Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 144: Titan

"Shit, it's a minor Demi-titan!" Sol cursed as he got back into his feet.

He was virtually invulnerable against lesser demigods or lesser demi-titan as his healing dome could make his body unbreakable, but against a minor Demititan, his ability was not effective, damage from minor demi-titans were resistant to healing.

"Tyx uses that thing, we don't have time for hesitation!" Sol shouted at his companion.

Tyx was displeased by his order but she agreed with him, there is no time for hesitation or nitpick on each other.

She pulls out a golden gauntlet, and directly wears it, suddenly she flashes in a golden halo illuminating the surrounding tunnel and revealing the Demi-titan.

It was a giant bear-like creature, it seemed to be blinded by the sudden light and got stunned for a bit.

Tyx did not waste the opening and directly dash toward it, she was even faster than Sol at his top speed, with a single swing she used the gauntlet to punch the giant bear in the face.

A booming sound explodes as the gauntlet gives her physical power on par with minor demi-titan in exchange for sealing her other ability while she wears it.

The punch connected to the bear's face, it created such a loud sound but the punch did not send it flying, it did not even move from its initial spot, the punch only turned its head to the side for a bit.

It opened its eyes and they could see the anger in them, it made both Sol and Tyx shudder in fear as they could feel their breath stopped when it opened its eyes.

Tyx has yet to distance herself from the giant bear before it swatted her away with its paw, it sent her flying through the tunnel until she crashed to a wall, it created such a big crater as she got stuck deep in it.

"Shit! This is bad!" Sol cursed as he darted away from the giant bear, he ran further into the tunnel as he conjured knife aura as fast as he could.

Nai was faster than him and went forward first as she knew Sol would overlap her once he accumulated more knife aura than she could.

Sol could hear a booming sound from Tyx being repeatedly sent crashing into the wall as she tried to run from the giant bear.

"What the fuck is that thing? It's even stronger than any minor Demi-titan we ever met!" he lamented as he tried to get away from the giant bear.

Just as he started to get closer to Nai, a golden light flash by him as Tyx was also running from the giant bear and she had stopped trying to fight the seemingly unbeatable bear.

Sol got alarmed as he was the closest target for the Demi-titan to attack, he could feel death looming closer from behind.

He did not even need to look back to know that he was about to be hit by the giant bear, he gave up on accumulating even more knife aura and directly activated his limit-break ability.

Purple lightning and ice fog started to appear on his body as his speed suddenly increased, with the increased speed he somehow dodged the giant bear's paw.

Although he somehow dodged the attack but the giant bear's attack generated a shock wave that hit him on the back and it sent him stumbling forward it made him bleed from his eyes and ears.

Sol also wanted to cough blood but he held it down and borrowed the momentum of the shock wave to propel him forward.

"Fuck! If that hits me then I'm done for!" he cursed as he continued to run.

His body was regenerating as the purple lightning was purging his body from the titan's ability that was stopping his regeneration but it was still slowing down his regeneration to a crawl.

Sol was contemplating if he should just advance the healing dome to the minor demigod level but he ended up against it as he did not think it would be enough to beat the demi-titan.

He had seen how Tyx was unable to hurt it even though she was a strong as minor demi-titan as well, so there was little chance that he would be able to beat the moment he advanced.

Just a few seconds later he felt another danger coming, he could not even get a second of rest as he would need to block the incoming attack.

Sol turned back as he crossed both hands to block an incoming paw attack from the giant bear, the moment he turned, it almost hit him.

It sent him flying once more as he could feel his bones cracked from the attack, he could not feel his arms.

He crashed into a wall in a crater but he did not stop to nurse his injury and continue to run, he tried to pull himself out of the crater with his hands but he found both were broken so badly that they don't even look like a hand.

He gritted his teeth as he got up with a bit of difficulty and continued to run down the tunnel, "is this the end," he thought as he continued to run away.

Another second passed and he could feel another danger already coming at him, "Fuck It," he cursed as used his barely healed hand to throw an icebox back at the incoming paw.

Sol did not wait to see what happened as he continued to run, after a few minutes of running without receiving any other attack, he was finally able to breathe easy.

"Luckily I have that thing with me," he thought back at the box he threw at the demi-titan.

It was the box he used to keep the holy grail, it might be empty but it still has the ability to bewitched people to drink from it.

He bet the giant bear was standing there in a daze as it was trying to drink from the grail to no avail as it was empty.

Sol did not stop running as there was a chance that it would get out of its daze and continue after him as he did.

he continued to run for the next hour until he met Nai who was fighting a group of lesser Demi-titan by itself.

He used his momentum and crashed on most of them with his body, it did not take long for Nai to finish them off.

"Nai, protect me for a few hours," he requested as he sat down and got out of the limit break mode.

The weakness hit him badly as he had pushed his limit in the last fight, it would be bad if he was weakened without anyone protecting him.

Luckily the knife spirit was not that far away and he got to it in time for its protection.

Sol rested for half an hour before he recovered enough to talk. He looked at the knife spirit and asked, "Where is Tyx? You did not meet her?"

"She ran past me a few minutes after we started running," she explained.

"Ugh... that girl really is an asshole," he mumbled in annoyance.

It took him another two hours before he recovered to his top condition and another thirty-minute to feed the knife spirit as it had used a lot of power to run and fight after they separated.

They continue to follow the tunnel as they would meet the giant bear again if they turn back, Sol doesn't have another holy grail to save his life this time.

They walk and walk for who knows how long as they lost track of time after the first few hours, the only other thing they did was killing lesser demi-titan from now and then.

"Sol, there is an opening in from of us!" the newborn spirit pointed as the tunnel connected to an open space like a giant cave.

Once they reached the cave, they found there were glowing crystals on top of the cave. It glows blue and illuminates the cave. At the center of the cave was a temple-like building.

The blue crystal was like a reversed mountain and its peak just happened to pierce through the temple's ceiling.

"Is this our destination?" he wondered as he walked closer to the temple.

He walked into the temple to find it actually quite similar to the temple of Minerva that he visited in his city.

The only difference was rather than a throne room, at the center of the building was a giant who was holding a blue crystal mountain on top of its shoulder.

Sol's eyes grew big as he could sense unfathomable power from the giant, he had missed it before as most of that power was being used to hold the crystal mountain on top of its back.

Once he saw him, he felt a familiar sense of knowing the giant before him as he did with Volcan and Jupiter.

He looked at the giant in front of him with wide eyes, "Titan of endurance, Atlas!!!" he recognized the giant in front of him.

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