Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 102: Rescue

Without Nerodia's help, Rescuing everyone became way more complicated than he wants it to be, taking over the city become almost impossible as well.

Sol was not planning to kill anyone and without Nerodia's help it would be very hard to capture and immobilize a dozen demigod would be a pipe dream, at least if he did not want to put his life in danger.

He could not abandon Tanya in the city as he did not know what might happen to her, she had help Blacky run away and it would anger the pantheon of red smelter, without doubt, there was no way she would get away with a warning.

In the end, Sol went with Blacky the next day so the hell hound could get some rest before another fight.

Outside the city at first light in the morning, the guards were alarmed by a giant fire dog being ridden by a white-cloaked person running toward the city.

It did not take long for a dozen men in armors of fire and metal to come out of the city once they sense the power both of them were exuding.

Both of them did not block or suppress their presence but boost it to attract the Demigods out to fight them directly.

If their enemy were only the fire type Demigod, then both of them could handle them somehow, but the pantheon had learned from their leader experience that some power would counter this ability so they develop another branch of power which was metal.

The metal ty Demigod still aligns with their Temple and origin but had a vastly different property than fire, both Blacky's and Sol's ability could not neutralize their ability.

"You have come to your dead Sol Vestitor! Now I will get my revenge!" a man in fire armor shout at them.

His arm was strangely bent backward rather than bent forward like normal arm, and on both of his arm were two long swords which looked like it was made from molten lava.

Without waiting for his reply, the dual-wielding man rushed forward with a burst of fire that propels him forward like a rocket, the other demigods follow behind him toward the man and dog couple.

Being mobbed by a dozen demigods would be bad for anyone so, the man jumps off from the dog and both of them run in a different direction.

To their surprise, the dual-wielding Demigod commands the other to do after the dog and he went for the man alone.

The hellhound tried its best to be no save distance so it could dodge most attack coming its way and kept moving so the metal demigods would not get the chance to conjure anything on its wound, that way it would not be in the same predicament it was.

On the other hand, the dual wielding Demigod used its lava swords to clash with the man's ice knife which made it melt a bit as they clash.

The ice was trying its best to absorb the sword heat but it would not grow cold as it was a special piece of armament equipment that the Demigod had a craft to beat Sol.

His ability was best used to make and craft armament so given the time to prepare, the demigod made the perfect weapon to counter sun ice ability.

It keeps the heat inside the lava-like material without letting it out through the air, it also designs to break through barriers in case Sol used the same trick to trap him again.

But to his surprise, he could not hit the white robbed man, he was way faster than the dual-wielding demigod could keep up with.

Every time he attacks it would be dodged, the man did not seem to try to counter attack as he keeps going back and block any attack he could not fully dodge.

The Demigod starting to be frustrated and push more and more of his power to the swords to make it hotter.

His fighting style was strange as his hand was backward and it makes his arm movement drastically different than a normal man.

But as time went on, his opponent seems to get used to his strange fighting sty and could keep up with him better.

Instead of counter-attacking him, the man leads him around to crash to the other demigod formation who was about gang up on the fire dog.

it interrupts their momentum and forces them to back away which was always on time to save the hellhound from certain defeat.

With the help, Blacky could keep itself from being overwhelmed by their number, even though it looked miserable it would just run around a bit to heal up before fight them again.

The Demigods were confused as they had come running there to fight but once their enemy comes the pair only run around in circles.

Suddenly the air grew colder and the earth started to shake as the ice grew everywhere, the snow all around starts to become an ice crystal.

"You won't get the chance to do what you're planing to do!" the dual-wielding demigod put his all in his lava swords and suddenly flash forward to cut Sol and it pierced the unprepared man in the chest.

His cloak burned to crisp revealing a half-melted body of the knife soul who had disguised as Sol, it gave the man a blank look and then it grinned at the demigod before its ice body gets destroyed into pieces by the lava sword.

Before the Demigod could get the hang of what was happening, a fog of ice rose from the ground cover everything in ice fog, and a figure flash toward him from the city direction with speed faster than lightning.

He was barely able to cross his swords to block it before getting pushed back for a dozen meters before he stops himself with a burst of fire.

It as Sol who gets there in rage for what he found in the city, it started half an hour ago when both knife soul and Blacky come to attract the demigod's attention, he was sneaking into the city through the sewer.

He disguises himself in a hat and glasses so people would not recognize him when he got to the city he had found it unfamiliar, the usual people who would go around and do their daily life was not there, it was like a city from a war-stricken country, the people were missing from the street.

Only one or two people could be seen running around at a fast pace toward the north, Sol runs toward them and told them to stop.

After some asking, he found out that the people were sent to the mine to mine any material that could be used to craft armaments.

They could not get away from the city as the gate was under the control of the pantheon of red smelter, they could not even leave even if they want.

When he asked about the heirs, they told him that most of them had joined the pantheon to survive while the ones who wouldn't join them were imprisoned in the temple.

Sol went to the prison to find it being guarded by dozens of heir which was not much problem for him, he just went toward them and they already surround him without expecting he was a Demigod.

In a blink of an eye, he conjured an ice prison to imprison the prison guard in, they did not try to get out as they knew that they could not beat a Demigod.

When he gets to the prison, the heirs were wary of him but when they found out it was Sol they started to have hope.

"Please save us! Get us out of here" they asked him.

Sol told them there was no one guarding the city and the gate, when he looked for Tanya, Sol could not find her among them.

After some interrogation, Sol found out from the guards that Tanya was imprisoned somewhere else for she had free Blacky.

He found her in some kind of stable, She was lying down on the corner of the stable, with dirt and blood all over her body, she clearly had been tortured by the Demigods.

Her clothes were in tatter and he could see signs of abuse, He hurried over to find her eyes were open but she was not responding no matter what he did, here eyes were blank.

He tried to heal her to find out that she was missing a few fingers and her tongue was missing, they cut it off and burned the wound so it would not heal.

Sol used his healing dome at full power to heal her wounds but she still won't respond, her condition was so bad that he could not help but shudder in anger.

He conjured an ice gown on her body to cover them and start to walk out toward where The demigods were.

His anger peaked and Ice started to form around him, "If I don't kill you, bastards, today then I not Sol Vestitor!" he swear as ice armor and knife being conjured.

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