Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 152: Outnumbered

"Huh?! What reinforcement?" She asked in shock, Tea was always with Sol since they left the city of the dead, she was sure they did not have any reinforcement.

Being outnumbered was big trouble at minor demigod level, each demigod could unleash city-wide ability, they were a walking calamity.

For Sol and Tea to be outnumbered against such an opponent was even worse than fighting dozens of minor Demi-titan since demi titan could only use their body to fight and their body was massive, they would not be able to attack all at once.

Minor demigod was different, their ability basically could be cast as long as they could see or sense their target, to block or dodge all of their attacks was impossible.

The only solution was to spread out their attack but unless Sol could make them hallucinating, they would at most separate their target into two, one was Sol and the other was Tea.

"This reinforcement," Sol grinned as he conjured dozens of giant creatures, each of them has physical ability beyond lesser demi-titan, they were not on the level of minor demi-titan but he did not need them to be that strong.

Sol did not stop conjuring, once he got enough creature, he conjured sun ice armor on each of them, it covered their body, giving them defense on the level of minor demigods.

The bloodhounds halted their steps as they came face to face with creatures Sol had conjured, he conjured more creatures than the chasing demigod, there were thirty demigods while he conjured fifty creatures.

The creature blocked the bloodhounds, they could not even see Sol and Tea as they were behind the creatures.

They warily attack the creatures from afar but the sun ice armor would repair itself with the heat on the air.

Some of them concentrated their attack on one creature, it pierced the armor and made the creature bleed but Sol would not let the creature die, he healed it with the healing dome ability before they could kill his creatures.

"What the fuck? What kind of ability is that? That's basically cheating, you can just overrun a city with this undying army!" Tea commented.

"It's easy for you to talk, but I can't keep this up forever, it drains my power over time," Sol retorted at her.

He did not tell her the truth though, it only drains him when he needs to heal the creature or create a new creature, when they are alive and healed, they are as good as any other creature.

Their only downside was they did not have any soul so Sol could only use them like a puppet, he could command them to attack but they would be like a zombie instead of a creature.

The other downside was he could not make them as strong as a minor demi-titan or grant them the conjuring ability of a demigod so they could only fight their opponent with their subpar physical ability, their physical ability was enough to beat a demigod in close combat but not enough if the demigod could just kill them before then.

That was why Sol conjured the sun ice armor for them, it could repair by itself so it's the best defense equipment that he could give them, it was hard enough to block a minor demigod's attacks.

The creatures were scrambling toward their target once Sol commanded them to attack the incoming bloodhounds but the demigod did not let them do as they please.

The bloodhound conjured a sea of blood and bones that slowed the creatures to a crawl, Sol could also sense his sun ice armors were being corroded by the blood sea, luckily it was not potent enough to beat the armors regenerating ability.

"Well they bound to fight back," Sol thought to himself as he started to conjure again.

Sol did not use the healing dome or the sun ice ability this time, he used the knife aura ability to buff his creatures.

When he became a minor demigod, he was able to grant the ability to others, while he could do it on those in his range, Sol found a way to overcome this limitation.

He conjured thin strings of sun ice ability and connected them to the creature's armor, he let the conjured aura flow through the strings.

With his current speed of conjuring the aura, he could support the fifty creatures as their healer and supply them with protection and buff, this conjuring the aura continuously would drain him, he could still hold on for hours before he ran out of power.

"Hahaha, I did not expect that this technique actually works, with this I don't need to fear minor demigods!" he thought to himself.

Beating a major demigod with the creature he conjured was anything but possible as they would be killed the instant they were conjured if he were to fight a major demigod, the higher ranking demigod was of another magnitude of strength.

They were not immortal for nothing, if not for they lack a domain, then they could be called a God already, it was said that a major demigod could sink an island with a fraction of their power.

The creatures started to move faster and faster even when they were being hindered by the sea of blood and bones.

The demigods did not stop their attack but none of them was able to kill any creature as Sol would heal them before they could be killed.

"Sol, remind me to not piss you off," Tea said in amazement of his strength.

Sol did not respond as he channeled his power to the sun ice armor's he made them absorb as much heat as possible that it froze the sea of blood.

The moment it was frozen, the creatures destroyed them and ran unhindered at the fleeing bloodhounds, they reached the bloodhounds in seconds.

They did try to fight back and to be honest their physical ability was beyond what was possible for normal minor demigods, if Sol were to judge then their physical ability would be as strong as his creatures but with his aura on the creatures, they massacre the demigods with their superior number and speed.

Three of the bloodhounds were about to escape the creature who was busy turning their friends into a meat paste but Sol intervened.

He conjured a wall of sun ice to block them, it gave the creatures enough time to catch up with them and finished them too.

Once they got into melee, the fight was finished in five minutes, the number advantage was so big that the bloodhound could not last.

"Luckily the city lord was not among them," Sol thought to himself.

Even though he knew he was strong compared to other minor demigods, he was not confident in beating a major demigod.

If he got hours worth of knife aura maybe he would have a chance but without it, he would not risk fighting the immortal demigod.

"Sol, that was amazing, with that ability you might be able to help us win the war if we join the other!" Tea said excitedly.

"No, Tea. We are not joining the war, as I said before I can't sustain this in the long run and even though I can last long enough for the entire war, it would not change the result, there will be dozens if not hundreds of major demigod in the war, there will also gods on the fight! They would just kill me if they knew I can conjure an army!" Sol declined firmly.

Tea stayed silent as she could not refute him, what he said was true but deep down she still wanted to help the other.

"Listen to me Tea, The only way we can help them is by eliminating the purpose of the war, if we open the gate of the underworld then Atlas would not have any reason to continue the war," he told her once more.

"I know," She replied.

"Then let's continue our journey, we still have a long way to go," he told the girl.

Sol checked the bracelet on his arm and he found the number was back on one hundred, it seems killing the demigod with the help of his conjured creature was still counted as his kill.

"hmm... what should I do with them?" he looked at the creatures he conjured.

The last time he conjured creatures was in the trial ground but at that time he did not need to bother about them since they disappeared into nothingness once the mini-world.

Now that he was left with fifty giant creature puppets, Sol did not know what would be the best way to use them.

"I can take back the knife aura and feed them to Nai, as for the creature I will just let them stay here by themself," he thought to himself as it would not be his problem if the creatures were to go on a rampage in the underworld.

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