Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 96: Investment

Nerodia halt her step and looked at Sol in confusion as well, "What is a stock market?"

"Ah, nothing it was just my stupid mind, what is this investment you are talking about?" Sol shrugs it off as to not annoy the snake.

It made her look at him suspiciously but she soon let it go, "Do you know how this world works?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" Sol was confused by the question.

"Ugh... Let me just explain, it was my mistake to expect you to understand," She let out a sigh, Nerodia felt like a mother teaching a curious kid that never run out of questions.

"There are a few ways to get more than we have in this crystal, the first one is to invest it on people who are part of your pantheon in which you will get more once they get stronger."

"but it was not with a limitation, you need someone you can trust to keep your money(Divinity), it would not be good if you invest in them if they run with your investment, you also need to find someone with potential to be strong enough to give you enough return, not a loss," She explained.

It made Sol feel like he was talking about money investment on a business or stock market, Sol has some questions but he keeps it first until Nerodia finished her explanation so she would not get even more irritated by his questions.

"The second way is to create our own mini-world, as you know Gods have their own realm you human called heaven, there is this world for you mortals, there is also underworld for the dead" she explained.

"This world we live in is the collaboration investment of the Gods, they pool their fund and create this Solar system, it took the millennia to get their investment back, they got a lot of people with potential from this investment which they invest again to make them become a God and tie them to their pantheon."

This made Sol even more confused, he could not help but ask, "Do you mean you are going to make a world? Is that even possible?"

"It's possible but we need a lot of capital to create something on the size of this realm which we don't have," She pointed out.

"That's why we are making a mini world, it would generate Divinity which we could take as revenue, or we could invest back to expand the mini world."

"Once we have a creature in there, we could find the most loyal and with high potential to join our own pantheon!" She said excitedly.

Sol looked at her in awe as she had a very big dream but he cuts in, "Won't it take too long to get some return?"

"No! In fact, almost every being higher than Minor Demigod and have their own mini world, just take it was starting our own business, currently, we work for the Gods, if we don't start our own business then we would be under them forever!" She said with blazing excitement.

It was the first time he saw Nerodia in such a high spirit, he didn't know what to say, "Umm... Alright?"

"Enough chatting, Let's go!" She pulled Sol by his arm, the soon get back to the house.

Nerodia wanted to go to the mountain to set up the mini world but Sol needs to talk with the temples about his payment for the neighboring city gate commission.

He went back after ordering customized defensive armament for both Nerva and Miya, he did not claim it for himself as Sol could just conjure an ice armor or barrier if he needs one.

When he got back, Nerodia directly pull him out and drag him to the mountain against his will, Sol was tired from all the business he had done that day but Nerodia would not wait another day to set up the mini world.

They did not meet any Demigod in the mountain as the one supposed to be the closest to be a demigod there was the Alpha wolf which was killed by Nerodia.

They went deep in the mountain and Nerodia stop by a frozen lake there, She looked around and picked a spot that did not feel any special to Sol.

"So what now? How do we create this mini world thingy?" he asked the excited girl.

Nerodia being all excited made him forget that she was actually a cold-blooded snake who kills people as if drinking water, she had stopped killing them because it brought her nothing and only sour her relationship with Sol, but she would feel no remorse if she needs to kill one.

"Help me conjure a gate for entrance and as an anchor, I will do the rest," She said with a grin, it was beautiful that Sol got distracted for a bit.

Sol conjured an ice gate with ice sun ability but he also secretly add a little of both healing dome and knife aura to the gate to make it stronger.

The Snake girl soon coat the gate's door with her own conjuring ability and Sand start to cover the gate's door it made it look exquisite, but it was not permanent, the gate would vanish with time once both of them stop supplying it with power.

Nerodia soon pulled out all the black crystal in her possession and start to embed it into the gate and door, She did some kind of ritual and then used some of her blood to draw on the gate, once she finished the process, Sol could feel some change to the gate.

It did not need him to support it any longer but he could still feel a connection with it, in addition, he could feel some feedback from it, even if it was extremely small he could sense his Divinity increased every moment.

"Is it done?" Sol asked Nerodia.

"Come let me show you," she said cheekily, she pushed the door open and he could see the exact same scenery that was behind the gate, but the difference was he could see nothingness a few kilometers away and the sky was dark like they were in space.

When he got in, he could see that it was just a few kilometer spaces that more similar to a pocket dimension that a world, snowy ground, frozen lake, and a forest could be seen in there, the gate was in the center of the mini world.

"Welcome to our own mini-world!" Nerodia said as if she just did something amazing.

"Then what now? Are we going to wait for millennia to get our money back and start to make a profit?" Sol asked her.

"Of course no, with my power I made time in this place twice as fast as the outside world, once I'm stronger I could make it faster!" she said smugly.

She pulled out tens of dark red crystal and bury it everywhere in the mini world, "What are you doing?" Sol asked the snake.

"Gambling, I'm hoping that one of these crystals would accelerate the creation of a creature in this world" She explained.

Sol looked at the crystal painfully, the crystal could be used to upgrade his knife which would make him stronger but Nerodia invests it all.

"What kind of creature would be born from it?" Sol asked curiously.

"Mostly random, it could be influenced by our power and the environment but it could be anything," She answered him while going out of the gate back to their world.

Sol follows her out and when she walked away he became confused, "Is that all? We are leaving the gate here? Won't there be people coming and destroy this gate?" Sol asked in concern.

"It's strong enough to block even a Minor Demigod for a few minutes, We would sense it if someone tries to get in or destroy the gate" She reassured him.

"We could project our conjuring ability around the gate and inside our mini world so we could protect it even if we are far away," Nerodia informed him.

It reassured him a bit, he was afraid that such a big investment would go to waste if someone destroys the gate, it looks like a monument which was very eye-catching even for a human.

Sol went back to the city with Nerodia as there was nothing to do anymore there, they needed to wait for anything to happen before they could invest more or gain something more than some passive income.

He was resting at home when the news of him being a Demigod started to spread in the city, He did not know that more and more rumor starts to spread around.

It was when Ashura visit him that he knows that some nasty rumor had started again.

"Sol! I'm here to tell you that it was not me this time!" Ashura said desperately as he was afraid that Sol would seek revenge again.

"Fuck! What is it this time?!" Sol lamented when he read the Heirs word.

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