Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 89: Two on One

Sol was still falling to his death, at least that was what both the red-haired girl and the queen ant thought.

The human demigod quickly ran all three of his power reflexively, there was no time for a reservation, a single mistake and he would die.

Sol ran the ice sun ability to strengthen his armor and defend against any possible attack from the firebird, with his ability running at the full engine he would be saved as long as the firebird did not use the dark fire.

The healing dome was running in full power as well, Sol used it to heal his wound and strengthen his ice armor to prepare against the ant queen attack, even if he was not sure if the combination of healing dome and ice armor could fully block the giant ant attack, at least he would survive the hit.

His knife aura had also run in full power in order to enhance his evasive ability and offensive ability, even if it didn't give him any major boost yet as it just starts running, with time, the boost it provides would give him the possibility of winning.

Knife aura gave him a lot of potential in combat, as long as he could accumulate enough swiftness and sharpness than its theoretically possible to beat those a level higher than himself, but it was up to his endurance, would Sol have enough energy to accumulate enough power.

Running all three abilities was a huge burden on his body and energy reserve, it was impossible to run all three abilities limitlessly at his current level, at most he could keep at it for half an hour.

With all three power running at full power, Sol conjured a barrier of ice right before the was bitten by the giant ant queen, he kicked the ice barrier to get away from the ant's maw, it was all thank to the swiftness boost that he could correct his posture mid-air so he could get away.

Both the firebird and the giant ant queen were shocked as Sol recover way to quick both of them had not realized he had conjured other ability than the sun ice as both knife aura and healing dome were invisible to naked eyes.

Sol landed a distance away from the ant queen and looked warily at both the ant queen and the red hired demigod who was still flying in the air.

"Nyx, why are you helping them? Aren't you part of the temple?" Sol confronts the firebird.

It made the girl snort in disdain, " you seriously think I'm betraying you human? From the very beginning we are no ally," she told him.

"The Gods were never on your side human, I'm just following my Goddess order."

"You humans were truly delusional to think the Gods would be on your side, you are nothing special!" she points at him while fuming.

It made Sol grimace as he had thought so as well but having his assumption confirmed was not making him happy, he got concerned instead.

"Assuming every God was against humanity might be over the top, at least some Gods like Minerva was not against humanity, but thinking that they are on our side was a big mistake," Sol lamented.

Since Apollo was clearly against humanity, Sol had known that not every God would be good, the best assumption was the Gods were neutral but some Gods would rather see humanity extinct.

Sol was still lost in thought when the giant ant queen rush at him which pulled him back from his thought.

With help of the knife aura, Sol easily dodges the frontal charge, he was way more agile than the lumbering giant ant.

But his luck was not so good as the ant queen dived back into the ground, it gets him back to zero as he could not harm the ant as long as it hides underground.

When Sol senses the ant about to attack him again, he tried to dodge but a fire projectile hits him on the back which staggered him for a bit, reflexively he used the impact and momentum to roll forward and dodge the incoming bite from the giant ant.

That was the firebird, she did not let Sol have it easy, she joined the fight as well, the fire she used was a bit dark but was not as dark as her previous fire, it was enough to keep the projectile harmful but not as powerful to melt the ice armor.

"Fuck, two against one!" Sol cursed at his opponent's shamelessness.

Sol turned his focus on the fire bid as it was an easier target, she clearly still weakened and wasn't able to get to her combat form.

He conjured an ice spear which absorbs heat from everywhere, he directs the absorption to the firebird and threw it.

It used the absorption as an aiming tool, as long as the bird did not move lightning fast then it could follow it.

The red-haired girl snorted and conjured a fire armor on her body, but the next second the fire got extinguished, and in its place was an ash gray armor, which stops her body heat from leaking.

The grey armor was the same material she used to cover the ant queen, it could counter Sol's ice sun heat absorption ability.

"Surprise," she said cheekily with a grin on her face, she had been thinking how to beat Sol and she had come prepared this time.

With the spear losing its guidance, it was easy for the demigod to dodge it, with a single flap of a wing and it already missed its target.

The current condition made Sol sullen as he was not able to hurt both the ant and the bird, one hid under the earth while the other fly in the sky.

Both of them keep attacking Sol from their own side which he could only dodge as best as he could, he was hit a few times by the fired projectile which hurt his internal and fractures his ice armor but he would channel both ice sun and healing dome to heal them.

He also had a lot of close calls with the ant queen but he would always prioritize dodging its attack rather than firebird's attack as it would be fatal to be bitten by the giant ant.

Fighting one unreachable enemy was a headache but somewhat manageable but two unreachable enemies was a nightmare, the fight was still one-sided even tough Sol had three ability.

"If only I could seal the ground and the sky," Sol lamented as he had accumulated enough knife aura to pierce the giant ant's armor but he never got the chance to hit it because both the firebird and giant ant queen were unreachable.

Sol could freeze the whole area with his ice ability but it would do him no good as the ant queen's ability would not be hindered by it, unlike its lesser counterpart, the ant queen was a demigod so Sol ice did nothing to block its ability.

As for conjuring a giant ice cage to block the sky was also impossible as the firebird flies too far away from him, his ability has its limit, unless Sol becomes a Minor Demigod, he would not be able to construct such a giant structure.

Being outnumbered was also abid disadvantage to him, his option was very limited as he could get the chance to rest, both demigod attacks were connected to each other which was a big constrain on him.

"Fuck, let me even the number then!" Sol said in frustration.

Sol summon his armament with a single thought and the knife appear in his hand, He did not use it as its range was not optimal to be used against a giant enemy or a flying enemy but he would use it for another purpose.

He conjured an ice clone of himself with both ice sun ability and knife aura ability, it was only an ability he comes up with and he had not tried it but the situation calls for innovation so he decides to take the risk.

He got the idea from when he fights his own doppelganger, he believes he could make one with his knife as the core as it was connected to himself.

The result was an ice replica of himself, it looked lifelike if not for the ice blue color, others would think it was a living person.

Sol could feel from his connection that the ice clone was not perfect, he could only control it like a doll but overall its physical ability was as strong as himself if not a bit stronger.

"You two want to play together? Then I will satisfy you both at the same time," Sol said with a grin as he let out his hidden presence which gave the red-haired girl a pause.

Sol was frustrated to fight at disadvantage, now the fight had become even, he became excited to exact his revenge.

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