded, walked over to gently pick up the baby sleeping in the cradle, and then looked at Qi Jingshu.

"Go offline."

When she heard this sentence just now, Qi Jingshu was a little confused, but she quickly realized that her eyes widened.

"You, you want to..."

Blinking her eyes, Qi Jingshu pursed her lips lightly, suppressed the excitement in her heart, lowered her head and kissed the baby's face, sat back and closed her eyes, and when the eyes of that body opened again, there was nothing in the pupils. look.

Zhong Ye withdrew his gaze, and looked at Qing Lai with apology, "I'm sorry, Qing Lai, because the influence of the abyss on you hasn't been eliminated, so I can't bring you to Earth."

Hearing Zhong Ye's words, Qing Lai became a little apprehensive, "It's okay, Mr. Zhong, we will pass... soon, so you don't have to worry about us."

Through the few words between Qi Jingshu and Zhong Ye, Qing Lai already understood what Zhong Ye wanted to do.

He wants to return to Earth, to his hometown...

Qing Lai took a deep breath, and suddenly smiled: "Mr. Zhong, thank you!"

Zhong Ye gave Qing Lai a rather strange look, and he didn't know why she wanted to thank him.

After saying 'You're welcome', Zhong Ye picked up the 'white jade' long sword on his back.

With a swipe of the long sword in front of him, a spatial rift was opened.

Zhong Ye took a step forward, crossed the barriers of the world, and came to the earth.

One second ago, he was still in an antique room, but the next second he appeared in a city where flying cars were up and down, and the sky was full of tall buildings.

Zhong Ye stood there in a daze for a moment, exhaled a foul breath, and soared into the sky.

This is Kaifeng, and his home is in Jinling, about 600 kilometers away, but to him, this distance is nothing at all.

Crossing mountains, rivers, plains, and cities, Zhong Ye traveled from Kaifeng to Jinling in only 10 minutes, and was not stopped or questioned during the period.

Although it's only been more than a year, it seems like a lifetime away.

Suspended in the sky of Jinling, Zhong Ye was in a trance for a moment, and then heard an exclamation from below.

He looked down and saw many people waving to him.

Zhong Ye smiled, waved to those people, found Qi Jingshu's direction through the thread of faith, and flew over.

Before reaching Qi Jingshu's place, he recognized the place.

Zhong Ye fell from a high altitude, causing panic.

But he didn't pay much attention to it, but looked at Qi Jingshu, "Why did you come here?"

"Declare your sovereignty!" Qi Jingshu took Zhong Ye's other hand, and looked at the neighborhood next to him side by side.

Zhong Ye remained silent for a while, then exhaled, and walked towards the neighborhood.

"You are...Xiao Ye?"

As soon as he walked to the gate of the community, the grandpa and aunt who were sitting at the gate chatting and swiping their phones recognized Zhong Ye.

Even though he has grown a lot taller than before, to ordinary people, Zhong Ye was born tall, but now he is just a little taller, and there is no difference to them.

Zhong Ye was wearing a bunt and his long hair. He looked quite different from before. However, they had only seen Zhong Ye fighting against the evil capital god just a few days ago. How could they not recognize him?

"Uncle Zhang, Aunt Li, Second Grandpa, I'm back!" Zhong Ye greeted them with a smile, took Qi Jingshu's hand, and walked into the community with a baby who had just woken up in his arms.

People were dumbfounded, and some couldn't believe their eyes.

In fact, they couldn't believe that Zhong Ye, who they watched and grew up with, could fight a monster with a height of [-] meters.

If the things that happened that day were not too fantastic, and the influence has not disappeared until now, they would not dare to believe these things.

But the fact is that Zhong Ye is not only still alive, but also came back from another world!

Walking to the familiar unit building and walking into the familiar elevator, Zhong Ye didn't say a word, but looked at the elevator door with fiery eyes.

The baby in his arms twisted around, looking curiously at the strange surroundings.

The elevator door opened, and the corners of Qi Jingshu's mouth curled up slightly, she interlocked with Zhong Ye's fingers, took his hand, and pulled him out of the elevator.

Before Zhong Ye could make a move, Qi Jingshu rang the doorbell first.

"Dad, Mom, Zhong Ye and I are back!"

Zhong Ye's body froze, and then he relaxed again.


The door was opened, Zhong Ye raised a smile, and said softly to the two people standing behind the door:

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

 The next chapter is the end

(End of this chapter)

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