Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 145: Punishment

"Atlas? What is he doing here in the trial ground? I thought only those at a lesser demigod level could be here," Sol thought in confusion.

The man in front of him was busy carrying the crystal mountain on its back, it seems the crystal mountain was heavier than it actually looked.

Sol could sense the Titan's power was beyond anything he ever met, the only one to come close was Jupiter, even though he was sure the one he saw was not the major God's main body.

Just as he was about to turn around, he heard a familiar voice behind him, "Sol, you are finally here! I have been waiting for you."

He looked to the corner and found Tyx's familiar face, she looked at him with a smile as if she never left him behind.

He grunts at her, "What are you doing here? What is this place?" he asked the girl.

"This is the real trial building, and this is our trial," she said to him with a smile.

"What real trial? You did not tell me about this, are you hiding something?" he looked suspiciously at her.

"There was no use in telling you, we would still need to pass the tunnel to get here and it's not like telling you will help," she replied with a shrug.

"Fuck! This girl is unbearable, can I just kill her once or twice?" he cursed in his heart but he tried to appear calm about it.

"What about this trial? What is this trial supposed to be?" he asked the girl.

"I suppose you already know that the giant over there is Atlas, the titan of endurance, as you know, Atlas was imprisoned by Jupiter and punished to carry the sky on top of his shoulder for eternity." She started to explain.

"This trial is a replica of Atlas's punishment, you will need to stand beside the giant and let it pass the crystal mountain on top of your shoulder and you will need to carry everything to finish this trial," She explained.

"Carry this mountain of crystal? That's impossible, we would not be able to do that, this trial is impossible!" Sol complained.

"This trial is hard but doable, while the giant passes the mountain to you, it will teach you how to endure the weight, even if you fail the technique you learn from it will be worth more than any reward," She explained.

"Then how about you? Have you tried it?" Sol asked the girl in suspicion.

"I tried but failed miserably, I don't have an exceptional physical ability after all," she told him.

"How about the golden gauntlet? It did not help?" He asked her again.

"We could not use any external help in this trial, even if I use it I don't think I would be able to succeed," she replied.

Sol smells something not quite right about this trial but he could not exactly pint out what is wrong with it.

"If you are ready, you can directly go there and try it yourself," she hurried him to do the trial.

"hmm... let me rest first, I will need to be on my best," he said to the girl before he took his seat beside her.

After half an hour of thinking, he did not seem to find anything that could go wrong so he decided to do the trial anyway.

Sol walked to the giant's side to start the trial, the moment he got there, the giant looked at him as if it was real.

It has a frown on its face but it's moved anyway to raise the crystal mountain off from its back and pass it to the smaller man beside it.

It was like a father giving something to his son as Sol was not even as tall as its waist, the giant did not directly let go of the mountain but let it go little by little so Sol could adapt to its weight.

As Tyx had told him, it showed him how to endure the weight, somehow it guided power in his body to flow slower and efficiently so it would not go to waste.

"I'm just starting but it already lets me make my body two times as efficient!" Sol got surprised.

If the increase just increased his efficiency to three times the initial efficiency then his trip there through danger would be worth it.

He could feel sweat running down his back as the giant started to pass more and more of the crystal mountain to him.

"Shit, how much more is there?" he wondered as he already had dozens of tons on top of his shoulder.

He started running the healing dome on his body so his muscle would not break from the strain and he would be able to last longer.

"At least the gain is worth it," he grumbled as he could feel his efficiency reach more than five-time his initial efficiency.

With this, he expected to be able to use all his ability for a longer period of time, he would be able to use the limit-break ability for five hours instead of one.

"Should I continue?" he thought as he was almost reaching his limit.

In the end, he decided to push his limit, if he could increase his energy efficiency further then it will be all worth the pain.

Two hours passed as Sol kept pushing his limit further and further, his gain was decreasing overtime but he still did not stop.

"I think this is my limit, I should stop," he thought as he was about to push the weight back to the giant, but to his surprise, he could not push it back.

Rather than taking the mountain back, the giant passed everything to him that it made his body crack in pain.

"Ugh..." he grunted as he pushed his healing dome to the limit so his body won't break from the sudden increase of weight.

"HAHAHAHA!!! I'm finally free!!!" the giant that he thought was a replica shout in celebration.

"After millennia trapped in this damnable place, I am finally free!!! Just you wait Jupiter! I will get back to you once I regain my power and break the seal you put on me!" he started to talk alone.

Sol could only look wide-eyed at the titan, "He is real?!" he was shocked.

Before he could get his mind straight, a familiar voice sounded, "As promised, I help you out of your seal, now will you help us get out of the underworld?" Tyx asked the Titan.

"Of course, I'm a man of my word and I would also need to leave this place if I want to settle the score with Jupiter," the Titan grinned as he stretched his body that was sore from holding the mountain all this time.

"Thank you o great Atlas," she thanked the titan.

"Now let's leave this damnable place, I'm tired of this place," he said as he walked toward the tunnel.

Tyx was about to go after him when Sol gathered his every strength to stop her, "TYX!!! You slut!!! Let me out of here! Don't leave me here!" he said in frustration.

She looked back at him and smiled at his face, "This is what you get for pissing me off, you will be trapped here forever, and don't think about letting go of that crystal mountain, if you let go then this trial ground would collapse and you will die with it," She told him.

"Fuck you!!! Just you wait! The next time we meet you will be begging me to let you go!" he cursed at her.

She only laughed at him then went after the titan of endurance, Sol could only see her back as she left there to rot.

"Damn it! I should have known that this is a trap! She would Have kept trying if the trial was really as good as she says," he lamented for his stupidity.

He was left there with Nai who would not leave his side, well it was mostly because she was his armament and was tied to him.

"Damn what should I do?" He wondered for a solution, at this rate, he would run out of energy in a few hours, when that happened, he would either be flattened under the crystal or die from the mini-world collapsing.

To survive, he would need to pass the weight to someone else but sadly, there was nobody there, in a day everyone else would leave the trial ground and another batch would only come in ten years.

Sol was in desperation, if he didn't leave in a day then he would need to wait for ten years in there and that was if he could hold the mountain for that long.

Telling Nai to hold the mountain was also impossible, she was not suited to hold such a heavy object and she would not be able to learn how to endure the weight from Sol as Sol could not teach her as Atlas taught him.

"Fuck! Am I going to die here?" he was desperate.

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