Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 131: City Lord

Being surrounded by sinister emerald crystals from every direction, Sol and the other could not help but be desperate.

"Fuck! I need to drink this!" Sol told himself, being killed by the city lord guaranteed that he would die, but drinking the Styx water might not kill him.

Sol was kind of a special case, he became a demigod by his own means and he has the healing dome ability, it might be able to help him survive the water from the river of the dead, Styx.

Being under pressure from the major demigod, Sol tried his best to reach for the cup of Styx water, his movement was slow in his mind but it was actually faster than normal.

If he was too slow, the city lord might kill the three of them already, time was of the essence, it was painful for Sol to reach out for the cup as he could feel death was creeping toward him.

When Sol finally was about to drink the water that could turn living beings to ashes, suddenly the pressure on his shoulder was lifted, the threat of death was no more but Sol could not move his hand even an inch.

The major demigod appeared beside him and stopped him from drinking the water, Sol did not know what to think about it.

"You don't need to suicide, young man, I don't plan to kill you just yet," he said with a smile but Sol could feel his hairs were standing on ends from his word.

"What do you mean? I was about to drink, this is not suicide," Sol tried to bluff his way to find out how much the city lord knew about them.

"Don't bluff me, child, it's a hundred-year too early for you to trick me," he caught him red handed.

"Let me just tell you the truth, so you know how bad your situation is," the demigod turned around with his hand on his back.

Once he got to his own seat, he conjured a familiar bracelet in front of Sol and the other two, "DO you know what this thing is?" He asked.

Sol and the others were shocked, they thought it would self-destruct if the owner died, so the only explanation was someone backstab them and tell the people in the underworld about the plan.

Before Sol and the other could react to the question, the city lord continued talking, "Let me answer for you, this bracelet is a life counter for people who come from the mortal realm, isn't it?" he said with a grin.

"Fuck," the three of them cursed in their heart, they got a headache from hearing the city lord.

"Almost every city lord in the underworld already knows about you people so don't think about running away," he warned them.

"Are you going to stop us?" Jennie asked the city lord, if a bunch of major demigods and possibly gods try to stop them then they would not be able to do anything.

"We will not stop you, on the other hand, we would encourage you to open the gate of the underworld, only some of us think otherwise," The major demigod assures them.

"Why is that? What is in it for you? I thought you people of the underworld hate us?" Jennie continued to ask the man.

"There are two factions in the underworld, one is under the God of death and underworld himself, the other one are those who want to return to the mortal realm," he started to explain.

"The God of the underworld stop anyone who wants to come here, he would do anything to stop you guys, but luckily the one who knows about your plans is our faction, if we wanted to go the mortal realm, some of us speculated that the gate needs to be open," he said.

"Then are you going to help us?" Harry asked in hope but he was bound to be disappointed.

"No we can't, if we help then the other faction would notice, our best chance is by hoping that one of you could open the gate," he answered.

"At best we could increase your chance by helping you become stronger, but we could not help you directly, as you know we depend on the Styx water while you don't, you will need to find your own way," he added.

"So how are you going to get us stronger?" Sol asked the man.

"In a few days, there will be an ownerless mini-world opening, you can get resources in it to get stronger, it is some kind of trial ground built long ago," he explained again.

Sol felt that this trial ground is somewhat familiar that he heard about it, "Is this the same mini-world as the one old man Tobi told me about?" he wondered.

"How can we be sure that this mini-world is not a trap you set for us?" Harry looked suspiciously at the city lord.

The city lord laughed at his question, "Do you really think I need to use a trap to kill the three of you?" he asked.

"Even if your other friend helps you, I can still beat you single-handedly," he said as he conjured a giant spear of emerald to show his point, Sola and the other could feel death from the green spear.

"Ehem..." Sol cleared his throat to change the topic as the city lord dismissed the spear, "I seemed to have heard about this trial ground from the old man in the inn we stay in, I wonder if this mini-world you say is the same mini-world he told me about?"

"Tobi? Yes, exactly that mini-world, Tobi, Me, and the owner of Blackmarket were friends, we went to that mini-world in the past, so I think it is the same mini-world," He said.

"The old man told me that he wanted me to bring someone in there and protect that person in exchange for stopping you from killing us," Sol tells the city lord.

That startled the city lord for a bit before he got his composure back, "he is sending her there? Don't tell me he going to take that person's offer?" the city lord mumbled to himself.

"Ehem... if you are going to send us there then, we would need to refuse, the risk is too great for us," Sol pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Don't be afraid, I will give you a map so you can dodge the dangerous area and creature, you can also get the most benefit from it," the city lord assures him.

"As for the person that old man is going to send with you, I will need to talk with him about it," The city lord told them.

"Anyway, with our intention known by each other, let's continue our dinner, the food about to get cold," he said, then he clapped his hand twice calling a maid over.

She comes in with three cups of wine for Sol and the other, once she gives them the drink, she takes back the cup of Styx water with her.

"You can drink now, it is safe for you," The city lord said as he continued his dinner.

Sol and the other two were wary but they joined the man to eat in the end as they did not want to offend the man, who knew when this man would suddenly put another knife on their throat.

Once they finished dinner, Sol, Jennie, and Harry went to find Tea and Tom outside the city, they told them what happened in the city lord's mansion.

"What do you think? Should we just run away?" Jennie looked at Tea in question.

"I think we can believe him, if he wanted to kill us then he would have all the chance in the world to do so," Sol said to their leader.

"Hmm... then should we receive his offer?" Tea asked back at them, the one who would be betting their life was Sol and the other, they had the last say whether they were going or not.

"I think we should go. If what the city lord was true then the benefit is way more than the risk, there would be no other chance to get such a bargain," Tom voiced his opinion.

"I agree with Tom, as long as we could evade any strong creature then we would have benefited a lot by going there," Harry agreed with Tom.

"Me too, I think this is the best chance for us," Jennie concurred with them.

They looked at Sol for his decision, Sol did not know if he should go, if the mini-world really has no owner then he would like to take the chance too, but if there was an owner then the risk was too big.

"How can I make sure that the mini-world is owner-less?" He thought to himself, as the other was waiting for his answer.

"Let's talk with the old man first, he might be able to tell us more about this mini-world," He postponed the decision.

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