Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 103: Limit Break

With a burst of speed, Sol activates the limit-break ability which generates purple lightning and frost all around his body.

It was the first time he used the ability after he became a demigod, it made his physical ability to reach an unimaginable height.

It's even comparable to the giant ant queen, with his regular-sized body, that much strength was way beyond anyone's expectation of a demigod.

Anyone who was not ignorant about Demigod would know that their power was in their conjuring ability that against science, they could create this with special effect and ability.

Even though their physical ability was above normal Heir, it would not go too far off, the ones with such overwhelming physical ability were the Titans.

In sense, with Limit-break ability, Sol could rival a demi-titan in a contest of physical ability, with such a power, Sol reached the fight outside of the city within seconds.

He used the pre-conjured knife to attack the unprepared dual-wielding demigod but he could barely block it with his armament.

It pushed the demigod back but it also destroyed his knife in the process, Sol tried to conjure another ice knife but his conjuring ability won't respond so he ends up summoning his knife armament to continue his fight.

Even though the ice fog was covering everywhere, Sol could still see without problem as it was part of his power, but the other Demigod was in trouble as they could not see well in the fog.

With one step, Sol cross through the distance between him and the dual-wielding demigod, He was about to swing his knife on the Demigod's throat, but the demigod conjured a barrier of fire around him to stop his attack.

Without the sun ice ability, Sol could not counter the fire ability but he did not stop his movement and kept attacking without fear of getting burned.

Sol's ice armor barely held and protect him from getting burned while his knife cut through the barrier.

When he passed through the barrier, the demigod was ready to block his knife, even though he could not see Sol, he could pinpoint his attacking direction from the barrier fluctuation.

The attack was blocked but the impact still sent the Demigod flying back to crash against a building near the temples.

"Atone to you Sin, you bastard! You shall pay for what you did with your life!" Sol shouts in rage.

The demigod did not reply but run toward the temple as if he was running for his life, well he really did because Sol was not planing to spare the Demigod at all.

Sol could sense the other Demigod from the pantheon of red smelter was also running toward the temple to regroup, he could not let that as it would make it hard for him to beat them once they regroup and pool their strength.

He decides to pick on the retreating Demigods, it was pretty much stuff from a horror movie where the survivor got killed one by one by a ghost.

Sol used the fog to hide his presence and attack the Demigods when they least expect it, it would be silence under the fog and then a purple light flash as screams could be heard.

Every time a purple light flash there would be screams, at first the interval between each light was long but it keeps getting shorter as Sol getting less hesitation in killing them.

At first, Sol would push his victim down with his knife on their throat, "Why did you do that to the poor girl?" He asked like a judge asking a criminal of their crime.

To his surprise, rather than asking for forgiveness, the man laughed at his question, "Why do you care? If the fate of the weak!" the man said in mad laughter.

Sol's face turned dark as he says, "Then this is your fate for being weak!" as he plunged his knife forward into the man's throat.

He asked the next few men the same question but their answer was not much different than the first man's answer, in the end, Sol gave up on questioning them.

Sol was hoping that they were forced to follow their leader's command for some reason but it turns out that each one of them was degenerate and was not worth saving.

The other Demigod would only see a flash of light before a man encased in ice and purple lightning come close.

The last thing they would see was their headless body falling to the ground as they lost all sense below the neck.

For a demigod, it would take hours before they die even though their head were separated from their bodies.

Normally they could use their conjuring ability to move and reattach their head to their body, but to their horror, the purple lightning left by Sol's knife made them unable to use their powers, so they could only see themselves dying in horror.

Sol was a bit conflicted about killing all those people but remembering what a garbage type of people they were, he justifies what he did as delivering punishment for them.

"Tsk... Death is too easy on them" Sol grumble while he went after the dual-wielding demigod, he did not know that the Demigods were currently under the torture of watching themselves slowly dying without able to do anything.

Even if the demigod were hiding, Sol would still be able to find him as the man was running in the fog of ice which was part of Sol's ability.

In the fog, Sol's preception ability was even better than Nerodia, nothing could escape his observation unless they went out of it.

He sensed his target had entered into a temple-like building near the Temple of Vulcan, which he identified as the pantheon building.

Without waiting further, Sol channel all his strength into his knife trying to cut down the pantheon door.

The knife was red from all the blood on it when Sol put his all in the attack, purple lightning starts to concentrate on the blade and evaporate every drop of blood on it into nothingness as it connects to the door.

If Nerodia was there, she would have told him a dozen reasons why he should not do what he did, to attack a pantheon building belong to one of the sub-pantheon of a major God was equal to declaring war with the God.

She would have stopped him at all cost even though she needs to break all his bone to do so she would without any hesitation.

Sol was clueless as he could be as he was too lost in rage to care about consequences, all he wanted was to kill the Demigod and get justice.

The knife stopped halfway through the door as it was made from some sort of metal which Sol guess was some kind of defensive armament.

He did not think much of it as he attacks for the second time, he did not even look at both fire torches beside the door that had turned from red to gold color.

If others were there they could have understood that it was a bad sign but Sol was not in his right mind to pick up the clue.

The ice fog evaporate into nothingness when they got into the building but Sol did not mind it as he was confident to beat the Demigod even without the help of a smokescreen.

He gets right inside the building to be greeted by the Demigod and a dozen giant cannon aiming at him from all over the building.

"Welcome, and farewell!" The demigod said then laughed maniacally.

He sent all his power to the cannons which shoot giant fire projectiles that moved as fast as lightning toward Sol.

Sol was not able to dodge the projectiles but he cut them down with his knife which made them explode all around him.

To the Demigod's surprise, Sol was still standing here even though he was naked and only his knife was left on his burned body.

He was badly burned but the wound was healing at a very rapid pace the burned part heal like time was turned back.

Sol was not using the healing dome ability as his conjuring ability was sealed while he uses the limit break, it was his physical ability that was enhanced by the limit break that heals him.

"Well, I agree with you, this is farewell," Sol said maliciously as he flashes forward in purple lightning and appeared behind the Demigod abut to behead the Demigod.

The knife was only a few millimeters away from the man's neck when a flaming hand appeared and caught it dead on its track.

When Sol looked in front of him, there was a three-meter tall man grabbing Sol's knife in his arm, he looked down on Sol like he was looking at a bug.

Sol could not help but shudder in front of the man's overwhelming presence, "Vulcan!!!" his mind screamed as he knew the man's name even without the man introducing himself.

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