Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 108: Harvest

Minerva finished explaining everything Sol need to know regarding his punishment, she did not tell him more than he needs to know.

She told him that he would need to get to the temple in one month so she could send him to the underworld, if he was late or did not come to the temple then Vulcan would send his people to kill him and she could not intervene.

He could bring anything he needs to the underworld as long as he could carry it on his body, and he could not bring anyone else with him.

If he could bring other then he was planning to ask Nerodia to accompany him, she might refuse at first but he would be able to convince her to come as her life was tied to his life, it would do her no good to let him went alone to the underworld and died along with him without able to guard her life.

"I bet she would beat me up again," Sol lamented his fate, it was his own fault that he offends Vulcan, he should have kept his cool.

"What's done is done, there is no use in crying over a spilled milk," He told himself, there is no use in regret, he better use his time to prepare than to lament his fate.

Sol looked at the Goddess and about said his farewell, "Thank you for your help, I will be going now if there is nothing else."

"Don't be hasty, You are forgetting your consultation fee" She stops him dead in his track.

Sol thought he get away from paying the Goddess since she starts talking without demanding anything first but it turns out she already planning to charge him without telling him beforehand.

"Ugh... fine," he reluctantly gave the ant queen body to the Goddess, it would help him a lot in preparing his impending journey to the underworld but the Goddess did not pity him and still take her due.

Sol leaves the temple with more problem that he comes in with, of course, his pocket was also one demi-titan lighter.

"Even when I become stronger I'm still so poor, maybe I should charge others for knowledge as well," he thought to himself.

"That's for later, now let's see if I can dig some treasure," he thought while he strode toward the crystal mine outside the city.

It had been moth since he went to the mine, it was only the second time he went there, the change was apparent as there was a small fortress outside the mine and it was well defended if not for the lack of personnel.

Since everyone left the city, the mine also got abandoned, the prospect of being a slave was a big deterrent for those greedy for the wealth inside the mine.

Normal people know that they could not keep the mine, there was a frequent raid at the mine from creatures who want the mine for themselves, there was no way for them to beat those creatures as they always being led by Demigods.

They would only seek their own demise to possess wealth without the power to keep it, if Sol were in their shoes then he would also abandon the mine for a better life in another city.

There were a lot of abandoned cities since the upheaval, it either because everyone was killed by creatures of there is not enough resource nearby, those who survive always seek somewhere better to live in.

It was given that a city without a demigod to be abandoned, they would not survive a creature raids without a demigod of their own.

Sol had thought they would stay as he was there and he could protect them but his reputation scare them more, rather than a protector, they see him as a threat.

Since there was no one in the fortress and the mine, Sol could just walk in without anyone stopping him.

Well no one would be able to stop him if there were people left, he had killed every demigod in the city and those below demigod possess very little mean to harm him.

Rather than went directly into the mine, Sol search the fortress for already mined crystal, there were bound to be a lot of crystal kept there.

When he reaches a place similar to a treasury, Sol was shocked to find them empty, there was not a single crystal in it.

"Fuck those people took everything with them!" Sol realized his error, they took every wealth they could get to have a better start in their new life.

Sol could not get angry at those people as the crystal was not his, he was similar to them, he wants to take those ownerless crystals.

"Is there really nothing?" he thought, people from the pantheon of red smelter would not keep everything in one place, higher-quality crystal should have been better kept and hidden.

"Should I use my power to scan every inch of the fortress?" Sol thought.

He did not have Nerodia sensing ability but he had his own way, when he uses the limit break, his body would produce ice fog that fills the surrounding environment.

With the Fog, he could have a clear understanding of his surroundings and no hidden room could escape his notice.

In the end, he decides to try his luck, there is no harm in checking for a hidden room, a most he would be a little tired once he finished.

He would also need to use it in the mine if he wants anything good, he did not bring Nerodia with him so he would need to depend on himself to find higher-grade crystals.

Once he enters the limit break, purple lightning and ice fog started to appear from his body, and the fog fills everywhere.

Sol was surprised but happy about his finding, he could sense a hole in his sense, it was too big to be a wall or furniture so it most probably was a hidden room.

He hurriedly went to the place that he senses the hidden room, it was a normal looking corridor which didn't have any unique feature on the surface.

There must be a secret way to get in the hidden room but Sol was not keen to find out how it should be open, he used his fist to smash the wall, it got wrecked into pieces revealing an empty room with a single safebox in it.

"There it is, Jackpot!" Sol cheered in his head.

The high-grade crystal was saved in the room and only those in the rank of demigod know how to get in the room, so no one could find it when they escape the city.

Sol directly went to the box and try to open it, to the pantheon honor, it was way stronger than the room, sol could not break it with his bare hand, as expected of the people under the God of blacksmith.

He grabbed his knife from his side and use it to break the safebox, it did not take long for the knife to be sharp enough to pierce the box.

Inside the safebox was dozen of dark purple crystals and six black crystals, it was less than what Nerodia get the first time she went to the mine but knowing that most of them already been used to create demigods, the mine actually yield quite a lot of high-grade crystal.

Sol grinned in happiness, "finally something good after a bad day, maybe my luck finally changed," he thought.

Once he made sure that he did not miss anything from the fortress, Sol went don't to the mine, he did not go out of the limit break mode so the ice fog starts to fill the mine.

It becomes so big compared to the last time he was there, thousands of workers mined there every single day made it become a giant mine.

It took a few minutes for the ice fog to fill every corner of the mine, on the surface area there almost no more crystal to be mined.

"it seems that this mine almost got depleted," he thought, the resource in the mine was limited, there was only so much they could get from it.

In the last two months, the people in the city had work day and night to mine there and leaving Sol with almost nothing.

Luckily the deepest part of the mine still hasn't been touched, there was plenty of red and dark red crystal in there.

Sol went directly to the deepest part of the mine and use his knife to mine the crystal, it did not take long for him to harvest every single crystal.

He was digging out a dark red crystal when he picked up a black crystal in his sense, he hurriedly digs it out, to his surprise, there was a lot of this black crystal there.

"Lucky! Lady luck hasn't abandoned me!" he thought as he hurriedly digs every single one of them.

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