Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 140: Sins

"Are you kidding me? Bunch of criminals being punished by Gods into the underworld are anything but innocent!" Tyx replied with a retort.

They ignored her insulting remark as they themselves don't think innocent was the right word to describe them.

"Other than how many sins you have, physical strength also plays a vital part in this trial, if you are stronger than your sins, then you can finish the trail," she explained.

"Anyway let's go, we don't have much time, if things go as planned we will need to leave in six day," Tyx hurried them toward the next trail building.

It took them an hour to reach the trial building, when they got there, there were already thirty men in the trial building.

Most of them were already in the trial's circle, five people were stuck at the first ring, the majority was in the second ring and only two people reached  the third ring.

To their surprise, there was someone on the fifth ring, he was crawling toward the altar  at a very slow pace, he seemed to be in huge strain but if he continued forward with his current speed then he might get to the end of the trial.

"We should hurry! He is about to finish the trial!" Harry pointed out.

"Don't rush, this is a marathon try of trial not something you can speed run," Tyx tried to stop him.

"Won't he reach the altar first if we let him be?" Tom asked the girl in confusion.

"He already expended almost all of his strength, at this rate he will stop before he could pass the sixth ring," she pointed out as the man flopped down on the floor.

"So, what is our plan? Everyone going or we try one by one?" Sol asked them.

"I'm not going," Jennie said before anyone else could talk, she knew herself best and it did not take long for her to understand that she got no chance to clear the trial.

"how about the other?" he looked at them

"I would like to try," Tom said.

"Anyone who participate should just go together, we don't have enough time, if we fail then we can just go to our next destination," Txy decided for the

"Fine we will go all at once," They agreed to her suggestion.

Sol and the other move toward the first ring, they prepare their heart and body to go through the trial.

Harry conjured his lightning armor and turned into a giant like he usually did in melee fight, it would boost his physical attribute so he might take more burden.

Sol himself was still supplying his knife with his knife aura so he could not accumulate any for this trial.

"I should be able to manage, as far as I know, I don't commit that much of a sin," Sol thought to himself.

"Worse comes to worse, I cant use limit break to brute force my way to the altar," he thought as limit break enhanced his physical ability over those of a Minor Demigod rank.

"Let's see what this trial is about," he thought as he walked through the first ring.

Images flash through his head, it was his younger day when he had his first love, then a lot of beautiful girls that he ever seen before, even Tanya and Nerodia were there.

Suddenly a heavy weight pushed him on his shoulder, his steps halted for a second before he continued to walk forward.

It was like carrying a person on his shoulder, Sol felt that the weight was not only heavy on his body but also in his mind.

"The first ring is the ring of lust huh? Even just wanting someone could be considered lust? Isn't this trial a bit too over the top?" he complained as he tried to conserve as much energy as he could while walking to the next ring.

As Txy had said, this trial is not a race but a marathon, Sol would be foolish if he tried to run through the ring only to end up out of steam before reaching his goal.

He looked at his friends as they walked with the same speed as he was, "It seems no one in our team is lustful," he thought.

It took him three minute to reach the next ring, even though the distance was not far, he was walking really slow so he could prepare himself.

The moment he passed the second ring, another set of images flash through his mind, it was images of himself, everytime he accomplished something or won something.

Heavy burden suddenly fall upon his shoulder, it was like someone put an elephan on his shoulder, "Fuck! This ring is a ring of pride! Why would a sense of accomplishment be included in pride? Isn't this trial being too petty?" he thought.

Sol's movement was slow because he was reserving his energy but now he turns even slower, this time not because he conserved his energy but because it was hard for him to move faster.

"This is ridiculous! The more someone accomplishes in his life, the better someone is, the heavier this ring becomes!" he complained.

Harry was also slowed by the ring, Txy have it the worst, she was halted once she stepped into the second ring.

To their surprise, Tom was having an easy time in the second ring, he could walk as usual under the ring's pressure.

"How did he pass through so easily?" Sol wondered as he tried his best to move to the next ring.

Tom reached the third ring even faster than people who were already in the ring when they got there, but the moment he passed through the third ring, he got slammed to the ground, something very heavy suddenly pressed him to the ground, unable to move.

"What the fuck? What is the third ring? Why does it seem so bad?" Sol wondred.

He could only wonder as he struggled to get past the second area, it took him five minute to get to the third ring.

Sol took a deep breath before he walked through the ring, to his surprise, the weight increase was not that big, the image that flashes through his mind was when he overslept or delayed something.

"Ring of sloth huh? Tom must have overslept a lot for him to be stopped in an instant," he mused.

"this rings if vicious, human have their weakness and strength, this rings tried to pinpoint that weakness and stop anyone who have a weakness in certain area, if someone like beautiful girl the they will be stopped in first ring, if someone like competition then they will stop at second, if they like to laze around then they will stop at the third," he analyzed.

"What is left is wrath, envy, greed, and gluttony. I should be able to pass them if they increase only as much as the second ring," he thought.

It took Sol fifteen minute to get to the fourth ring, the weingth he felt was getting heavier by the time because he kept running out of energy.

"I should rest for a bit," he thought as he stopped before going through the fourth ring.

Just as he rested, Harry finally passed through the third ring, he didn't get slammed like the iron demigod, he could hardly feel an increase in weight on his shoulder.

"Alright, enough rest," Sol thought as he passed through the fourth ring.

The moment he passes through the ring, another set of images pass through his head, he barely feels any increase as well from it.

"Huh? This is envy? Is this an error? Why did it not burden me?" Sol wondered as he continued his way.

Actually there was an increase in weight but it was negligible compared to the weight he gained on the second trial.

It took him another twenty minutes before he could get to the fifth ring, this time he decided not to rest and continue his trial.

But to his surprise, a heavy burden even beyond the second ring slammed into his shoulder, it pushed him down to his knee, he felt like there was a mountain on his shoulder.

Images of him getting angry at his students and when he gets angry for any reason flashed in his mind.

"Fuck! How can slight anger be considered as a sin? This trial is a bit too nonsensical!" he protested.

Sol knew the moment the images pass through his head that this trial is the trial of Wrath.

Considering he had been punished into the underworld for killing people out of rage, the ring of wrath was supposed to be his hardest and biggest trial.

He wanted to curse but the angrier he got from the trial, the heavier his burden became, it kept increasing every time he cursed or got angry.

"I guess I'm out of options, should I use limit-break now?" wondered as he tried to pick himself up from kneeling position but failed horribly.

Sol fall on his face and cursed, "Fuck!" it ends up pushing him deeper to the floor.

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