Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 95: The Strong

"Mr. Vestitor, can you tell us what do you want? Why are you attacking the mine?" Hilda tried to mediate the talk.

"I'm not attacking anyone, I'm just here to take what is mine," Sol said confidently while trying to make a pun, which no one laughs at since the situation was too serious.

"And what is this thing you called yours?" the lightning Demigod asked, he was the demigod from the temple of Jupiter.

If Sol needed to describe the man with one word then it would be reckless, he would call him arrogant if he had not met the Demigod from the Temple of Vulcan, arrogance describes him better.

"I believe that I have the right to mine in the mine as well since Ms. Hilda here told me you have the rights because you are a Demigod" He explained his logic to the man.

It made the two-man looked at the military woman in accusation, Hilda was troubled as well, she did not think her word would bring such trouble.

She thought that Sol was just a normal person and haven't advanced to a Demigod, it was known that he did not join any temple and it was impossible to advance without the help of the Gods.

His aura was also hidden so well, she did not know that he could hide it to such a level, had she known he was a Demigod, then she would not tell him that they have their right because they were a Demigod.

It was as if she was saying that they could have anything because they have power, because they were stronger.

Now he comes as someone on their level, they could not refute his word, it would be fine if he came alone, they could band up and play down his power but not he comes with another Demigod which was very troublesome.

Their earlier fight show that Sol was not against using his fist to make his point, and he was not weak by any means, he could hold on even against the three of them, with the addition of the creature Demigod, it could be said their group was equal in power.

They did not know that Sol and Nerodia haven't used their all, they still have a lot of cards to play, even though the temple's Demigod also haven't used their core ability, Sol and Nerodia actually stronger than they expect.

To start another civil war was not wise, Hilda wanted to solve this without fighting, she told Sol that she needs to talk with the other two in private and pulled them away.

"This is unreasonable, they just come out of nowhere and say they want the mine!" the demigod from The temple of Jupiter rant.

"Yeah! Let's just tell him to fuck off!" the fire Demigod adds in.

It made Hilda grimace at both man, "Do any of you feel confident in beating him in one on one fight?" he said sarcastically, in which both men stay silent, they were not confident to beat him alone.

"If you can't then we have to compromise, he is strong and we have no doubt about it, it would be better to have him on our side," She decisively said that the other two could not complain.

"Don't worry I won't let us lose on this talk," She added.

In the end, she comes back with a deal, "We have come to an understanding, you and your people could come and mine here for free, but you won't the tax and money we got from other people who mine here as you did not help in constructing this mine and maintain it," She told Sol.

"Fair enough for me," He responded which gave Hilda a relive, luckily Sol was not an unreasonable person, if he insists on getting a share of the tax then She would not be able to make others agree with it.

Sol was known to be an independent person he did not belong to any group so she concludes that he would not be able to mine a lot with just himself and a few girls with him, in another word she got a demigod protecting the mine with just a few crystals, it was a profit in her eyes.

But the man in question was not going to lose on the deal, Sol went in with Nerodia by his side, he asked, "Can you recognize these crystals?" he asked.

Nerodia has knowledge of ancient times from her bloodline, if such a crystal ever exists before then she would know more about it, it could help them in making better use of it.

"It is as you know, Similar to shards, these crystals were part of Apollo's Divinity, he had so much of it that it crystalized, the higher grade crystal means it has a higher density of divinity," She explained.

"then can you detect these higher grade crystals?" Sol asked the most important question to maximized his gain.

Nerodia did not reply and just smile at him, she walks deeper and suddenly turned toward a cave wall, she conjured a glove of sand and used it to punch at the rocky wall.

It cracked and debris got blown away, Showing black colored crystals, she picked it up and passed it to Sol to answer his earlier question.

Sol looked at the crystal in awe, from the information he had gathered, the crystals are supposed to be red and the higher grade one was dark red, he never heard of black crystal, but from the way it was, he concludes that the darker the crystal was the higher density it has.

The other Demigod had secretly monitored them, when they saw Nerodia pulled a black crystal out of the wall they become stunned, She would make a beeline to a seemingly random rock and pulled out a black crystal.

Hilda started to sweat as the dark red crystal was equal to thousand of red crystals, if the black one was ten times that amount then Sol would get more than their daily output with a single crystal.

In the end, Sol and Nerodia got ten black crystals and twenty-three dark red crystals, at that point Nerodia told Sol to get back as she could not sense any more high-grade crystal that was easy to collect, it would be better to come again once the mine got bigger.

The three Demigod was tempted to rob Sol and Nerodia, the worth of robbing them was too much that even the upright Hilda was tempted to throw away her friendship with Sol.

Before they have anymore thought, Nerodia suddenly turned to look at them in warning, Her eyes glow yellow like snake eyes, they could feel dread when they looked at her eyes.

The next thing they knew, they could not even move a finger and could only look at Sol and Nerodia leave the mine with their prize.

They could only grit their teeth at the loss they just incur by allowing Sol to mine at the mine.

On the way back, Nerodia was discussing with Sol about how to use the crystal, for them to absorb it directly was a huge waste of it.

Sol had felt it when he became a Demigod, any additional divinity barely increase his power, if he used all the crystal on himself, he would not even grow two times stronger.

With the amount of Divinity in the crystals, he could make a dozen Demigod, but Nerodia was against it.

"Who are you going to use it too? They would just betray you in the end! Have you forget about that Bird?" She scolds him.

"And most of all, it was because of me that you get these crystals, So I'm the one should decide how we gonna use it," She stated the fact.

Sol was not able to argue back as he had barely contributed to finding the crystals, Nerodia might be helping him and all because their lives were tied together but she would pursue her own interest rather than his.

"Ugh... Will I even get a share" He mumbled to himself to which Nerodia replied, "If I ever feel like it then I might give you one or two dark red ones."

It made Sol grimace in bitterness, "this snake is really stingy, I would find myself as a beggar of she take control of my belongings" he lamented in his heart.

"What are you planning to do with it anyway?" Sol looked at Nerodia in question.

"I'm investing it, so I will get a higher return," She said smugly.

"The resource in this world is very limited, we are just recycling Apollo's divinity, at most ten people could advance to be a Minor God, and the was if they kill everyone else to plunder their shard and divinity" She explained.

This made Sol confused as he asked, "How are you going to invest? Is there a Divinity stock market or something?" if Nerodia could hear his thought then she would palm her own face in frustration

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