Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 139: Holy Grail

Seeing the grail in front of him, Sol walked up the altar to take a look, "What is that? I could feel something special from it but I don't know what it is!" he wondered.

The closer he was to it, the stranger it felt, it was like something was calling for him to take the grail and drink from it.

He walked there like he was possessed, nothing else mattered to him but the grail, he would do anything to drink from it, there was nothing more that he wanted that could make him change his mind.

The grail was made of gold, it shines in the building like it has some kind of holy aura, if anyone saw it then they would know it was precious.

Sol slowly raised his hand toward the grail, his eyes were blank and he seemed soulless, his teammates also noticed that they started to shout for him to stop.

"Sol! What are you doing! Sol!" they shouted but he could not hear them.

"He is possessed! We need to stop him, I have a bad feeling about this!" Jennie shouted.

"If that is what I think that is then we should stop him before he drinks it," Txy said seriously.

"What is that?" Tom looked at her in question.

Sol was walking slowly, they tried to block him by conjuring something from the outside but the trial building blocked any outside interference.

"We need to get in!" Harry said.

"No! Don't get in or you will end up like him!" Txy stopped the man.

"The trial building blocks any power from the inside and outside in two-way protection, if not for it then we would have ended up as he is," she explained.

"What is that? Tell us!" Tom repeated himself.

"Have you ever heard of the holy grail? There are three holy grails, one belongs to Jupiter, another one belongs to the mortal realm, and the last one is rumored to be in the underworld," she continued.

"Holy Grail? The one that can grant eternal youth and sustenance? Isn't that a good thing?" Harry asked.

"That one is the second holy grail that is in the mortal realm, this one is different, it's not filled with water of life nor wine of god, It contains dew of reincarnation!" she frantically explained.

"Water of life grants immortality, wine of god grants you godhood, and the dew of reincarnation grants you a second chance in life that's why it's in the underworld," she explained.

"If Sol drinks from that grail then he would not get immortality nor get reborn, he would die because the gate of the underworld is closed, his soul will be destroyed when it tries to reincarnate!" she continued in panic.

"How can we stop him?" Jennie got worried as well.

"We can't, if we get in then we will end up dying with him!" Tyx said.

Sol was soullessly standing there with the grail in his hand, he raised it to his mouth, right when he was about to drink from it, a certain dark memory about grails appeared in his head.

The image of him dripping his blood in a grail and Miya drinking from it and she ends up getting pregnant because of it.

"No!!! Fuck I'm not drinking from this pregnancy grail!! He screamed as he threw the grail up in the air.

He summoned his knife and slashed at the grail in his burst of emotion, the dew got spilled on the knife before evaporating into nothing.

The other got shocked by his sudden scream, they saw him spill the water dew with their own eyes.

"What the fuck? Did he just call it pregnancy grail?" Harry muttered.

"Maybe he has some trauma with grails, it saves him from dying tho," Tom said.

"Thank God he didn't drink it," Jennie was relieved.

On the other hand, Tyx had her heart bleeding from seeing the dew got wasted, every people in the underworld wanted a second chance in life, if they could open the gate of the underworld than they could use it to get back to the mortal realm, but Sol just wasted the dew.

"That asshole! Can't he just put that grail down? Why would he spill it?" she lamented.

Sol looked stunned as he realized what just happened, "what happens to me? Did that grail just bewitch me?" he thought in shock.

He raised his hand toward the grail and conjured an icebox, he kept it inside layer upon layer of ice that it could not be seen from the outside.

"That thing is dangerous, I better keep it sealed," thought in horror.

Just as he was about to get back toward his teammates, he felt something tugging on his consciousness, a vague impression got into his mind.

He looked at his knife in bewilderment, he could sense the same feeling he got from the seeds in his mini-world but this one was closer, it went directly into his mind as the armament was part of him.

He needed a few seconds of processing before he understood what the impression was, his knife somehow grew some semblance of sentience.

It was trying to communicate with him but it was too vague, if he needed to translate it then he would say it wanted something to eat.

"What do knives eat anyway? It doesn't even have a mouth," he wondered as he tried to conjure an ice block.

He raised the knife before using it to hack at the sun ice block, as he cut through the ice block, he received another attempt of communication from the knife.

"Huh? Does it want more? Should I get faster?" he thought as he conjured more ice blocks.

The other looked at him with confusion as he hacked madly at a dozen ice blocks, "What happened to him, is the grail still controlling him?" Jennie asked in confusion.

"I don't think so, He probably just being his usual self and do something idiotic," Harry shrugs at her.

The knife appetite seems to be unending, Sol ends up conjuring a wall of ice to be his target and the knife aura to increase his speed further.

To his surprise, before he could use it to cut the ice wall, his knife aura was devoured by the knife.

"What the fuck? What just happened?" he got shocked.

Another impression came from the knife, 'more... more...' it said, he could not believe it.

"Did my knife really become alive? Sentient armament?" he wondered.

Sol conjured more and more knife aura and sent them to his knife, it kept getting devoured by the knife once it touched the knife.

He didn't know how much knife aura the knife wanted but it would be big trouble if he was in the middle of a battle and it kept devouring the aura.

"Hey, how much more do you want?" he tried to communicate with it but he only got one simple answer, 'more.'

"Ugh... this greedy knife never changes, it was greedy before and now it certainly is greedy," he lamented.

With nothing else to do but feed the knife, he went out of the trial building with a frozen grail in his hand.

"Hi, did you guys wait for long?" he greeted the other who was waiting for him.

Everyone else was wary of him, they were afraid that he would attack them as he did with the ice block.

"Are you alright Sol? No more mind control? No more desire to crush some heart or hack some ice block?" Harry asked him directly.

"Fuck! What do you think of me? I didn't do that for fun, I really needed to do that," he said to pacify his teammates.

But him still holding his knife so he could feed it with knife aura made the other nervous, "If he didn't plan to attack us then why would he be holding his knife?" the thought.

"Alright, that's enough chit chat, we have wasted a lot of time here, let's go to the next trial," Txy said.

She actually planned to scold him because he took too long in the trial but he did clear the trial and get the holy grail, she could not help but be pleased with it.

"Where are we going next?" Sol asked her.

"We continue the way we went before, in an hour we will find another trial building, it's called the trial of Sin," she explained.

"This trial could be done by a lot of people at once, we would need to get to the center of the altar to finish the trial,"

"That simple?" Tom got confused.

"Of course not, there are seven rings around the altar, each ring represents one of the seven deadly sins, your body will get heavier each time you pass a ring and it would be proportional to the sin you have committed," she explained.

"Most people could not pass three rings while in the city lord's note, it says that only those with the purest heart could pass the trial." She told them

"And you think any of us could have a pure heart?" they looked at her in doubt.

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