Chapter 61: Leon Ace Attorney!
"That is well said, Mr Hammer. The committee would now like to invite Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes to the chamber."
Senator Stern happily said taking a jab at stark.
"Rhodey? What?"
Leon watched as Rhodey walked in, and Tony is flabbergasted getting up to greet him.
"Hey, buddy. I didn't expect to see you here."
"Look, it's me, I'm here. Deal with it. Let's move on."
"I just…"
"Drop it, Tony none of us like it but he was probably sent here against his will."
Leon said giving Rhodey an out.
"Sorry we were never formally introduced Mr. Uzumaki, my name is James Rhodes."
Rhodey says giving him a handshake.
"All right, I'll drop it."
Tony pouts and gives up.
"I have before me a complete report on the Iron Man weapon, complied by Colonel Rhodes. And, Colonel, for the record, can you please read page 57, paragraph four?"
"You're requesting that I read specific selections from my report, Senator?"
"Yes, sir."
"It was my understanding that I was going to be testifying in a much more comprehensive and detailed manner."
"I understand. A lot of things have changed today. So if you could just read…"
"You do understand that reading a single paragraph out of context does not reflect the summary of my final…"
"Just read it, Colonel. I do. Thank you."
"Very well. "As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests." I did, however, go on to summarise that the benefits of Iron Man far outweigh three liabilities and that it would be in our interest…"
"That's enough Colonel
"…to fold Mr Stark…"
"That's enough"
"…into the existing chain of command, Senator."
"I'm not a joiner, but I'll consider Secretary of Defence, if you ask nice."
Laughs come from the courtroom crowd.
"We can amend the hours a little bit."
"I'd like to go on and show, if I may, the imagery that's connected to your report."
"I believe it is somewhat premature to reveal these images to the general public at this time."
"With all due respect, Colonel, I understand. And if you could just narrate those for us, we'd be very grateful. Let's have the images."
"Intelligence suggests that the devices seen in these photos are, in fact, attempts at making manned copies of Mr Stark's suit. This has been corroborated by our allies and local intelligence on the ground…"
Leon watched as Tony wad doing something with his device to hijack the screens
"… indicating that these suits are quite possibly, at this moment, operational."
Tony cuts into Rhodey's speech.
"Hold on a second buddy. Let me see something here..."
Tony sets up his device to connect with all the screens showing the videos of countries trying to duplicate his suit.
"Boy, I'm good. I commandeered your screens. I need them. Time for a little transparency. Now, let's see what's really going on."
"What is he doing?"
Stern shouts trying to understand what Stark is doing.
"If you will direct your attention to said screens, I believe that's North Korea.
It's a video of a large mechanical suit that falls after its third step and clearly doesn't work very well at all, as it fires its machine gun over the place, killing the cameraman.
"Can you turn that off? Take it off."
Justin Hammer stands up and heads to the screens.
This suit can fly. For all of five seconds before crashing, judging by the smoke, probably on fire. Justin is by the screen, trying to find the off switch.
"No grave threat here. Is that Justin Hammer? How did Hammer get in the game?"
It's a video of Justin Hammer. With a suit. Again that really doesn't work.
"Justin, you're on TV. Focus up."
Justin on video says.
"Okay, give me a left twist. Left's good. Turn to the right. Oh, shit. Oh, shit."
Justin Curses as the top part of the suit, did a 180, breaking the operators back. Just as not-TV Justin finds the plug and unplugs the screen.
"Wow. Yeah, I'd say most countries, five, ten years away. Hammer Industries, twenty."
"I'd like to point out that that test pilot survived."
Justin comments.
As Leon watched Tony take over the screens to display the failed attempts at replicating his suit, he couldn't help but snort.
"It appears that the sole reason for our gathering, gentlemen, is the US military's displeasure with Mr. Stark's decision to keep his innovation exclusive. I fail to understand the complaints. Mr. Stark, could you display the cost of one of these suits, even an obsolete model?"
Tony, with a raised eyebrow and a clear sense of amusement, complied with the request. The audience was visibly shocked by the cost of a single Iron Man suit, which surpassed that of an aircraft carrier.
$14 billion.
"As you can observe, gentlemen, the desperation to acquire this armor seems unfounded. The sheer cost alone would likely bankrupt the US should it attempt to produce even a couple. Considering the current economic climate, I highly doubt the citizens would welcome increased taxes just to fund the latest in armor technology."
The murmurs of agreement indicated his point was well received.
"Moreover, as long as Mr. Stark continues to assist the military and law enforcement with threats beyond their capabilities, I see no justification for the misappropriation of his designs."
"Stark is a reckless youth and a hazard! He should not possess such a dangerous asset!"
Senator Stern, the orchestrator of this charade, exclaimed.
"However, have you pondered why Mr. Stark bothers to assist at all? What does he gain from aiding those who could never afford, much less recognize, his products? He lacks no fame; his face is universally known. He has no need for wealth if he can afford to craft a new suit with upgrades. Nor does he require accolades from the military, as he is not a member. So, what does Mr. Stark truly gain from his continued support?"
Leon inquired directly.
The group behind them paused, collectively processing his statement. Leon raised a valid question: What did Tony gain from being a hero besides aiding others?
Tony wasn't in it for the money, and given the expense report for even an outdated suit, it wasn't a cheap endeavor. Fame was not his pursuit, and he certainly hadn't reverted to his playboy billionaire lifestyle since his experiences in Afghanistan and the kidnapping that followed.
"I think we're done is the point that he's making. I don't think there's any reason…"
Stern tries to save face but is once again interrupted by Tony
"The point is, you're welcome, I guess"
"For what?"
"Because I'm your nuclear deterrent. It's working. We're safe. America is secure. Do you want my property? You can't have it. But I did you a big favor."
Tony stands up and turns around to face the crowd.
"I've successfully privatized world peace."
Both his hands make peace signs and everyone stands up, all talking at once.
"What more do you want? For now! I tried to play ball with these ass-clowns."
Finally, Senator Stern loses his cool and starts cursing at Tony.
"Fuck you, Mr Stark! Fuck you, buddy. We're adjourned. We're adjourned for today."
Tony donned sunglasses, while Rhodey remained seated, mirroring Pepper's earlier expression of fatigue over Tony's nonchalant attitude towards serious matters. Meanwhile, Leon was doubled over, struggling to stifle his laughter.
Tony declared.
"You've been a delight."
Stern remarked sarcastically.
Leon reveled in the amusement his day job provided. The fact that Stark compensated him handsomely to mock these fools was just icing on the cake.
The hearing concluded with a predictable victory for Stark, and Leon was greeted by Stark's mischievously triumphant grin.
"That was entirely too much fun."
Tony confessed to his accomplice.
"I concur. It ought to be criminal to so easily outmaneuver such fools"
Leon responded his smirk now fully evident.
"Fancy a free beer?"
Tony offered.
"I would, but I'm eager to witness S.H.I.E.L.D.'s reaction upon realizing they can't duplicate the weapon's energy sources I sold them. The look on that cyclops' face when he figures out they're facing the same dilemma as General Ross will be priceless."
"The prospect is tempting, but why the sudden interest in arms dealing?"
Tony inquired, his tone shifting from mirthful to grave.
"Tony, brace yourself—I lead a global secret assassination organization. Selling weapons comes with the territory."
Name: Leon Uzumaki/Leon Petrov
Kekkei Genkai: Uzumaki, Wood Release, Dust Release, Lava Release
Elemental Affinity: Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Lighting, Yang
Chakra level: Sage of Six Paths
Chakra Control: Rank EX
Taijutsu: Power Rank S, Technique Rank S
Shurikenjutsu: Rank A
Kenjutsu: Rank A
Fuinjutsu: Rank S
Genjutsu: Rank C
Ninjutsu: Rank S
+Naruto Ashura mode, Sage of Six Paths, Rank A
+Yamato, Jonin, Rank A
+Onoki, Kage, Rank S Ninja
+Harold Finch, Rank S Mechanical Engineering and Rank S Computer Science
Divinity: 18%