Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 90: No Mercy

Knife clone didn't allow Sol to be at two places at the same time but allow him to have a helper competent enough to last against a Lesser Demigod.

Combination of conjuring ability could give birth to a lot of possibilities, the sun ice and healing dome results in unbreakable ice which was stronger than sun ice standing alone, with the addition of dark eternal fire it created high-density solid material that won't disappear like the other conjured material.

As for the sun ice and knife aura, it allows the ice to move with the help of swift aura but there was a limitation to this ability, first, the aura needs enough time to accumulate swiftness before it could move the clone, the longer it has been active, the more fluid the movement of the clone was.

The second limitation was it need a core to move which was the knife armament, without the knife's presence, it would be a body without a brain, it was possible to function but it would not, because there was nothing controlling it.

In conclusion, Sol needs some time before he could summon the clone and he could only have one helper at a time, which still great as it would allow him to keep a demigod busy and it could possibly able to beat one if it was being matched against the right opponent.

The red-haired girl was one such opponent if it did not have the flying ability, a weakened fire Demigod would be an ideal opponent to be matched with the clone.

The clone has both the effect of ice sun ability and knife aura's sharpness and swiftness but it could not conjure more than they were created with, the one who could conjure them was Sol not the clone.

It has pretty high physical ability but it would not have any ranged attack and its sharpness and swiftness would not get enhanced over time.

With a single command, the clone jump toward the firebird, even with its exceptional physical ability, the clone could not reach it with a single jump.

It bridges tens of meters with one leap and Sol conjured an ice platform for it to use as a stepping stone.

The ant queen tried to attack him while he did so but Sol dodge it with ease as conjuring ice platform did not take a lot of his attention.

Sol conjured a two-meter long ice sword and use it to counter-attack before the ant could dive underground, with the firebird busy running from his ice clone, Sol finally has the chance to fight back.

The sword barely cut the ant as the knife aura he had accumulated was used to create the clone, he need to reaccumulate the aura so he could pierce its chitin armor.

On the other hand, Nyx could only run from the ice clone, her attack wasn't able to harm the clone, she could crack its body with her fire projectile but the heat it generates also heal the ice clone back to shape.

"the hell? What with this guy? His ability was too versatile, it was impossible for a demigod to be this versatile!" the firebird was frustrated as it could only run from the clone.

She had tried to attack Sol instead of the clone but it would block the projectile so Nyx could not hurt Sol.

Sol constantly monitor the clone so he could provide it with the steppingstone, to his surprise, the knife was not as simple as he thought, it would constantly improve its technique and decision making.

At first, it just runs straight to the red-haired girl when he commands it to keep her busy and block all its attack for him, he kept the command simple in fear that it would not understand his command, but it turns out he had underestimated his own clone.

The clone could already predict the red-haired girl and close the distance between them, it kept getting better the longer they fight, it was like a self-learning A.I.

Sol himself could not explain where the clone's self-learning ability came from, as far as he understands, the knife aura and the sun ice would not develop such an ability.

"Kill the red-haired girl if possible but prioritize blocking all its attack," Sol gave an additional command to the clone.

It gave him some kind of affirmative signal telepathically which stunned him for a bit, "Was it just my imagination?" Sol wondered.

Sol thought was interrupted by a sudden spike of danger, he instinctively conjured a barrier of ice sun enhanced by a healing dome to cover every side.

To his surprise, the impact did not come from both side like before but come from right under his feet, the ant queen did not bite him with its mandible but used its leg to hit him.

The giant ant foot was like a black pillar rising from the ground, it sent the ice barrier cracking and flying while Sol hit his back against the barrier from the sudden movement.

Sol hurriedly gets out of the barrier right before it was pierced by another black pillar, Sol rolled on the ground and conjured another long sword to slashed at the ant's leg before it gets underground again.

"Damn it! It's hiding because it knows that I could kill it now!" Sol cursed in his heart as the ant would not get its head out of the ground in order to protect its head.

Sol turned to the sky in order to produce another stepping stone to find both the clone and the demigod was falling from the sky.

The clone somehow grabbed the red-haired girl's heel and pull it down with it, the Demigod's fire wing grew smaller from the clone absorbing its heat, and was not able to support both clone's and red-haired girl's weight.

The girl's armor might be able to insulate heat but the fire wing was not covered by it, being in such close proximity with the clone cause it to shrink,

Soon, they were wrestling in the sky while falling down, Sol thought it was the best chance to kill the red-haired girl but before he could conjure anything, the ant queen attack again which interrupt him.

Sol was busy dodging the ant queen to do anything with pair, the ice clone was winning the fight as its body was stronger and it could not sense any pain.

Both of them land on the ground with a boom while the clone was mounting the red-haired girl, both looked weary as the red-haired girl was bloody, her armor was shattered, and the clone body had cracked all over the place, its lower body was destroyed to pieces.

The clone grabbed at the girl's neck and choked her, she could feel her body heat was absorbed at a rapid pace by the clone which healed its fractured body.

She looked pleadingly at the clone and tried to say, "Ha.. have," but the clone did not let her finish and punch her in the face which caused the ground to crack under her.

"Mer..." she tried to continue but the ice clone punches her another time, she would continue to beg for mercy but the clone would interrupt her with a punch each time.

Even Sol looked at the girl with pity, but he did not interrupt the clone as it was doing nothing wrong, he knew that the firebird was cunning and it would be unwise to forgive it.

Luckily the one doing the job was the heartless clone, if he was in its place then he would stop because of the girl's pitful look as he never kill a person before and the girl looks exactly like a human being.

"I have my own enemy to fight," Sol muttered as he concentrates to fight the ant queen. Sol dodges every attack from the ant queen while trying to pinpoint its head.

Sol was nearing his limit of running all his power at the same time so he needs to finish the ant soon, he was at his swiftest and sharpest right at that moment.

Sol conjured a giant ice spear and imbued it with all the knife aura he had accumulated, but he did not throw it as he was waiting for the ant to attack so he could pinpoint its location.

The next second another pillar rises from the ground which Sol barely dodges as he was not as swift as before but he still manages somehow.

With a single motion of his hand, he sent the giant ice spear to the ground which pierces it like the ground was not there.

"Please hit!" Sol prayed as he used his intuition to aim, he believed his intuition because it had kept him alive thus far against the ant queen.

Zup... a piercing sound could be heard as Sol sense the spear connect with something solid and the next second, the black pillar stopped moving by his side.

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