Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 153: Similar Situation

"Sol, why are you stopping so suddenly? Is there any danger ahead?" Tea asked him as he suddenly stopped walking while looking to the side.

They had been traveling in the underworld for two months and they had got closer to their destination but the closer they are to the gate of the underworld, the more dangerous it becomes, the number of strong creatures increases as they get closer.

There were multiple instances where he stopped suddenly in their journey and told Tea to hide her presence while hiding his own presence, they would be detected by a major demigod if they did not and it would be the end of them.

In the long run, Tea did not need him to tell her and she already hid her presence whenever he stopped walking, she did not want to take any chance and attracted a possible danger.

There was one time where they did not hide their presence in time, luckily the Major demigod could not see them directly so Sol could conjure two creatures to replace them, he made the creatures run in the opposite direction while they hid their presence.

Sol was able to sense possible danger because he became a minor demigod, he reverses engineered the ice fog that come out of their body when he is in limit-break mode, he made them with his sun ice ability and create very thin ice fog that he sent to all direction, it helped him extend his sense so he could detect possible danger.

Of course, he could not detect how strong was the creature that got into the fog's range, he could only differentiate between those in higher ranks and lower rank because higher rank creatures would have resistance to his ability and appear more blurry to his senses.

"No, I just feel someone familiar nearby," Sol explained to the fire demigod.

That made her perk up, "are they our teammates?" She asked excitedly at the prospect of meeting up with the other but she was destined to be disappointed.

"She is someone from my city, I doubt you know her," he told her.

"Huh? Is she a friend? Maybe we can team up with her so we can be safer," she suggested.

"I don't know if I can call her a friend, our relationship is not that close to being called friends, a co-worker might be a better description, I don't know if she will be friendly when we meet each other," he explained to her.

"Then what will we do? Are we meeting them or not?" she asked him since he was the one who knew the person.

"Let's meet them, there are five people and I know only one of them so get ready to defend yourself if they attack us," he warned her.

Tea nodded at him as they walked toward the group of people, they seemed to be resting in a cave when they got close enough for them to see each other, the group got alarmed and started to get into a defensive position.

Each of them was covered in armor made of their own conjuring ability and they started to conjure weapons to arm themself once they saw Sol and Tea.

Sol was wearing his iconic white coat while Tea was wearing a coat made of creature fur, she had Sol create them with his healing dome ability since she wanted something stylish.

The group was about to attack first and talk later but a woman in iron armor stopped them before they could attack, "No! Don't attack, they are human just like us!" she told her friends.

The woman had a hunch since she had been in a similar situation before, She was outnumbering Sol like this before but in the end, she was not able to hurt him, before she did not know it was him while this time she had a hunch he might really who she thought he was.

Even though the chance was not that high since they were in the underworld she did not want to make the same mistake twice.

"How can you be sure, we better capture them first just in case," a man in her group said as he conjured hundreds of fireballs that started to rain at Sol and Tea.

"Fuck! How are we supposed to capture someone by bombarding them with fireballs!" she retorted in her heart as she could only watch as the fireballs rain down at Sol and Tea.

Everyone in her group was already a minor demigod, they could conjure hundreds or even thousands of projectiles with their conjuring ability.

"Shit! This is why I hate fire demigods! They are always thinking with their fist!" Sol cursed as he ran his sun ice ability.

He did not conjure a barrier as it would surely be destroyed by the impact of that many fireballs so he used the ability to make the ice fog he had conjured to absorb the heat from the fireballs.

The fogs started to grow thicker as they multiplied with the fireball as the fuel, within a second, the fireball was extinguished while the fog blocked everyone's vision because it was so thick.

The other demigod in their group was about to help the fire demigod as it was clear that they could not stop now since they attack first, but seeing how the fireball was extinguished and how the temperature was dropping with every second, the girl in iron armor became even more sure that she knew the man in a white coat.

"No, don't fight him!" she told the other as she conjured an iron wall to block her other teammates.

She still remembers how the last fire demigod she knew ended up with a crooked arm because of fighting Sol.

But as she feared, the fire demigod did not stop and started to conjure more fire, this time he did not create projectiles but cover himself in fires, he grew bigger as more fire was conjured he became a ten-meter fire golem in a few seconds.

The fire golem had a long arm and bent back just like a gorilla, it swiped both of its arms and sent the ice fog away revealing Sol and Tea once more.

Sol was about to deal with the hot-headed demigod when Tea suddenly went before him, she conjured a fire boomerang and threw the boomerang at the fire golem.

It looks so weak that it would not hurt the fire golem at all, even the fire demigod inside the golem looked down on her, he let the boomerang touch the golem but he was in for a surprise since the boomerang absorbed the fire and become a giant boomerang while leaving him without even his armor.

"What is that?" Sol looked at Tea in amazement, he thought her ability was only an inextinguishable fire but she turns out to have an ace up her sleeves.

Her fire ability could actually lord over other fire and made them her own, as long as she did not fight higher ranking fire demigods then she would always win against any other demigod.

"Should we continue to fight?" She asked with a grin as she finally had the chance to flex her power.

But before he could decline it, the girl in iron armor shouted at them, "Sol, stop! We are on the same side! It's me, Hilda!" she dismissed her iron helmet revealing her face to him.

Sol found the military woman familiar, even though she did not wear her military uniform any longer he could still feel her military aura.

He pulled back his coat's hood to reveal himself to the girl in front of him, "Hello, It seems we always end up in a similar situation huh?" he joked at her as their meeting always started with a fight.

"This is no joke!" she retorted at him before coming closer to him with a hand raised in a handshake, Sol took her hand and returned the gesture.

"You seem to be stronger now," Sol said as she was not anywhere near a minor demigod the last time they met.

"You are the same, you become even stronger than before, I bet you will be able to beat that idiot with ease," she gestured toward the fire demigod that was restrained by his own fire as Tea controlled them to bind him.

"Hahaha, who knows," he did not deny her praise as he knew it was the truth.

"Why don't you introduce me to your friend over there? Is she one of your girls as well?" Hilda asked jokingly.

"Don't joke like that please, she might have misunderstood!" Sol could not help but retort as his past was creeping toward him, his dark past might be known by his new teammates if he let Hilda talk as she pleased.

In the end, Sol introduces Tea to her while she introduces her teammates to him, they end up on friendly terms as they did not really hold a grudge against each other.

"Anyway, what brings you to the underworld? I thought you join, Mars's Pantheon?" he asked her.

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