Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 109: Plan

Harvesting a big profit on his trip to the mine, Sol felt a bit better, he believe that he would gain a great deal of strength if he uses the crystal in the right way.

If he could get to be a Minor Demigod before he went to the underworld, then his chance of survival would be way greater than if he went as a lesser demigod.

Even though the average level of creature there was higher than the mortal realm, a lesser demigod was still the norm, if he had become a minor demigod then he will be able to beat the majority of creatures there.

Before he went back to the mountain, Sol visited the teleportation gate site, there were five gates there, one to the neighboring city that he had visited, and the four others were a gate to other cities.

Sol did not know the detail but those cities were a friendly city to his city before the pantheon of red smelter forbids anyone from passing the gate.

Since no one living in the city and he did not know it the people from the other side of the gate would be friendly with him, Sol froze the gate into an ice block.

It would not block others from passing through the gate but it would let him know if anyone comes through the gate.

All five gates were frozen, Sol did not make an exception, even though the neighboring city were friendly, it did not mean it will always be friendly.

A sudden change in the leadership like the one with the flaming bird and him killing every demigod in his city might happen anytime, so being cautious was wise of him.

"Should I set some trap?" he thought, but Sol soon crossed it out since not everyone coming there means they were hostile, they could be friendly.

Although the possibility of the people coming would be scavengers who want to loot the crystal mine were quite high, Sol was not willing to hurt a possible friendly people.

"This should be enough, if I know they are coming then it would not be too much of a problem," He thought.

After checking he did not miss anything, Sol went to his old house to see if he could take anything with him.

The place was covered in snow and dust, there was nothing of value there, only some sentimental items like photo books, and souvenirs.

Sol looked at the photo book of his old class that he had taught, he did not know how many of them were still alive but he could spot some of them who died in the mountain when the upheaval happened.

"Memories..." he muttered, his class was one of the few things he missed from the old world.

Sol get home with a bag full of crystal and a book full of memories, both had a high value for him but for a different reason.

This time Sol ride a snow car since he could take one with him, it was the best snow car that The pantheon of red smelter had, it's quite sturdy and fast since they made it from armaments material.

When he reached the house, Sol could not find Nerodia anywhere since she decided to avoid him, if she wants to then he would never find her.

Sol knew that he needs to tell her about him going to the underworld, if she heard it later or from anyone else then he would earn her wrath.

He also needs her help to prepare for his journey to the underworld, she should be able to provide him with plenty of advice and a way to get stronger.

Moreover only she could tell him how to advance to be a Minor Demigod, he would not be able to do so without her guide since he has no knowledge of it.

Sol checked the mini-world but she was not there, if she was there then he could use his authority to locate her but no such luck.

Left with no other way, Sol used his limit break ability to create a fog of ice, it covers the entire mountain peak.

He soon pinpoints her location and went toward her, she seems to notice him and tried to get away but Sol was faster.

He got to her in a minute but he was greeted by her magical eyes, since he was in a limit break state, Sol could not conjure anything to conceal himself from her eye.

His body movement becomes as slow as snail but he could still move, it seemed that the purple lightning helps him resist the magical eyes.

Nerodia was about to leave him when he mustered all his power to say, "We. Need. To. Talk."

She seemed to be shocked that he could move but she recovered soon, "Why? Don't you like to do things your way?" she said in annoyance.

"Underworld. Punishment." Sol hurriedly tries to convey what he tried to say since Nerodia about to disappear again.

It got the snake woman attention, she looked back at him and he suddenly could move freely, "What are you saying? What punishment? What it got to do with the underworld?" she asked.

"Minerva told me that I will be sent to the underworld to help them open the gate to the underworld, it is going to be my punishment and I could not run from it or Vulcan would send people to kill me," Sol explained what he was told by the Goddess of wisdom.

The girl's face turned pale from his explanation, she thought they were done for, in her mind, his chance of survival, if he went to the underworld, was zero.

"Should I kill you before the creature there could kill you?" She said as she morphs into a giant blue snake, her eyes shine in a dangerous way.

Sol could feel his hairs stand on end as she looked down on him, "No wait, we still have a month before they send me to the underworld, we might have a chance."

His word made her paused and thought a bit, after some times, the giant snake morph back into the beautiful blue-haired girl she was.

"Fine, we might be able to fix this, but you should not make any more trouble, if you want to do something then you will need to consult me first," she told him with a glare as she took his hand and drag him back to the house.

Sol spend some time explaining what happens to the girls and it made them worried but they could not do anything to change the situation.

They made a plan to better prepare Sol's journey, the first plan is for him to stay in the mini-world so he would have more time.

One day in their world was equal to two days in the mini-world, possibly more if Nerodia could strengthen her power over the mini-world.

The second was to invite as much Demigod to their pantheon so Sol could get some power from the feedback.

"We should use these crystals to create as much demigod as possible," Sol said as he shows his harvest.

With a blink of an eye, Sol suddenly lost the bag, Nerodia had taken it from his hand and keep it, "I will take care of how we use this, I can't let you waste these crucial resources." She said.

Sol's mouth could not help but spasm as he tried to keep his expression neutral, "Fuck, it turns out my luck is never good," he lamented.

"Don't be like that, with these crystals, I could hasten the time difference between the mini-world and the outside world from one by two to at least one by three," she said.

"You could use it to bring yourself closer to be a Minor Demigod, even though your progress would not be as fast as if you use the crystals on yourself, as long as you could survive in the underworld for a few months then I could assure you that the investment would be worth it," she explained.

The Seed in the mini-world already multiplied and some of the crystal in there also gave birth to Seeds, at this rate, within a year, the mini-world would be populated by the Seed.

"It was out of my expectation but the first seed already shows the sign of turning into a nymph, if we could use it as a sample that we could get quite a bit of Demigod within a year in the mini-world" Nerodia informed him.

"To become a minor Demigod, you would need to get insights about your ability and core, it would be quite hard, but there is a shortcut, you could gain the insight of people in your pantheon as their strength add to yours."

"Our best bet is for us to make the mini-world grow as much as possible rather than spend all the crystal in you, we should spend it in the mini world!" she said.

"Fuck? Could I really survive until then?" Sol cursed in his heart but he keeps it to himself.

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